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Everything posted by AmericanThunder

  1. AmericanThunder

    1978 Ford Bronco

    I am posting this for a friend of mine. Here is a link to his Craigslist ad. http://phoenix.craigslist.org/evl/cto/4269432378.html
  2. AmericanThunder

    20b HAM

    The hunt unit maps are ok, but nowhere near as good as the Flatlines. I use them as my backup when I hunt units that the Flatlines don't offer. The National Forest maps are pretty decent too.
  3. AmericanThunder

    Really cool traditional archery video

    Thanks for sharing.
  4. AmericanThunder

    check out this video!

    Great video!!
  5. AmericanThunder

    Winchester Super X Pump

    Absolutely 100% normal for the SXP. I have the same gun and was surprised at first, but ultimately came to love this. It takes a little getting used to but once you get the hang of it you can shoot crazy fast. Perfect for shooting clay doubles. Check out this guys review of the gun to see what I mean. Winchester Promo:
  6. AmericanThunder

    Duck Dynasty looses Phil Robertson

    Critter - I get where you're coming from, my only goal with saying what I said was to show people that even if you don't agree with what A&E did you don't have to lose out on watching a show that you like. Whether or not you watch will never make a difference, so get it while you can. I know there is a moral aspect to this issue that is more important than the TV show and that is for each individual person to decide, but I jam just annoyed with an overreaction being responded to by another overreaction these days.
  7. AmericanThunder

    Duck Dynasty looses Phil Robertson

    I am not saying you're wrong, but a drop of 71.6% in ratings sounds crazy high. Where did you hear that? Also, the fact that it was a marathon of repeats obviously had to have played a large role in the drop of ratings vs a new episode. Even going after their advertising is only affected by Nielsen households. Unless you are a part of this survey group, they have no way of tracking your viewing habits DVR or no DVR. I can see the arguement that a FB group of over 1 Million+ people certainly sends a message, but ultimately I have to believe it is of little concern to a television company.
  8. AmericanThunder

    2013 Urban Pig! 8 year curse is broken!

    Nice job!
  9. AmericanThunder

    Duck Dynasty looses Phil Robertson

    You can "Boycott" all you want, unless you're a Nielsen Household, you will have little to zero impact on actual ratings. The only thing that has a chance of making an impact is the Robertson's refusing to continue the show without Phil. A&E would lose one of the highest rated shows of all time. That effects the bottom line and ultimately the only thing they care about.
  10. AmericanThunder

    First Archery Mule Deer 37B

    Great buck. I am also hunting 37B at the moment and would love to find his twin!!
  11. AmericanThunder


    Saw a really heavy forkie muley with 5 does in 10 this past weekend. Came to within 40 yards and never saw me.
  12. AmericanThunder

    Now I have 2 spring turkey tags!

    Had a deer hunt there in Nov. The amount of regrowth really surprised me.
  13. AmericanThunder

    gear help

    Same here.
  14. AmericanThunder

    Wild Ride

    Here is the article to go along with the video. http://www.iflscience.com/plants-and-animals/prey%E2%80%99s-eye-view-eagle-flight
  15. AmericanThunder

    Wild Ride

    Check out this footage from Australia!
  16. AmericanThunder

    Cabelas on Black Friday!

    I'll be at Cabelas hoping for a good door prize and trail cam deal!
  17. AmericanThunder

    Unit 27 Success

    I wish I would have now. Ha ha. Congrats again on a great buck. I went home empty handed on that hunt, but still had a great time.
  18. AmericanThunder

    Garmin Rino Help and Recs

    I have the 655t. I love it, but if I could go back I would not have bought the "t" model. You do not need the topo maps this model comes with. Most of the time you are going to download your own or buy a card specific to where you are hunting anyway.
  19. AmericanThunder

    Black Gold Ascent

    I have it as well.
  20. AmericanThunder

    Unit 27 Success

    Awesome buck! I think I saw it in the back of your truck on opening morning. Were you in the Bear Wallow Cafe in Alpine after you shot it?
  21. AmericanThunder

    Montana Decoys

    Has anyone used a Montana Decoy? http://www.montanadecoy.com/ Specifically for Mule deer hunting here in AZ. I have never used a decoy for deer hunting and am pretty skeptical about them. If anyone has had any luck with them please share. Thanks!
  22. AmericanThunder

    Montana Decoys

    Those are the hunts I am planning on using it. Thank you for your input. Thanks!