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Everything posted by khmer6

  1. khmer6

    Tangfolio Defiant Stock II 9mm

    Price and condition ?
  2. khmer6

    Single Actions and Lever Actions

    Hes a real person. Got some cool toys
  3. khmer6

    Kiabab Input

    What do you mean react to horses? Like road hunting? Or avoiding the smell and areas where horses have been?
  4. khmer6

    Single Actions and Lever Actions

    Calm down and give the guy a break. He listed quite a bit and probably got thousands of messages in the first 10 minutes. It's not like it's his first post or just recently joined
  5. khmer6

    SOLD: Kirof Lee Enfield Mark 4

    I'll take this. Location?
  6. khmer6

    Lead ingots

    Pm sent on the 600 lbs lot
  7. khmer6

    Lead ingots

    Make a deal on the rest? 500to600lbs minus the 60?
  8. khmer6

    Vortex viper 15x50

  9. khmer6

    Spotting Scope plus extras

    Ill take thisI'll take this
  10. khmer6

    Take off stocks

    Location? Interested in both remington
  11. khmer6

    #2 Reclaimed Lead shot SOLD

    I just realized we have met before for lead shot haha.
  12. khmer6

    #2 Reclaimed Lead shot SOLD

    I will take it all
  13. khmer6

    20.6’ Maxum Boat w/ 4.3 Mercruiscer

    Do you have the title to boat and trailer?
  14. khmer6

    **Gone** Some Cheap and Free Misc Stuff

    I tried to send you a pm on the table I guess it never went thru! I'm glad he scooped it up. Sending you a pm now
  15. khmer6

    **Gone** Some Cheap and Free Misc Stuff

    I'll send my buddy fern
  16. Great deal. Avoid hazmat and shipping!
  17. khmer6

    Free Reloading Brass

    I'll take it. I'm in n valley
  18. khmer6

    50 BMG rounds

    Are you sure those are SLAP they don't have a sabot. Looks like API and APIT on the red tip
  19. khmer6


    Thank you. Fb67 is a great seller
  20. khmer6


    I'll take the 52lbs of ingots for $45 I'm in n phx