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Everything posted by DNS

  1. DNS

    How many animals have you harvested in Arizona

    In AZ Archery: 7 mule deer, 3 bull elk, 1 cow elk, 1 buck antelope Rifle: 18 mule deer, 1 coues, 2 pigs, 2 bull elk, and countless coyotes
  2. DNS

    "Dad there is a Bigger Buck"

    Thanks. That was my hat from when I was 12 playing on the little league all star team in RV. He found it in a box and wore it around for a few years.
  3. Still waiting for the G&F to start charging credit cards so I thought I would share the story and pics of my son's (deerhunter98) first deer from a few years ago. I put him in for the AZ youth deer hunts, but he didn't draw so I bought him and I leftover muzzle loader mule deer hunts in NM Unit 23 so he could deer hunt when he was 10. I still remember going on my first deer hunt with my dad when I was 10 like it was yesterday. We went down a few days early to do some scouting and found a bachelor group of 5 bucks the first morning we scouted. That afternoon we saw 2 more good bucks so things were looking good for opening day. We spent some time at the range and Derrik was consistent with the muzzleloader out to 100 yards. At the time I only had one muzzleloader and didn't think it would matter since we would be together. I figured we would hunt for him a buck and if he got one I would try and get mine. I should have explained this plan to him before we actually started hunting. Opening morning came and we went to where the bachelor bucks had last been seen and they were no where to be found. They were in an open area so we could glass forever, but just couldn't pick them up so we moved over to where the 2 other bucks were and couldn't find them either. It was getting a little late in the morning, but we decided to try another area that we saw some does in a couple days before. We parked the quad and walked over the first ridge and right on top there were 5 deer looking at us. They were only 60-70 yards away and I could see the deer on the right was a 3X3. I get the gun ready to shoot and tell Derrik "the deer on the the right is a good buck shoot it". He says "no I'm afraid I'll miss you take that one and we find another buck for me". I didn't have time to explain my plan to him because the deer were starting to get nervous. I shot the buck and it went about 10 yards and laid down. It wasn't dead so I started reloading the gun, but the primer was stuck and I couldn't get it out. I'm trying to figure out how to get this primer out and Derrik says "dad there is a bigger buck" I look up and see the bigger buck that had been behind the only tree around. Now I am frantically trying get this primer out so I dig my keys out of my pocket and pry it out, get the gun loaded, and hand it to Derrik. He fires and misses. I take the gun back and the primer is stuck again. I pry it out, load the gun again, and hand it back to him. The buck had moved about 25 yards and the rest of the deer were already out of sight. He shoots again and the buck falls completely over and lands on its side. I reach over and give him a high five and look back up and the buck is running off. I look over at my buck and his head is down and he looks like he is dead so we walk up to where his buck was when he shot. We pick up a good blood trail on his buck so I tell him that we will go gut my deer out and and give his buck some time. We walk back over to where my buck was and it is gone. I looked over and said "I don't know how, but we went from having 2 bucks down to none in a matter of seconds". It always amazes me when I hunt how I can go from being so high to so low in a matter of seconds. My buck had laid down right on the edge of a scrub oak thicket, but there was no blood trail after it got up so we weren't sure which way it went. Derrik started making some passes above where the buck was and I made passes below looking for any sign. I walked a couple of circles and all of the sudden the buck jumps up 5ft in front of me but I couldn't see it because of all the scrub oak. It heads straight down this steep hill and doesn't present a shot. I watch the bottom and the other side, but the buck never makes it that far so I knew he laid back down somewhere between me and the bottom. I make my way down and jump him again. From there I could see all the way to the bottom and the buck hit the bottom and turned which gave me a shot. I fired and of course I miss. I reach in my pocket and find that I have now used all of my quick loads. Derrik has the pack with more powder/bullets, but he is a hundred yards above me. I yell for him to get down there while watching the buck. This time I see that the buck has bedded under a cedar tree three hundred yards away. Derrik gets down there and I re-load the gun and all of my quick loads. We move closer while watching the buck and it jumps back up at 100 yards. I get a shot and finally put this buck down for good. Where this buck was laying originally it would have been a piece of cake to get out, but now it is at the bottom of this steep canyon. I send Derrik back with all of the gear to the quad and I drag this buck out of the canyon and back to the quad. Looking back I should have quartered it out, but I didn't. We get that buck loaded and I get all of the gear situated. I notice my binoculars are missing and we decide not to go back and look for them then (they are still on the side of that canyon somewhere). We get back to where Derrik shot his buck and pick up the blood trail. He is walking in front of me with the gun, but I tell him surely his buck has expired. We follow the trail about 100 yards and his buck jumps up and takes off for the canyon off the other side. Luckily he shoots and puts it down before it drops off and happens to die near another road that we can get the quad to. We get his buck loaded up and now I am nervous driving this quad with 2 deer and both of us. The truck is 5 rough miles away, but somehow we make it. Once we were in the truck I finally asked him why he didn't want to shoot that first buck. He had been hunting with me the previous 2 years down in the desert and knew that sometimes we would hunt for 4-5 days before finding a buck and he didn't want to miss and neither of us get one. I told him that I didn't care if I got one, but wanted him to have an opportunity. We should have had that discussion before the hunt, but it worked out. A lot of lessons learned on this hunt, but there isn't a memory sweeter than pulling a double with your son on his first deer hunt with a single muzzleloader. Sorry about the long read. I love the picture of him with his long sleeve shirt on that is inside out and backwards. In his defense it was dark when he got dressed and he did have camo over it when we started out. He was all smiles on the way back to camp and 2 other groups of hunters stopped us on the way back to camp to check out his buck. This was his best buck until this year.
  4. DNS

