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Colorado Archer

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About Colorado Archer

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    Western Colorado

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  1. Colorado Archer

    Finally broke triple digits.

    Thanks, He's not the biggest one I saw (or shot at) but I'm real proud. It was actually a tough hunt, with real high winds and some rain. Tough to glass in stuff like that. On the 4th? day I guess... I missed a real good buck with trash. I just got too excited and blew an easy shot. The next day my friend glassed up this one, we closed the distance to 348 yards and I made two good shots with the 300 WBY. (First was good but I was excited again and fired a real quick follow-up shot... he was still technically standing and I was afraid of losing him.) Unofficially he scored 100 5/8". My goal has always been 100". He looked bigger to me, still does, but I'm real happy to have a "pretty buck" that looks big and scores less. C.A. RR, Good to hear from you...how's the land of the cold? Hope all is well, talk to you soon.
  2. Nothing better than a December whitetail hunt. Not much to tell this time. The generocity of a good friend and great hunter allowed me to shoot this buck in Southern Arizona at 350 yards.
  3. Colorado Archer

    Win a Covert II Trail Camera!!

    Guessing 1356
  4. Colorado Archer

    Muzzle Breaks

    ""when i shot my lion, my buddy had a brake on his 7WSM and he was 314 yards from me shooting at the second lion. from that distance my ears still hurt after his 4 shots. to me, it is not worth it!"" I think I am reading this wrong...Are you saying your ears hurt from his shots when you were over 300 YARDS away?
  5. Colorado Archer

    african lion hunt video

    I was told the cat got in a game ranch through the fence and was not a "canned hunt". Either way they were extremely lucky they didn't get eaten and shoot each other.
  6. Colorado Archer

    Big White Muley Pic.

    They are the same deer, He truly is amazing. I have tons of footage of him as well. He has not left the protection of private property since he's been born. He is a bit of a local hero in Meeker and there are pics of him plastered everywhere since he was a fawn. Very cool buck.
  7. Colorado Archer


    I tried them...interesting product. They did not work for me personally though. I still prefer Blazers. Let us know what you think.
  8. Colorado Archer

    String stretching?

    Your new string and cables will stretch as well. Next time , instead of buying new...if they are still in good shape...ask the shop about adding a few twists to your cables and strings until they are the original (correct) lenght. Expect stretch around the 200-300 shot mark. If your bow sits in your car in the sun expect stretch instantly. It will usually only stretch a certain amount. Once this has occured and the twists have been added, it does not usually stretch again. Note: twisting cables will change your pounds, twisting the string will change your draw lght. If you have a peep with tubing no problems, without tubing could cause rotation. A good proshop can retune your bow and not add the cost of a new string, if it is not needed. If you do buy new, WinnersChoice is a great product
  9. Colorado Archer

    Archery Tips

    RB, and all, I want to apologize for my frame of mide when I replied. I re-read my post today and realize it sounded very...defensive. I have worked in an archery shop and I do agree with what you are saying when it comes to the archery public. I understand that probably 95% (or more) of the bowhunting public shouldn't hunt past...say 35-40 yards. I know I'm a bit hypocritacal when it comes to flinging arrows. I practiced very long and hard out to 140 yards so that when 60-70 yards is as good as I can do... I feel confident. Your probably right, I should be a better hunter and get closer...but I'm not. I try to be a better shot instead. So here's to close, broadside shots.....and sneekiness CA
  10. Colorado Archer

    Archery Tips

  11. Colorado Archer

    For Adults ONLY

    This is so freakin' funny. I'm going to say that first picture was taken in New Zealand and those are Stags not "our elk"... the second picture has to be taken in Alabama...enough said... and the buck-on-buck-on doe....well...Kentucky??? and they just got into some of the locally produced "spirtits"???
  12. Colorado Archer

    Scent Eliminator Sprays

    Make sure you keep those sprays off your optics!... some will eat a nice lens coating into junk glass. I still use one from or another, even though animals smell in PARTS PER MILLION. You will never get rid of human scent, but if it gives you an extra few minutes...or even seconds...that might make the difference.
  13. Colorado Archer

    10x50 or 12x50 for for glassing coues?

    Consider the Leica 10-15X50's....2 for the price of....well 2...but worth it if you don't want to carry both. I love mine. A tripod is a must for anything 10 and above for Coues I my opinion.
  14. Colorado Archer

    5A antelope

    "Swithched from Bow Hunting Forum" Does anyone know if there has been much rain East of Meteor Crater the last two weeks? Thanks Also does anyone here know who else has a 5A archery antelope tag this year. Only 5 were issued but I hoped the other four may be CWT.com...er's. I wanted your to hear your hunt outcome hopes and unit expectations if you have any yet. CA
  15. Colorado Archer

    Archery Antelope

    Switched forums