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Everything posted by HuntHarder

  1. HuntHarder

    Monday Check in

    I bet trphyhntr has been putting in some serious work @ country thunder.. Hopefully your cardio is paying off!
  2. HuntHarder

    Is this a set?

    I would say no as well. Post a picture of both pedicles facing the camera, this is how I would determine if I have a set in question. As mentioned above, they "should," but not always, be fairly close in size.
  3. HuntHarder

    Heading to Abaco Island

    I am heading there for a week in May, and wanted to pick anyone's brain that has fly fished for bonefish. I have never fly fished before, but am going to take it up on this trip. I plan on buying an inexpensive take down fly rod and learning before I go. I am curious on what line I should be looking at and what lures I should pick up before I go down there? Thanks for any input
  4. HuntHarder


    Why write a 1 page paragraph about 1 member? Amanda has engineered this button called IGNORE. Use it if you can not stand someone on this site. It is that easy!
  5. HuntHarder

    25-06 ???? Best all around bullet

    I would go bergers. I have seen them devastate elk. I have never had a bad experience with one, so I guess I am partial to them.
  6. HuntHarder

    Shawn Wagner wins appeal

    JCUBED- I think it is pretty clear that we agree that game and fish botched the investigation, but that facts of the case still remain a constant. He committed a violation and got off on a technicality. I do not think there are too many people who believe he did not commit a wildlife violation after reading the transcript. If you do not think he did, your reading comprehension is in question. As far as his rights being violated, there are procedures that need to be followed, and apparently the investigators did not follow them. BIG TIME BOTCH!!!
  7. HuntHarder

    Results available

    Bunch of Whiners!!! Some guy figured out how to see his results ahead of when they are supposed to be released, and now AZGFD screwed up the results again!!! WAAAAHHHH!!!!!!!!
  8. HuntHarder

    You guys might like this...

    If you are positive it is him, I would meet up for , if for nothing else, a chit chat session.
  9. HuntHarder

    Monday Hits only thread.

    Last year, I was hit first day for the bull tag, and then hit 4 days later for my antelope tag. Same card, so your theory of people not knowing about pending charges is out the window.
  10. Wear out your boot soles and hope you find the answer to your question. Best way to actually determine this is to observe the animals in the weeks leading up to them dropping their antlers. Each year is different.
  11. Arizona Archery on Deer Valley.
  12. HuntHarder

    Follow up or Not?

    More holes = more blood loss = quicker death.
  13. HuntHarder

    Thanks again AG&F

    Jackshoe- If you really think that a Game ranger can not or will not take out a guy hunting, without getting permission, you are seriously mistaken. I have a buddy who is a ranger, and he takes out people every year. He assists on many hunts and gets no compensation for it. It may not be in your character to help someone without receiving compensation, but most Game managers will. Most LOVE their job, and clearly do not do it for the money... Your rant is baseless and very Naïve..
  14. HuntHarder

    I Love Watching Drunk People

    Those are the best nights and the worst mornings!!!
  15. Because rifle hunting is cheating!! In all seriousness, a trophy rifle hunt would be a good thing, if the # of tags were right. I would think about maybe starting considerably less than the amount taken away from regular hunt and judging future hunts based on mandatory reporting #'s from said hunts. Without Mandatory reporting, we are all just pissing in the wind. I wish there was a way to make it to where if you draw blood, your hunt is over. I do not see how they can enforce it, but that would be fantastic. With technology in both rifle and archery improving, I have a feeling that the amount wounded and not recovered is going up as well. If only there was a way to enforce it!! Wait, I got it, we need to hire more officers. Dang it, that costs money. I thought I had it for a second.
  16. HuntHarder

    My first bull

    Nice bull. But really? who makes that kind of promise?
  17. HuntHarder

    Swarovski rangefinder 8X30

    WOW! Insane MASS!!!
  18. LOL. Always amazes me, everyone on this site pisses and moans about AGFD giving out too many deer tags.. So, AZ deer Association decides to ask the hunters if they would be in favor of this?, and it is an overwhelming YES!!!! More opportunity is always a good thing. I just hope the same people who are for it, have not commented on trophy hunts vs. hunter opportunity on this board. WAFFLERS'!!!
  19. HuntHarder


    Sportsman's by far is the best in our state. Bass Pro has to be the worst!! Big fishing section is the only reason to enter that store.
  20. HuntHarder

    swarovski 15x56 leica 1600 rangfinder

    Look @ the pictures.. It is a 1600 not a 1600-B. Notice there is no" -B" After the 1600.
  21. HuntHarder

    Game meat choice?

    Antelope is my favorite as well. Desert Muleys are pretty close to the bottom IMO.
  22. HuntHarder

    Antleope at 517 yards

    That is ultra flat...
  23. HuntHarder

    BIGGEST pig you've seen? (Pics)

    ^^^ "You might be a redneck!"
  24. Mine is a 300Wsm shooting a 185 Berger VLD hunting bullet @ 2890 fps. I use 62.0 grains of hodgdon H4350 and a Winchester LR primer.