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About elk_slayer

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  • Birthday 04/12/1998

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  • Interests
    Bows,Guns,Family, And Jeep Wranglers

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  1. elk_slayer

    4b bear

    Anyone up here bear hunting? Just like to know if anyone shot a bear? We set up calling on a ridge and after a hearing a few twigs break with minutes 2 shots were fired directly in our direction no idea if the bear was hit or not
  2. elk_slayer

    3rd Year in a Row

  3. elk_slayer


    Yes just download countdown and plug in whatever you want, depending on your hunt.
  4. elk_slayer


    Who else is ready for elk season? I'm already anxious and counting the days down!
  5. elk_slayer

    Results by phone

    6a youth and my dad drew a 4b bull and uncle got 6a bull
  6. elk_slayer

    Bonus Points Are Updated

    Yep I only have my hunter Ed point
  7. elk_slayer

    Card Hit

    Drew two youth elk and a archery bull tag for my dad.
  8. elk_slayer

    my 2015 coues deer!

    Dang congrats
  9. elk_slayer

    4x4 coues

    What do you think this scores?
  10. elk_slayer

    Deer shot

    Recovered deer post can be seen http://www.coueswhitetail.com/forums/topic/55364-4x4-coues/?do=findComment&comment=532926
  11. elk_slayer

    4x4 coues

    Buddy and his deer
  12. elk_slayer

    4x4 coues

    After a brutal 5 mile hike in we jumped a massive coues deer which my buddy shot Saturday morning. the wind was brutal and blew the arrow high and into the neck. But just happened to knock the lungs. After we got done celebrating a hit deer we waited and hr and started to move in, we tracked the deer for about 500 yds up and down the mts and then the blood trail finally ended, and we where at a stand still, after it got late we decided to head back the next day to find it with some help, we found it no more then 100yds from our last seen blood spot in a tree, the deer is defiantly going to be a memory for a while.
  13. elk_slayer

    Deer shot

    East, good 2 miles in, thank you we appreciate it
  14. elk_slayer

    Deer shot

    Buddy and I went out to mesquite wash this morning and he shot a nice 4x4, lost quite a bit of blood then clotted up and blood trail disappeared I think the arrow was a little high if anyone finds the buck please message me, it's a nice 4x4 we are going to head back out tomorrow morning
  15. elk_slayer

    Best time to start

    Thank you for all the tips and good luck to you all this year