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Everything posted by knothead

  1. knothead

    So Where's the Official Countdown to CC Hits

    azkiller, I'm pretty sure you got the muzzy tag if you had 8 points. 7 points was 100% draw last year and some of the 6 point holders even fell in the 20% pass. Congratulations.
  2. knothead

    Low life Camera thiefs

    +1 ^^^^. Not worth going to jail for but I sure would post pictures if I had someone on camera do shady stuff. I have had my share stolen and most were taken around water. Once I moved them away from water then I only had them taken during shed hunting season. Now I wait to put them out and just put mine out this past Thursday and pull them before the archery seasons start. I am kinda surprised that we rarely ever see a picture of a camera thief considering all the cameras out there.
  3. knothead

    Does everyone have their popcorn ready??

    As another side note: My wife gets picked all the time to serve on juries. She was selected to be on the jury of that hells angel vs mongol killing in Laughlin a while back. She was unable to serve because her mother was in final stages of cancer. They warned all the potential jurors about the dangers of serving by the way. My wife never reads the news, listens to the news, watches the news and could care less about what is going on in the world around her. She sucks at trivia games and I would hate for Watters from Watters world to ever ask her questions about things ALL Americans should know because it will be real ugly. I think I have been requested for jury duty 3 times over my 54 years of living but they never select me.
  4. knothead

    White Mountain Trout Fishing

    Is the East Fork of the black river open? I thought I read some place where they were closing it. Thinking about heading up for a few days.
  5. knothead

    Flatlander for the new committee.

    I hope whoever is on the committee goes into it with an open mind and willing to listen to ALL suggestions. Listen to all options, ask questions, weigh pros vs cons and ignore their own prejudices. Then hopefully, when final decision is made it is made with the best of intentions and what is best for Arizona, Arizona wildlife and our hunting heritage.
  6. knothead

    Az CCW

    I took my class in middle of March and got permit at end of April.
  7. knothead

    Walk-in cooler for sale

    Congratulations on the sale. My neighbor just listed his house for sale and had 3 offers the first day. All offers were over his asking price.
  8. knothead

    The Trail Cam Celebration

    The only thing G&F has to sale that has any value is hunt tags, hunting/fishing licenses and bonus points. All other forms of income must come in the way of licenses, tags, donations or user fees such as habitat stamps or application fees. Would you pay $10 to be entered into a drawing to win 5 or 10 bonus points for 1 species of your choice? How about $10 for a chance to win a lifetime hunting or fishing license? Raffle off 100 five bonus points packs and 100 lifetime licenses. Would not raise all the money needed but it is a start. Bonus points don't cost G&F a penny and they could give give them away like cheap candy. Just thinking out of the box a little. By the way, it would take about $7.10 to raise 2,000,000 if every elk hunt applicant had to pay for a habitat stamp. $11.20 for every deer hunter to raise the same amount. $2,000,000 is the number that has been mentioned that we hunters would need every year to fight off the anti-hunters by educating the public. Good luck to all those that applied for the draw.
  9. knothead

    The Trail Cam Celebration

    Pete has been involved with AZ wildlife and supporting hunting and conservation for longer than many on this board have been alive. It's crazy how some people go after people and their reputations just because they disagree on something. Pete has his beliefs and they might not align with yours but don't besmirch the guy.
  10. I think my irrigation panel just bit the dust and needs to be replaced along with a few valves. Can anyone recommend to good service in North Peoria?
  11. knothead

    Does everyone have their popcorn ready??

    Don't know this guy from Adam but Geeze. We went from getting popcorn to having a guy hamstrung, tried and found guilty all on this one posting. I hate effing gossip. If it's true, then let him have his day in court and let the chips fall where they may. I sure hope none of you get accused of anything because you will be hung out to dry around here. Sometimes it's like a sewing circle around here.
  12. If they are not going to allow them within 1/4 mile of a man made water source the only reasonable suggestion I have heard is banning them around water from middle August (2 days before archery deer season opens) all the way through end of January. Having a camera season similar Montana is a fair compromise in my mind. You can still run cameras 24/7/365 but not around water during this time period. I suggest everyone write the commission and let them know your feelings on the matter. Nothing will get settled here.
  13. knothead

