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Everything posted by khmer6

  1. khmer6

    Rojas91 is a scammer.

    Sam Sent me a msg to contact someone else. dang scammers
  2. Like the title states WTB 303 savage brass and ammo for a savage 99
  3. khmer6

    30-40 Krag Brass 50ct

    Glad it all worked out. Been looking for krag brass
  4. khmer6

    30-40 Krag Brass 50ct

    I know a guy that wants this.
  5. $20 pick up n phx. 101/i17 sportsmanwarehouse area
  6. khmer6

    Plano bow case 44in $60

    $50 takes it
  7. khmer6

    Plano bow case 44in $60

    Bow case with a few extras. Some arrows and a release. Never traveled with it. Been in the garage for years $60 n phx
  8. khmer6


    What is the single shot?
  9. khmer6

    Plano bow case 44in $60

    Make me an offer
  10. khmer6

    Plano bow case 44in $60

    Won't let me upload pics. This is the case https://www.cabelas.com/shop/en/plano-bow-guard-se-44-single-bow-case-100017698-1?ds_e=GOOGLE&ds_c=Cabelas|Shopping|PMax|Hunting|Hunting|NAud|TopPerf|NMT&&&&&gad_source=1&gclid=Cj0KCQiA35urBhDCARIsAOU7QwlA1tsLezfC6Jfd-Voy5kCMNTsSyGf08hcgw0ZZPU3AJAXvTdiaNrwaAk57EALw_wcB&gclsrc=aw.ds
  11. I'll take Stack On Gun Safe $75, missing lock on one side but replaceable from stack on
  12. khmer6


    If you still have that chargemaster I'll grab it too. Sorry it's been a while since we could connect
  13. khmer6


    You speaking my language. I'll take them all thanks.
  14. khmer6


    All good. Got it taken care of. AjoAL is an A+ seller
  15. khmer6


    I'll take $160 Vortex Viper HD 10x42 VPR-4210-
  16. khmer6

    Free Traeger

    Could of had it delivered
  17. khmer6

    20 Ga Shotshells and Wads SOLD

    Might have convinced me to load 20ga
  18. Perfect timing. I just got a new 338. Where are you locates?
  19. khmer6

    9MM and 45 ACP Brass SOLD

    I'll take all 100 plus pounds
  20. khmer6


    That's a good deal on a trailer
  21. khmer6


    ok ok twist my arms ill take these too - 45 acp, processed, 5 lbs. $25.00 New Price - $10.00 - 9mm, deprimed, 34 lbs, $80.00 New Price - $40.00
  22. khmer6


    I will take the rest of all the #1 powder along with the brass in the other post. 10 or 15x h110 1x h335 1x 231 I'll take the 8# too if you're willing to do $10/lb on it too 3x 296