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Everything posted by Xforcebaby

  1. Xforcebaby

    2014 Coues Deer Kill Distances Poll

    1288 yards. Yes I practice. A lot. Confirmed.
  2. Xforcebaby

    33 coues

    Hunt the road.
  3. Xforcebaby

    Big Coues on Cam

    Shoot it.
  4. Xforcebaby

    Coues or Muley

  5. Xforcebaby

    Opening day Archery Buck

    That's an awesome goat. Thanks for sharing awesome pics.
  6. Xforcebaby

    Who's going this weekend

    Awesome. Thanks for sharing awesome pics of awesome goats.
  7. Xforcebaby

    Best to date- Unit 22

    That's awesome.thanks for sharing some awesome video.
  8. Xforcebaby

    Unit 10 navigation help

  9. Xforcebaby

    Drinkable Water?

  10. Xforcebaby

    Who's going this weekend

  11. Xforcebaby


  12. Xforcebaby

    Who's getting ready for otc archery!!

    Getting pumped by whom?...
  13. Xforcebaby

    Non typical goat

    been watching this goat all summer. Any guesses to what he might score? Just wondering. Thanks.
  14. Xforcebaby

    Hatch green chili cheeseburgers

    Can't find the "hot" here in Tucson yet.
  15. Xforcebaby

    Unreal as it lay

    That pic is awesome. Thanks for sharing awesome pic. You must of had an awesome time finding it.
  16. Xforcebaby

    Hopefully not your cam!

    My rights as an American gives me the right to trim or cut any tree I want. And screw in a lag bolt too. They are our forests. This does not harm the tree. Let them try and stop me. I speed all the time. Rules and laws are made to be broken.
  17. Xforcebaby

    It only took 47 years!

    That's awesome. Just freakin awesome. Awesome news!!! That is an awesome tag.
  18. Xforcebaby

    Will friday be the day??

  19. Xforcebaby

    Antelope unit 19A or 9

    Any idea how to access Deep Wells ranch? I know you can't park along the highway. Thanks gentlemen.
  20. Xforcebaby

    Antelope unit 19A or 9

    I have a 19a muzzleloader tag. Anybody know if Deep Well Ranch is available?????? Thanks.
  21. Xforcebaby

    unit 10

    Unit 10 is awesome.
  22. Xforcebaby

    Unit 8

    That's just awesome.
  23. Xforcebaby

    Antelope score

    He's a solid 80.
  24. Xforcebaby


    This topic is just awesome.