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Everything posted by knothead

  1. knothead

    Deer draw bonus pass

    Reading the posts from guys who had tags last fall most were doom & gloom with regards to numbers of deer seen and the lack of bucks.
  2. knothead

    WTB/ISO Antelope Be the Decoy Hat

    Good luck finding one because they are worth their weight in gold. I would try posting up on bowsite.com the same question. Good Luck & congratulations on drawing a tag.
  3. knothead


    I feel your pain. I have had two old broncos I wish I could get back. A 69 and 71. What was I thinking?
  4. knothead

    Antelope 15 points

    An out of state Wyoming trip does sounds fun. Been there once before and killed on first morning on a very quick hunt. I currently have 11 Wyoming antelope points and plan on an archery hunt in 2-3 years. Anyone else building points in Wyoming? I also have 16 elk & deer points.
  5. knothead

    Sold Ruger M77 270win - Price reduced

    Love the Ruger M77's but I don't need any more guns. GLWS
  6. knothead

    Antelope 15 points

    20 years ago my daughter drew 5B antelope tag #1 when there were only 5 tags issued. She was 10 years old and only had her hunter safety point. My baby girl turns 30 next week.
  7. knothead

    2024 elk regs?

    Looks like they split the hunt in two and added 50 tags overall when compared to 2023's 425 permit late rifle bull hunt. Usually overcrowding issues with hunters but really puts stress on animals going into the winter when you add another week of hunting.
  8. knothead

    Hunting Regs

    probably not for another 3 weeks or so.
  9. knothead

    Rut report.

    I have a friend who lives in central AZ, and he has deer all around him. As of this morning he has only seen a small 2 point and 3 point move into the area. The bigger bucks usually show up after Christmas so should be any day now. The area where lives has already met its quota so all he can do is watch the deer.
  10. knothead

    High School Students and Knives

    Up until a few years ago Peoria HS FFA used to teach meat cutting.
  11. knothead


    Finally! Something good to read about because this place has been dead for a while. Carry on.
  12. knothead

    Cudahy Meat Packing Plant

    As kid growing up my dad worked at East High School in early 70's. I can remember driving by the Cudahy plant every time we went to his work. Sometimes, on the weekend my dad would go up to the school and play tennis. He would take me and some of my friends and drop us off at the corner of intersection between school and Cudahy. He would let us take our BB guns and shoot rabbits. There were hundreds of rabbits around the cattle yards and desert surrounding the school. Funny thing, I can't ever remember killing a single one but man we had fun trying.
  13. knothead

    Phoenix Suns Parking

    you might check out taking the rail system. https://www.valleymetro.org/fares/railride
  14. knothead


    I think I have gotten an entire years' worth of rain just this morning here in North Peoria. The money pit in my back yard water level has risen 4+ inches. Crazy!!
  15. knothead

    if you own a Tracker boat

    Not a big fisherman so I don't where else to post this. If you own a tracker boat and lost something out of it early this morning driving on 83rd ave between pinnacle peak and happy valley road, I may have something that belongs to you. Contact me if you think you can identify what I have. John best to text me first. 623-680-4458
  16. knothead

    Who is going?

    So how many of you have deer hunts starting tomorrow? Just wanted to wish all of you lucky dogs good luck. Opening day of rifle deer has always been a special day.
  17. knothead

    Fire south of camp wood road

    I hate to say it, but that area could use another good fire. It is severely overgrown. A friend was talking to a rancher in the area a couple of years ago and the rancher said the last fire that went through 5 or 6 years back had an amazing effect on springs in the area. The rancher said springs that had been dry for 30-40 years or more started to have water again after the fire. Now is a great time of year for a good slow burn.
  18. knothead

    How do you measure success?

    I would have quit hunting years ago if I only measured my success by whether or not I killed something.
  19. knothead

    Game processor

    Although I have not used him because I can't seem kill anything, my hunting partner has been happy using Karls custom meats in camp verde. He has taken two elk and a couple deer to him. For those with tags this year, I recommend getting your meat cutter located before you head out. Good Luck Address: 3691 W Cherry Creek Rd, Camp Verde, AZ 86322 Hours: Closed ⋅ Opens 8 AM Wed Phone: (928) 567-8659
  20. knothead

    Mormon Lake lookout

    Was out there last Sunday. There were about 60-70 elk on south end closer to store and about 25-35 on north end. Still lots of water.
  21. knothead

    Time Flies; CouesWhitetail.com

    10 years this November for me.
  22. knothead

    Sitka lightweight core open country ALLSOLD

    I will take the open country XL if you still have it. I'm near 83rd ave and Happy Valley. John 623-680-4458 tried to message you but your inbox is full.
  23. knothead


    Be happy for these times of high temps. It's the only thing keeping millions more people from moving to our once great state. As a native, I will take extreme heat any day over the extreme cold.
  24. knothead

    Camping etiquette ( what's wrong with people ? )

    If you want to camp or hunt with females you might as well plan on buying a trailer otherwise they aren't coming. I have a tent. Some wise man needs to write a book about woman. Should be titled "Before and After Marriage". Give it to every young man for their 18th B-day.
  25. knothead

    North of the ditch

    I agree, very nice mount. The eyes are exceptional.