    Late Hunt

    Seems like the story of this season is the wind.
  14. knothead

    Bad Neighbor

    I had one. It got so bad I couldn't even sleep peacefully due to all the bad crap going through my head. I finally moved away and I sleep so much better now. Notags was also my neighbor and he knows who I am talking about. By the way, I built a block wall between by old neighbor and I. On his side of the wall, I made sure the block layers did not scrape the mortar off. My side looked great and his side looked like shiite.
  15. knothead

    Fire watch 2018

    Never understood the prognosticators. When it is a dry winter they say the summer fires are likely and extreme. When we have a wet winter and spring they same the same thing. Can we just agree that every year Arizona forests are dry until monsoons arrive and fire is always a threat? We actually had a very unlikely May storm system that brought snow/rain or that tinder fire would be much worse.
  16. Just curious but did dad ever come around or is he doing the same ol' thing. I can tell you from my experience, the older I get the less important the kill is. At this point in my life, I look for experiences rather than kills. Just being out there during the hunt is pretty good stuff to me.
  17. knothead

    AR-15 build?

    Been away for a while but I wanted to thank everyone for all the comments and information. I am getting a real education. Initially I wanted to keep this a secret from him but the more I learning the more I think he should be involved as it is going to be his gun. Still not 100% sure If I'm going to go the build route but I have some time to learn more. Thanks
  18. knothead

    Conserve and Protect Meeting 4/23/2018

    I'm coming late to this whole thing and trying to catch up so If I say something that has already been discussed, sorry. I thought Pete's whole argument for auction tags offered by a separate entity was the whole idea so they could support G&F? I have read where people want to raise tag fees or create a habitat stamp. If they do that then G&F collects the money and they, by law, are not allowed to get involved in ballot initiatives or politics. Thus, all we did is give them more money to buy trucks or hire biologist, who many of which are against hunting, to study woolly mammoth grasshoppers. G&F must remain neutral. The money raised needs to be done by a separate group not directly affiliated with G&F. Once they raise the money then they have more flexibility in where the money is spent. At this point I am open minded and willing to listen to any and all groups or people that are willing to come up with a legit plan to fund and pay for the battles that are surely coming. Mostly I hear guys say they are against it but they offer no real solutions and who is going to organize it and manage it. It's easy to say I'm against or for something but who is actually going to put the time and effort into it? So far the only group I hear that is willing to put in all the time and effort is Pete's. Something that also needs to be considered is the more of the these auction/raffle tags available the less monetary value they have. The reason why they sell for hundreds of thousands of dollars is because there is only one auction tag and one raffle tag. If we try to action 20 high quality elk/deer/sheep tags the sales price will certainly be much lower. Basic economics of supply. When supply is kept very low but demand is high the price will be high.
  19. knothead

    Hott morning

    I just bought my 2019 hunt a couple weeks ago.
  20. knothead

    Diamond infinite edge

    PM sent
  21. knothead

    A few bucks to look at

    Just curious. I noticed all the pics were from Aug-Sept. Did you consistently have bucks Oct-April? Did they disappear for a while? When? Did you ever get any hunters during the time period it was out?
  22. knothead

    Hott morning

    Where were you hunting? I'm heading to San Carlos Thursday for the 2nd hunt and hope my hunt goes as well as yours. Congratulations!
  23. knothead

    The new G&F Rules

    Did anyone watch the podcast this morning? Did the deer hunts get approved as presented? What changes if any were made? I tuned in at the Bog Horn sheep and missed the deer. 33 people watching via podcast.
  24. knothead

    Gila county pushing forest service to close forest

    I agree with Chico. No need to close the forests just ban all open flames until we get the moisture.
  25. knothead

    Unit 6 Muzz Anyone?

    Elk that time of year are pretty evenly dispersed. I know a guy whose entire family applies for that hunt and unit and they seem to draw 1-3 tags a year. They tend to hunt the middle of unit but they have taken bulls from top to bottom east to west. Lots of elk but I would gladly take the elk population 20 years ago as opposed to today. Way more elk back then IMO. You should do well. Good Luck