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Everything posted by BigBuckNasty!

  1. BigBuckNasty!

    Post where your Elk Hunting!!!

    No tag for me but my wife drew unit 9 early muzzleloader 😃
  2. BigBuckNasty!

    Unit 27

    I was wondering how access is in this unit, any advice would help. Thank you in advance.
  3. BigBuckNasty!

    Unit 27 New Mexico

    I was wondering if anyone had any information on how access is and what to expect, Thank you
  4. BigBuckNasty!

    Unit 27 New Mexico

    It starts on Saturday Jeff. I have been scouting a couple of times and have found a couple of bucks. So fingers crossed I can find them during the hunt.
  5. BigBuckNasty!

    Mountain Tom

    With a little luck, and a little bit of magic in the mountains I was able to take this beautiful tom this morning. At first he was hesitant to commit to coming in but after calling to him for about 30 mins I was able to connect on him at 27yards. Hid beard measured at 10 inches and his spurs where just over an 1 1/4".
  6. BigBuckNasty!

    CCI Large magnum primers in Stock

    CCI #250 LARGE RIFLE MAGNUM PRIMERS – Black Dragon Ammunition
  7. BigBuckNasty!

    Unit 27 New Mexico

    Yeah I've been going through older post, I'm learning little bits here and there. Thank you Jeff
  8. BigBuckNasty!


    Can you call me at 928-965-2218
  9. BigBuckNasty!

    WTB 1911 45

    Looking for a 1911 45acp
  10. BigBuckNasty!

    WTB 1911 45

    I want to try and stay under $1500
  11. BigBuckNasty!

    5a leftover hopi hunt

    Has anyone ever hunted the leftover 5a hopi hunt and how was it?
  12. BigBuckNasty!

    5a leftover hopi hunt

    Got it done
  13. BigBuckNasty!

    5a leftover hopi hunt

    Thanks for the info guys I have the east and west sunset cow hunt in October I'm going to head up there soon and do some scouting and learn the area and hope for the best
  14. BigBuckNasty!

    unit 28 mule deer

    Has anyone had any success or seen bucks?