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About Nobody

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    Cochise County
  • Interests
    Archery, Geronimo, Trapping, Reloading, Guns, Meat in the Freezer, Hot Women that can shoot, People, Old Books, Optics

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  1. Nobody

    Clothing for Dec.

    Been nominated many years ago. What is your excuse?
  2. Nobody

    Caging Cats

    Yes The cages are suposed to have an Id tag with the trappers # on it . There are many hoops to jump through to trap in AZ. For instance no leg holds on public or state land only private. You must check your traps everyday. The length of chain and swivel not to mention the poundage of the spring that must be attatched if over 12 inches. Many many rules. I suggest you follow them those Game Wardens can be pretty sneaky.
  3. Nobody

    Clothing for Dec.

    Rain gear is for vaginas in Arizon. Pick up your sack of balls and be a man. If you can't suck it up you might want to find another sport!!!
  4. Nobody

    Savage Axis??

    Personaly I cut the coil on mine and did a bit of file work. Trigger is crisp and breaks at 1.8. It's a shooter and still has the original stock. It's kinda my toy but would put it against my best varmint shooter any day of the week. You can make the Axis a shooter with very little effort.
  5. Nobody

    Clothing for Dec.

    You may actualy be suprised. As long as you have some break up pattern your probably OK. Yes I have worn the best which I consider Kings and can stand still and they won't see me but have also worn desert digital military and gotten the same results standing still. I have also stalked deer in both in August, December, January. Main thing just make sure your pattern as a human is broke up and be smart.
  6. Nobody

    Savage Axis??

    The Axis is underated and can be made into a fine rifle if desired. I have one in 223 that I did a little triger work on and can shoot dimes all day long at 100 yds (granted I do load my own) Its a good coyote getter and will shoot out to 300 yds all day long. Put a custom stock on one and a trigger and you get a heck of a weapon.
  7. Anybody had any experience with these cages that we are required to use now? I run a few and would be happy to get and give any advice I can. PM
  8. Coyotes will often leave there calling card on a road. However it's a good Idea to do a little legwork find the true toilet if you can, lots of dung in one place. Coyotes are predictable in a way. They follow the game. If you can learn the migration of an area you will surely find coyotes. Look for paw pads in washes and fingers feeding washes study water holes the tracks tell the story(old or new). Coyotes don't always drink the same water everyday and can go several without it. Know and study your area and then you will get to know the coyote. There very smart and are quick learners. Trap one coyote and his budy smells him in the trap, trap another coyote a little ways away and the same coyote smells it and an eduacated coyote is born. There Smart.
  9. Nobody

    30b buck bisbee

    I've seen the man shoot and he's a dang good shot doesn't matter what he's shooting he makes most look foolish. Good one man Hats off to on that one. V
  10. Yeah it is what it is. Not a bad thing but just a pain in the butt!!
  11. I was uncertain about the bobcat seal as a varmint caller as some of you may have been to. This is the response I got from AZGFD when I asked about the diference in trapping and calling bobcats. Hope it helps some of you clear it up to. I apologize for the delay in responding to you. All bobcat pelts whether taken through trapping or hunting that are sold must have a Bobcat Seal attached. However, the submission of a lower is only required from bobcats taken through trapping. We will accept jaws taken through hunting but it is not required. Also all trapped bobcats must have attached a bobcat seal within 10 days of the end if the season, this is not the case for hunted bobcats. I don't know about the rest of you but I had some confusion on the new bobcat seal that AZGFD requires. My question was to AZGFD if a varmit caller kills and sells hides is he still held under the same guidlines as a trapper.