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Everything posted by khmer6

  1. khmer6

    Suppressor Thoughts?

    Not usually worth selling a used nfa item unless it’s a rare collectible or MG
  2. khmer6

    Suppressor Thoughts?

    If can happen depending on the design of the can and how it vents. If you look at a cut away of some cans you will see that if you thread on and off a can it may not index exactly the same each time. It’s really noticeable on 22LR cans for sure. A QD system usually indexes at the same mount point each time hence more consistency
  3. khmer6


    I can’t believe you really getting this haha. Thanks couzer
  4. khmer6

    Suppressor Thoughts?

    Yes do it. Get hub compatible and quick connect for point of impact consistency
  5. khmer6

    Steel Targets

    My friend makes them
  6. khmer6

    Lots of stuff, free stuff.

    interested in .45 cal bullets 22 hornet brass 29 pcs? Old fired once i think. 44 Russian new brass 300 RUM Forester dies .32 plinker cal bullets Round led large shot Sack of bb shot if they are lead and not steel I'll be by that way on saturday.
  7. khmer6

    2a items for sale

    Pm sent
  8. khmer6


    Asking price for gun by itself?
  9. khmer6

    .25 cal bullets

    Awesome I’ll take them
  10. khmer6

    .25 cal bullets

    Am I mathing right? Over 1100 25 cal bullets for $100? If so I’ll take them
  11. khmer6

    WTB .380 ACP Ammo

    $160 for both boxes?
  12. khmer6

    Free freezer/ refrigerator

    What size animal would fit ?
  13. khmer6


    Is that lead or steel shot?
  14. Remington 700 ADL 243 winchester youth synthetic black stock unfired. N. Phoenix area $450 First response followed by PM
  15. khmer6

    WTS Remington 700 ADL 243 youth

    pics. has scope base and xmark pro trigger along with the spacer kit for increasing LOP
  16. khmer6


    What gauge?
  17. khmer6


    Text sent
  18. khmer6

    Fistful of 22s

    Any of them threaded ?
  19. khmer6

    Pelican 1750 Cases

    Do they have the foam?
  20. khmer6


    sent you a PM. i'll take it if its as a safe queen as you say
  21. khmer6


    Interested in the Winchester got pics?
  22. khmer6

    Start over

    How many and how much?
  23. khmer6

    Can Am Defender tires and rims

    I'm interested, but it might be a while for me to get to your side of town. Any of the tires been patched? How much pavement riding?
  24. Looks unused, recent production. Pick up 101/i17 sportsmanwarehouse
  25. khmer6

    12 gauge shells - SOLD

    Where in tucson ?