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Everything posted by knothead

  1. knothead

    Check out this Pink Rattlesnake from Ben Avery

    I saw a very pink rattle snake by cave creek dam many years ago on a dove hunt. It was the first and last one I saw until now. I hate snakes!!
  2. Meeting tonight July 22nd at Cabela's from 7-9 pm. If you have something to say, now is the time.
  3. knothead

    Question about receiving money without being a guide

    I don't think there is a woman out there that is worth losing 5 years of hunting priviledges for. When I was young and dumb I may have thought so but I know better now. Just say'n
  4. knothead

    Question about receiving money without being a guide

    I'm kinda with GJMauro12 on this. Why don't they order the stuff online and pay for it but have it shipped to your address? If it is legit and you guys trust each other then you should be good to go. When they come to hunt give them all their stuff such as cameras, batteries and anthing else that is tangible in good working order. If there is no trust then why even put yourself in this position? Not worth losing hunting prviledges for five years and pay hefty fine. The very least I would do is call G&F (not front counter folks) and ask someone who knows. If they say it is ok, get it in writing with a name. Good Luck.
  5. knothead

    How Does the Draw really Work.

    To the contrary. I find the draw and draw process fascinating and enjoy learning as much as I possibly can about it. My family thinks I'm odd though, because I stare at numbers and statistics for hours on end for enjoyment. I like looking for patterns, making predictions then waiting for results. Not always right but there are ways of improving your odds. IMO this is all part the hunt and preparing for it. I'm actually surprised by the number of people who are possionate about hunting but don't take the time to learn the draw process thus they don't truly understand the draw and how it works. Good luck to everyone who hunts this year.
  6. knothead

    Got my new personalized license plate!

    Nice Plate. My plate says HNT4LIF