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Everything posted by knothead

  1. knothead

    Regs are out

    In defense of the NR's using lots of points on what some might say are average units I think they can still have a great hunt here in AZ. I have heard many NR's that have hunted our AZ September elk and they say our average hunts are better than most states best hunts. I have only hunted elk in AZ and NM so I can't say for sure but I will take an average AZ hunt any day over any of the NM hunts I have had in the past. The reason I even commented on the number of points they had is because I hate to think how much they have spent on licenses and application fees over the years and they probably could have drawn the same hunt two or three times in that same time period.
  2. knothead

    Regs are out

    I'm curious to know what odds report applications you are using? I subscribe www.hunterstrailhead.com and I get different numbers. For example, I get odds of 15.2% for a resident with 8 points applying for unit 7W early archery. 9 of the 35 tags available in the 20% pass went to NR's so that really left 26 available for residents. The website now separates resident draw odds from NR odds. They just started this and it is kind of interesting because you see some NR's are blowing big time bonus points on what I would consider middle of the road type units. In virtually every unit I look at odds for NR's are much different than residents. Looks like lots of NR's have decided to bail on holding out for a "primo" unit since they went to 5&5 rule is my guess. No matter....... interesting stuff to look at as you can see patterns and make better informed decisions when applying. I'm guessing unit 7w odds will be substantially different this year as it is the only early archery that starts a week later due to early muzzy the week before. I think 10 points is a minimum to get in on the 20% pass for residents this year. Good luck in the draw to all that apply.
  3. knothead

    Overlapping hunts

    I'm sure there are many hunters that don't know what hunts are going in their unit at all times. The way G&F crams so many different hunts, weapon types and age groups into virtually every week in the fall, stuff like this is bound to happen. When you hear about guys scouting anytime after August 19th I can pretty much bet there is a hunt going on in many of these units. If they are scouting their is a good chance they are impacting the guys hunting. I have a late rifle WT hunt that just opened on the 15th and G&F this year opened it up to over the counter archery deer at the same time. Kind of sucks but what are you going to do?
  4. knothead

    Wife got a new tattoo

    I thought catfish was the one in red?
  5. knothead


    53 going
  6. knothead

    7E - Tag Soup

    These are my thoughts as well. It is not just a full moon, dry, or wind. We don't have the numbers of elk we had a few years ago. I have noticed a dramatic drop in the quantity of elk I see since 2012. I noticed a decline before that but since 2012 the quantity of elk I see in areas I have been spending time in since the 90's is way down. G&F has been issuing way too many cow tags for too long IMO. If you kill the baby makers it is bound to happen.
  7. knothead


    I see them every time on the yavapai ranch (NW part of unit) and I'm not even looking for them. They are usually in big herds of 8-15 and they are out in the open areas.
  8. knothead

    How bout them Devils!

    I'm an ASU Alumnus but it is way too early to be getting too excited. Been burned way too many times in the past. When it is all said and done UofA will have a better team, record and go further in NCAA tournament. For whatever reason, ASU is just not a very good basketball school.
  9. knothead

    WTF is up with some hunters

    After reading some of the posts on here it makes me happy that I really don't care if I tag an animal or not. I like to get to my spots as much as the next guy but you just learn to deal with the hand you were dealt. Just hunt
  10. knothead

    Cool picture

    I was checking some cameras this past summer and I took my two dogs with me. One is a healer and stays real close to me all the time the other is a lab/german shephard mix and he runs all over the place. After walking about 45 minutes I had to stop and relieve myself and I did it under a great big old ponderosa pine. Was there for a couple a minutes and then the lab/shephard comes running back to me. As soon as he got to me a fox jumped down from the tree I was standing under and nearly landed on top of me. Had I not already done my business, I'm sure I would have in my pants. Can't remember the last time I jumped so high.
  11. knothead

    Trump Calls Hunting "Horror Show"

    I voted for him and I was not necessarily a Trump supporter but I was a Hillary Hater. When given the choice between him and her, he wins every time. I will admit I do get a kick out of how angry he makes the leftist. He makes them expose their true colors for the entire world to see.
  12. knothead

    Draw results on Portal

    21 HAM for a few in our group. We call this the Javelina & Horseshoes hunt.
  13. knothead

    Draw results on Portal

    Did not draw 6a with 4 points. Other than archery elk I would say spring turkey is my favorite draw spieces to hunt. At least I still have a San Carlos Tag. Congrats to all that drew.
  14. knothead

    Hunting Motivation FUNK!!

