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About azhunter15

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  1. azhunter15

    Big Muley!

    No what's wrong with you people that can't ask to hunt somewhere? I'm sure if the guy would have asked the lander owner to hunt there,he would have been fine. But people just have to creep around the owners and go behind there backs . And then people cry and complain why landowners won't let them hunt... Now you know!!!
  2. azhunter15

    Big Muley!

    Know the guy who's property he shot the buck on. The land owner is not to happy with it. And heard there won't another buck shot on his property. To bad this guy had to ruin it for everyone else.
  3. azhunter15

    Big Muley!

    Ya did he forget to mention that the buck was shot on deeded property without permission!!!!