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Everything posted by HuntHarder

  1. HuntHarder

    Monday Check in

    I have taken it really easy on my legs since about Middle of Oct. I finally got my knee surgery done a couple weeks ago and am really looking forward to crushing some legs again. Feb. 1 I should be able to get full workouts in and am going to get back to hitting it hard.
  2. HuntHarder


    With all these Northern storms we have been seeing, I decided to check out our snow pack. So far it looks promising. A little localized, but atleast it's good levels. Let's hope it keeps up and some of our lakes fill up. I would imagine Powell should get a pretty good bump too considering most of the area north of it is above 150% of typical snow pack at this time. https://www.wcc.nrcs.usda.gov/ftpref/data/water/wcs/gis/maps/west_swepctnormal_update.pdf Hope I am reading that right. If anyone has another resource, please post it up.
  3. HuntHarder


    Looking damnn good after these last few days.
  4. HuntHarder

    Hawaii Axis Deer

    SMH... Comparing Texas Axis to Hawaii Axis. 80% of the reason to go on out of state hunts is for the Experience.
  5. HuntHarder


    Guide requirements suck. You should be able to sign a waiver or have rescue insurance if that's what they are really worried about. Me thinks it's more of a way to keep guide industry propped up in those states
  6. HuntHarder


    Any examples you know of? Not that I don't suspect they could trim some fat, just curious if you have some insight we do not.
  7. HuntHarder


    Nice work! One of my favorite hunts of the year.
  8. HuntHarder


    If that is non-res prices, I am good with it. You SHOULD have to pay a premium to hunt out of state. If those are resident prices, that sucks. I do think AGFD is severely underfunded and also there is a lot of pork that could be trimmed to help them with their budget. Recruiting quality Game managers is tough with the salary they make and the schooling required. We could easily use double the fish cops we have right now and you still would rarely get checked in the field.
  9. HuntHarder

    Outdoorsman Carbon Tripod

    100$ an ounce for weight savings over their original.
  10. HuntHarder

    Mobile tint

    Anyone have a recommendation on a mobile tint outfit? I need to get my pickup re-done. Northwest valley if that matters. Thanks
  11. HuntHarder

    Raymond Ranch

    Def. What happened. I feel so bamboozled. Live and learn. I wasn't gonna shoot another, but may have to make another trip after eating that meat.
  12. HuntHarder

    If you were looking for a 300" bull...

    Yup, 10 points going into this year. Thought I had a decent chance at my tag. SMH
  13. HuntHarder

    Raymond Ranch

    Not even sniffing max.. lol 18 for me. The good thing about the Raymond is I am in no real hurry to draw it. I have been pretty good at filling up the freezer over the years and this Moose from 2022 should last a good while. Donated a bunch of it to the locals because they really talked me into. After eating my first pack of burger I immediately knew I F'd up. Moose meat is now my favorite wild game. The subsistance lifestyle they live and seeing their poverty in those small villages messed up my thinking process.
  14. HuntHarder

    Raymond Ranch

    That's the shoot I am after too. I have no desire to sit in a blind for hours on end and dealing with the shitshow that is up north. Bison mounts look like cattle to me, so just a euro if it's a bull, but more than happy with some cow meat.
  15. HuntHarder

    Impact Wrench recommendations?

    Switched to 90% milwaukee at work. Most of their tools have served us well. Mechanics usually have the big one. https://m.northerntool.com/shop/tools/product_200821236_200821236?cm_mmc=Google-pla&utm_source=Google_PLA&utm_medium=Power Tools > Impact Tools %2B Accessories > Impact Wrenches&utm_campaign=Milwaukee&utm_content=98483&gclid=CjwKCAiAk--dBhABEiwAchIwkYKWk_nvQDaFBjNG0Qpjce2Qp2woykOkr3MaiA4FU9xMUfPKJF0aZxoCskEQAvD_BwE&gclsrc=aw.ds Might be overkill for your use. Their 1/2" big rattle gun does well too.
  16. Gotta be something that happened between these two. Casey is like a scorned Jealous ex.
  17. HuntHarder

    Just bought a Traeger and really?

    For extra smoke flavor, try using a pellet tube, in addition to your normal smoke. I refill maybe 3-4 times over 10 hours. https://www.amazon.com/TINMIX-Stainless-Hexagonal-Electric-Charcoal/dp/B08C2N3LWW/ref=asc_df_B08C2N3LWW/?tag=hyprod-20&linkCode=df0&hvadid=507696663523&hvpos=&hvnetw=g&hvrand=7713102371120364654&hvpone=&hvptwo=&hvqmt=&hvdev=m&hvdvcmdl=&hvlocint=&hvlocphy=9029980&hvtargid=pla-951508833986&psc=1
  18. HuntHarder

    Just bought a Traeger and really?

    203 is the # for me. Usually 10-14 hours depending on the Piece of Pork.
  19. HuntHarder

    What retailers have OC tags?

    Game and Fish Dept?
  20. HuntHarder

    Javelina hunting in unit 25m

    My storm drain spot got ruined when they got rid of archery within a 1/4 mile of residences. Shame, because baiting was legal then too. Used to get em plump with dog food and 🎃
  21. Yup. Couple guys seem like a bromance went sour or something.
  22. HuntHarder

    Javelina hunting in unit 25m

    Thanks. I'll avoid it, def. no javelina there.
  23. HuntHarder

    Opinions on Rifles?

    Slippery slope argument is so tiresome... Cellular trail cams, arrows with trackers in them, bows that are shot with air @over 450' a second, Mler's using smokeless powder, drones, night vision, thermal vision, the list goes on. So much new tech that was either regulated or needs to be. Crazy that some guys can not see a need for some type of regulation as Technology continues advancing forward.
  24. HuntHarder

    Sig Trailside .22 by Hammerli

    Thank God. This was a hard one to pass up. I started adding up all my .22's last night and decided against it. Awesome firearm tho.
  25. HuntHarder


    That guy, you remember? Him?