    I really enjoy and mostly prefer to hunt by myself. Hunting with my kids is special and I wish they would hunt more but their schedules and priorities are not the same as mine. I do quite a few solo hunts but I will admit it is kind of nice to share a fire with friends and family at night. As it is I usually just eat, restock my pack and then go straight to bed. One of my biggest complaints hunting with others is that they are not on the same nap schedule as me. I usually like to take a good nap late morning and I don't like worrying about what others think or do.
  15. knothead

    Lions Club Scholarship Denied

    My sister-in-law, who is Hispanic received a $2,000 scholarship from the united negro college fund back in the early 90's. I even asked her how that happened and she told me their scholarship fund was under-subscribed so they opened it up to other minorities. By the way, I do not agree with this principal. Virtually every scholarship out there has some sort of minimum requirements to apply. I would think the minimum GPA requirement eliminates far more applicants than being a US Citizen. I wonder if he will prohibit all his students for applying for them as well? For the life of me I can't understand what has happened to our country over the last decade or so. I keep hoping I will wake up from a bad dream.
  16. knothead

    Fair Chase in Arizona ...

    Anyone know if there has been any movement by G&F on this banning trail-cam within 1/4 mile of water subject? Seems it was a big subject last spring and into summer but have not heard or read anything since. In an effort not to be left out of contributing to the rumor mill, a friend of mine said he talked to a G&F employee a couple months ago that said this law was a done deal. Must admit, I lose a certain amount of respect for anyone who wears a flat brimmed hat. Just seems............... silly to me. Kind of like grown men who wear big baggy basketball shorts and jerseys as part of their normal wardrobe. More silliness. I guess I have officially entered the old mans club. It was bound to happen. Lastly, I am still bummed that I did not draw a 6a spring turkey tag. Happy hunting
  17. knothead

    Wyoming Bonus Points.

    I bought my antelope point a couple weeks ago. I am 1 point short of max for deer and elk but not sure if I will buy the point this year. I probably will not be able to hunt these species for 10 years or more and I don't think anything in wyoming is worth the investment (I'm a DIY hunter) compared to AZ. I may just buy a point every other years so I don't lose them all together. Not sure what to do. I would like to hunt wyoming every few years or so for archery antelope. Too hard to draw tags in AZ.
  18. I bought a m3000 for my son on his 17th birthday and he loves it. He has used it for doves, quail and turkey and the gun has performed great and would recommend it to anyone.
  19. knothead

    Kuiu mobile showroom

    So................ what does this mean? They sell their gear at a substantial discount or are they just showing it off?
  20. knothead

    GO SUNS!!!

    Professional sports as a whole is not very entertaining anymore. The NBA is rigged where all the "stars" are shown favoritism and do not get called for fouls but get fouled anytime someone breaths on them. Very boring to watch NBA anymore. They all stand on the outside to clear up the middle for one man to drive and get fouled. There are only 4 teams that have a "real" chance of winning a championship and the rest play to see who comes in last place in order to get some 18-19 year old kid who still has to have someone buy his beer for him. The intermission entertainment is so out of touch with the audience. 60% or more of the people in the stands are white and over 40. They keep playing all this crappy hip-hop stuff and the audience just wants to see the kissing cam. Baseball is good but the players need to speed up the game. They step out of the box after every pitch and have to readjust everything. Pitchers take forever to get sign and throw the ball. NFL is a joke anymore and is nothing but a social experiment. Talk about about the inmates running the prison. The NFL leadership and owners are so lost they have know idea what to do. They talk out of both sides of their mouth. Where I work at had they had 50 tickets to tonights' Coyotes game and they couldn't even give them all away. They just announced they still have 15 tickets available if anyone wants them. I have absolutely zero interest in ever going to see a live professional game of anything anymore. glad I got that off my chest.
  21. knothead

    Good year wrangled sra 275 60 20.

    Sorry, not my size. Next person in line can have them.
  22. knothead

    Good year wrangled sra 275 60 20.

    I will take them if they are same size as my current tires which I think they are. I will not be able to check until I get home around 4:30 pm today. I will let you asap
  23. Sorry but the fat lady is warming up.
  24. knothead

    2017 elk videos and pics

    That bull in the first video that is being kept away from the herd looks like he has a hernia or injury on his left side. Pretty large lump. Thanks for sharing
  25. knothead

    Who else is going out this weekend?

    Not to change subject but this may be the year of the squirrel. Lived here all 54 years of my life and don't ever recall seeing so many squirrels as this year. Coconino forest is loaded this year. Go for squirrel if the turkey hunting is not working out. I agree, this is a great time to be out in the woods. Good Luck and have fun.