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Everything posted by HuntHarder

  1. HuntHarder

    Monday Check in

    Eggs $5.40 this week. Feel like I got roofied last weekend. Tri- tip $2.98, great poverty red meat. High reps, medium weight has me feeling weak, but endurance going up each week. Lowest reps 10x but trying to stay in the 12 range on each set.
  2. HuntHarder

    Pop up camper

    He rotated "one" picture, quit trying to stir shoot up
  3. HuntHarder

    Opinions on Rifles?

    You can still use them in the general hunt. Looks like they are just trying to keep muzzleloader seasons as primitive as they can, with today's tech.
  4. HuntHarder

    Opinions on Rifles?

    Anyone hear that NM approved banning scopes on muzzleloaders? Great step in the right direction, hopefully Arizona does as well.
  5. HuntHarder

    Monday Check in

    I feel ya on the eggs. I almost puked this Saturday when I saw 6.50$. Brisket was 3.48 /lb. Grabbed a 14lber for this weekend
  6. HuntHarder

    Colters 2022 Elk Hunt

    Nice job! looks like an easy blood trail to follow. Good on you for helping out a buddies boy on his first Bull.
  7. HuntHarder


    Great info, hopefully save a bunch of guys from doing another firearms class. Can someone remind me of the benefits of having a concealed weapons permit in this state? IIRC it was ability to carry in national parks, bars ( so long as you are not drinking) and bypassing the call in to NICS?
  8. HuntHarder

    Statewide Coues Tag

    Nice guess, but no.. def. 4B
  9. HuntHarder

    Swarovski 12x50 ELs $2000.00 Firm

    You'd get washed out.
  10. HuntHarder

    AT&T or Verizon - which is better for hunting

    Nah, my cox is still faster, but not by much.
  11. HuntHarder

    AT&T or Verizon - which is better for hunting

    That's great speeds, thanks for posting them. I recently switched to cox because century link stinks. Cox is good, but overly expensive imo.
  12. HuntHarder

    AT&T or Verizon - which is better for hunting

    Do an Internet speed test and please let me know your speeds. I recently started looking into Verizon internet, but am curious on speeds
  13. HuntHarder

    11m Bull tag last effort

    I am feeling some last day success. Terrible weather today, hopefully the elk are on the move tomorrow. Good luck
  14. HuntHarder

    Duwane Adams ?

    Looks like its official. 5 years revoked by azgfd. Rumor mill still going about another violation this January. By most accounts a great guide and stand up person. Crazy that he was busted for baiting multiple deer. I wonder what drove him to tarnish his reputation like this?
  15. HuntHarder


    Complete losers. Sure wish their was some "justice" dished out at the scales.
  16. HuntHarder

    Recommendations for Lodging around 3B?

    Tenting it sucks on late season hunts... wish I could help, but don't know the area. I know some guys rent trailers on here.
  17. We weren't camped too far from the lake, maybe 6-7 miles west of it. Elk were still bugling pretty good at night too. Good time to get out with the kiddos.
  18. HuntHarder

    AT&T or Verizon - which is better for hunting

    As crappy and Expensive as Verizon is, EVERYONE I know who has switched, has regretted it.
  19. HuntHarder

    Any AZ Pronghorn success 2022?

    Maybe a hybrid?
  20. They were EVERYWHERE this weekend in unit 8. dang dog would disappear chasing them up trees.
  21. HuntHarder

    Any AZ Pronghorn success 2022?

    They shot a bull on an antelope hunt?
  22. Those are more fun, but almost more stressful for me. Love to see kids knock down critters.
  23. HuntHarder

    Moose unit 36 colorado

    The size of those things is absolutely amazing. When I walked up on mine this year I was blown away at the size of the quarters. Hope your buddy gets a jumbo!
  24. HuntHarder

    Stupid hunter

    Lmfao. Trigger happy on meth!
  25. HuntHarder

    Stupid hunter

    I mean, honestly, if I am wolf hunting and that thing comes to a call, im 🔨'n it. I might not cape it out and post online after I walk up on it tho.