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Everything posted by khmer6

  1. Hoping for an elk tag next year and maybe a light load on deer. No more available it was a mix of black Friday sale and some haggling. Thanks for the advice guys going to do some load development after javelina season. Cast boolits can be pushed past 2000fps. Many do it regularly without leading or defunct accuracy. Now for pushing the 7mm magnum, I am not sure how well it would do with cast. The Lee soup can doesn't sound like a good candidate.
  2. everytime i see your dog I keep thinking it could be my lab lol. except shes got a little gray under her chin. No ducks for me, all i got treated to was some empty ponds and nothing flying. This weather we are having today sure looks like something will be pushing. I keep checking DU migration map for reports.
  3. I just can't seem to find them! I see them flying around the canal areas even in central Phoenix, but getting them in a hunting area has been difficult. I've been all the way out to humbug creek north of lake pleasant a few times. Saw some ducks, but people were fishing out there (in a marsh). Ended up chasing quail and scouting for javelina. Tried to switch it up and reach it from the agua fria drainage. No access, although the drive was a heck of a lot easier. Most of the tanks are currently all dried up (and whether or not they hold ducks if they have water I am not sure). I thought about the verde and the reservoirs but have heard they are pretty dry. I am at a lost. I am just looking for a couple to to pay for my tags and gas for this season. With a new baby on the way its hard to get out anywhere far. Can anyone please help push me in a decent area? (PM me if you want please) Or if anyone needs an extra set of hands to carry the load, I'd be more than willing.
  4. khmer6

    Truck rims --price lowered

    rubber included?
  5. Jumped some tanks today but no ducks. Maybe I'll just wait till it gets colder. Got some deks a member recommended and a new semi auto to play with
  6. khmer6

    Left Over Results are out!

    Javelina has a bag limit of 2 per calendar year now
  7. khmer6

    Couple of reds

    sweet! were you able to track where they went out of the canal. would be pretty neat to see where they are heading. It has been documented they can swim, but are most likely terrible at it. it was witnessed by azgfd biologists that a pair swam nearly half a mile, but only one made it, the other is believed to have gone under.
  8. khmer6

    Left Over Results are out!

    prolly not too happy they didn't get to leave early today.
  9. khmer6

    Couple of reds

    I hope the mother returns to take care of them. Have been able to check on them throughout the day?
  10. khmer6

    Tag Frustrations....

    Hopefully all that moisture brings your fresh tracks and fresh signs
  11. khmer6

    26m pig

    wasn't archery allowed within a 1/4 mile of a occupied building before? It was only a suggestion in previous years.... But looking at the current regulations, looks like its actually stated in the foot notes these days :-(
  12. Good table fare. I had about a dozen honkers fly over my house this morning and evening. Really irks me I can't do a dang thing about them.
  13. khmer6

    Leftover question

    I believe that is correct. New fees don't take effect until calendar year? So I think if you bought a tag in 2014 you'd pay 2014 price. It's still fuzzy. We paid 2013 hunt/fish combo for 2014. Best bet to call GF tomorrow morning and get it out, unless the left over you are applying for has only like 5 left then chance it. If its wrong they might call you?
  14. Good luck 6anut!! How far north you going? Further than mormon lake?
  15. khmer6

    Got my tag today....and my refund???

    what was the refund for? i'm confused. I got my tag yesterday as well, but just the tag .I paid via online system for tag only, bought my 2014 lic earlier. Also i thought the app fee was still 7 dollars-ish until calendar year 2014
  16. i live by a golf course in town, and the honkers have been there the last few weeks. theres a city park right next to it. i took the kids there and was quite tempted in chasing one down and whacking it. (honkers not the kids) :-) A+ crowd in here. Where do I get a sticker to show my support!
  17. i keep the 10mm or 5.7 on hand all the time. i'll down some yotes to keep our game animal pop up, do everyone a favor. i really appreciate all the responses so far. anywhere else i have read, people would scold or blow the OP off.
  18. that is what i was figuring. thanks for confirming guys. i know it doesn't get really "good" at all. I had thought about going to mormon and stoneman. but its quite a ways away. Stoneman was dry when i went a couple of months ago. i've tried looking for ponds in northern part of phoenix, but seems like all the ponds are down south closer to the agriculture areas? i guess i'll have to do some more driving this weekend. maybe the rains will help push some. hopefully i can tackle some in january while on paternity leave (if she doesn't kill me)
  19. khmer6

    130# Tom ready for pick up (pic heavy)

    that its awesome!! at first when i read the title from the main forum i thought.... holy cow... 130# turkey??? unreal...
  20. khmer6

    hunting lisence?

    that sucks. i think you can get a reprint for not so much. better than getting a whole new license. you can always call the office and see what you can sucker one of them into doing for you as well
  21. khmer6

    Count the stink pigs

    I truly envy you
  22. khmer6

    hunting lisence?

    when you order it online you HAVE to print them. otherwise purchase at the office.
  23. khmer6

    Draw odds

    that's what i was wondering as well. i have no bonus points. looking at the regs and the % odds drawn doesn't really say much asides from stats of number of apps and number of permits
  24. khmer6

    Did anyone kill the white Elk in unit 27 ?

    Wow she looks so small