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Everything posted by khmer6

  1. khmer6

    20B first time pig

    I'm sure we will get them next time around. Pretty healthy herd and maybe they will drop more piglets later this year. I'll be scouring the topos and satellites in preparation for next year :-D. Once rifle season closes, I'm going to look for every single one of their bedding site.
  2. khmer6

    living in my culvert?

    There was a guy in Prescott I think last year? that was facing criminal charges for shooting a pig in the front yard of his cabin under "self defense". Get a HAM tag and quietly remove it. Late GF has been sending teams to kill pigs if they present a problem instead of relocating.
  3. Hey guys, I just picked up a 700 in 7mm RM with a 26" 1:9.25 twist, with 3-9x40 glass for under $300 I was wondering if anyone of you guys hunt with this caliber or even this gun. What off the shelf ammo have you had experience with and accuracy? Also if anyone reloads or casts for it, would love to see what kind of powder and projectiles are giving you the most out of your rifle. I don't know if casting lead will be in her future, pushing lead that fast in a magnum cartridge :
  4. Who's heading out to hunt HAM for the HAM hunt this weekend? Sucks that we got a cold front coming in out of nowhere. Sunny days all January and then this. I would love to see pictures of piggies in the snow. I know they run around and seen a few before floating around, just always think its a sight to see. I'll be in 20b with my 4 year old. More of a father/son bonding time and the harvest is just a bonus.
  5. khmer6

    Who's going out for the HAM 2014?

    I haven't even heard any gun shots or squealing. Just some cows bulging or something really loud. Beef is better than javi meat right?
  6. khmer6

    Who's going out for the HAM 2014?

    It is completely dead out here! ! Where have all the big herds gone
  7. khmer6

    Who's going out for the HAM 2014?

    180gr buffalo bore 10mm. 1911 and g20
  8. khmer6

    Who's going out for the HAM 2014?

    ha! then it'll be a real HAM hunt. how much meat would be left it you whacked one with all three?
  9. khmer6

    Free gear for youth waterfowl hunters

    great deal. im surprised no one has vouched for it yet
  10. khmer6

    What's cold for javelina?

    bah, on the opposite side of me. it might snow on friday just north of phoenix, brrrr
  11. khmer6


    that picture is awesome. you dont realize how big they really are, but that picture gives a great relation of their size
  12. khmer6

    What's cold for javelina?

    what unit? i hope it rains and brings some fresh tracks
  13. khmer6

    Javo Scouting

    That's a trooper. Crazy about the trap, I bet that was one mean sucker
  14. khmer6

    What's cold for javelina?

    They run thru the snow if they have to. We had warm weather this whole time and bam, a little cold front. Throws me in for a bit of a loop for the ham. But hopefully they will just be out latter. And all day long. If it gets really cold and windy, look in canyons and washes where there is shelter
  15. khmer6

    best cow elk units

    that is solid advice. you are pretty far from the elk units, so whichever one you are most comfortable with spending time and driving to.
  16. khmer6

    2014 shed

    im surprised the woodland critters didn't get to it yet. was it pretty bleached when you found it?
  17. khmer6

    Sheds In, Under or Around Trees

    never seen one under a tree myself. last muley shed i found was in plain sight by some dead tall grass. i thought it was some bleached tree branches at first that had dried up. nice 4 pointer
  18. khmer6

    When do sheds start dropping?

    from now until later this year. grab them before the ground rats get to them! with it being so dry i would think earlier this year?
  19. khmer6

    Thx to the folks on site with my boys jr hunt

    Have them both shoot!!! Double bang!!! what kind of chaos that would create with pigs scattering everywhere ha
  20. khmer6

    Thx to the folks on site with my boys jr hunt

    Good luck and way to keep at it. I've seen your posts in the other sub forums too, sorry I don't know much about 21 personally
  21. khmer6


    Sorry to hear. Maybe he will be arond in august and a tad bigger
  22. khmer6

    Help with unit selection

    6a/b 7e late rifle. its all a shot in the dark, 80% of the permits will be available after the bonus pass. So just pick the 2 units you are more comfortable with and go with it. whichever unit you can scout the most or get help with would be the one I would put in for. I'm hoping for that early rifle 22N tag this year. Theres like 20ish tags only. I'm getting the kids in 6a jr rifle. Hopefully we can harvest some meat
  23. khmer6

    Help for a rookie Javelina hunter?

    Muzzle loading is in feb. Which Phoenix area will you be in. I would try to get one of the more "popular" units