    "Dad there is a Bigger Buck"

    We did get a tradition out of this hunt, but it wasn't the inside out/backwards shirt. When he was taking pictures of me with my buck he cut my head off in every single picture. Now whenever I take a picture of him with an animal I cut off his head in one of the pictures as a joke from this hunt. Here is one of the pictures from that day. There are 10 more that look exactly like it. Here is the one that I took of him this year.
  5. DNS

    "Dad there is a Bigger Buck"

    Just after this hunt I bought a second muzzleloader, a de-primer tool for that gun, and a bunch of speed loaders.
  6. DNS

    December Rut Tag Big Typical Down

    Nice job on the video and congrats on the great buck
  7. DNS

    Buck of my dreams**story added

    Great buck. Congrats
  8. DNS

    Who's Ready?

    Here are my favorites
  9. DNS

    Couldn't find the Big One

    Congrats on your first deer with a bow. I'm sure he will eat good.
  10. Were you guys in 27 hunting whitetail? I figured there would be a lot of hunters over there for the archery hunt on Jan.1
  11. Just got back from my December rifle mule deer hunt in 27. I hunted for 8 days and saw 53 bucks and countless does. The first couple of days we saw mostly small bucks with does, but then starting seeing some good bucks on day 3. Most of the bigger bucks were 130"-160" bucks. I've hunted 27 a lot and have seen some good ones over the years during the rut. I killed a buck that gross scored 172" almost 20 years ago and my goal on this hunt was to find something better than that if possible. Here is a big wide 3X3 that I seriously considered taking. I figured he was pushing 30" wide. I found him a few times and he was going to be my back-up buck if I couldn't find anything bigger. In most of the hunts I usually draw I wouldn't have hesitated on this buck. He is a nice buck, but I am glad I waited. On Day 8 the snow storm came in and we were seeing deer moving all day. We had already seen 8 bucks that day including a nice 4X4 and 4X3, but we decided to move to a different side of the unit that afternoon. Immediately when we got there we saw a decent 3X3 pushing some does. Awhile later my dad says "there's a deer. There's a buck. He's a good buck. He may be a shooter take a look at him". As soon as he said it was a good buck I chambered a round and moved over to where I could see it. The buck had moved up the thick hill a little so I had to get around some trees to see him. As soon as I put my scope on him I knew he was the one I wanted. I calmed my nerves a little and settled in and squeezed the trigger. Immediately I knew the buck was hit good. Instead of watching the buck like I should have I looked over at my dad and said "I hit him hard". I looked back up and the buck was gone. I got over to where I thought the buck was standing and looked up the hill and could see a deer butt. I couldn't believe he went that far. Then I looked over to my right and the buck was down right there (it was one of his does up the hill). It only went a few yards from the shot. There was no ground shinkage at all. I looked at the mass and deep forks and couldn't believe it. Here are a few of the pictures of him. I put him up against the 172" buck and he dwarfed it. I taped it out, but am curious what you guys think he scores from the pictures. I can attach more angles if it helps. The pictures don't do justice to how much mass he carries This was by far the best deer hunt I have had. Great times with my dad and getting to see so many deer each day. The buck I was fortunate to harvest wasn't bad either.
  12. DNS

    New Years Day Buck

    You started off the new year right. Good job
  13. DNS

    My Muzzy Muley

    Nice Buck. Congrats
  14. Got the rack back from the taxi and they were nice enough to do a Euro mount for me so that I can enjoy it until the cape comes back for the shoulder mount. I think it looks good.
  15. DNS

    Christmas Eve OTC muley

    That is a sweet buck. I love the character on that one. I'd shoot the wrong one every time if it looked like that.
  16. The January bow hunt should be good this year. Good luck if you get out there.
  17. Great video and awesome buck. She made a great shot. Congrats!
  18. How did you do on the 23 hunt last year? I saw the harvest #'s were pretty good for that hunt. Last year in 27 the harvest numbers were 12%. When I saw that I couldn't figure it out. Not sure if only a few hunters reported or they never found the bucks that they were looking for. I agree that it was awesome packing the 7mm during the rut. I chased bucks around in December/January for years with a bow and killed some decent bucks, but it was a whole different experience with a rifle.
  19. DNS

    105 December coues 3x3

    Stud of a buck. Congrats
  20. DNS

    Unit 27 rut info

    We did see some coues rut activity while we were there hunting mule deer. Mostly saw the little guys chasing does around ,but did see an 80's buck trying to mount a doe last Friday morning so they are getting close. Also saw a monster coues buck with a couple of does.
  21. DNS

    unit 21 fatboy

    He is a fatboy. Great job
  22. DNS

    December Tag Filled

    Congrats on taking a great buck!
  23. DNS

    First Archery Mule Deer 37B

    That's a great buck and with a bow it's even better. Huge Congrats! Great Job.