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Everything posted by khmer6

  1. khmer6

    How Does the Draw really Work.

    It's a pseudo randomize number generator with another pseudo random seed so it doesn't start at the same every year.
  2. khmer6

    How Does the Draw really Work.

    1-2 choice ran first for all apps. Then another draw stage. Ocassioanl people draw choice 2 even thought choice 1 had left over tags
  3. khmer6

    Card Hit!!!

    Still crossing my fingers. Otherwise it's going to be a lot of birds this year
  4. khmer6

    Card Hit!!!

    thats what i thought ^^ I dont see how they would of processed those so fast at the pace of govt
  5. khmer6

    Card Hit!!!

    for those that got hit and had bonus points previously. if you check your draw and bp results, does it show what you had previously or now back to zero? Someone posted they had 5 but now down to 2 points. I don't remember azgfd ever moving this quickly. i'm just holding out on hopes i will still get drawn :-(
  6. khmer6

    How much longer will they hit cards

    its been quiet. i hope they are still hitting cards or its going to be a boring fall :-(
  7. khmer6

    What shotgun to buy?

    It really is. I wanted a Beretta so bad I could taste it a few years ago but when I closed my eyes and brought it up to my shoulder and tight to my cheek the sight pattern was way off.That's how I felt swinging a few shotguns before. There were some so great and just seemed right on spec on paper but felt terrible on my shoulder swing :-(
  8. khmer6

    Bonus points?

    Are you talking about this one? https://az.gov/azgfd/draw/home.xhtml
  9. khmer6

    Credit card hit

    Check to see if you accused another bonus point?
  10. khmer6

    Bonus points?

    How did you check
  11. khmer6


    What! How did you check that. Is azgfd really moving that fast. Usually the results page Bombs out at this time with errors or shows elk results still
  12. khmer6

    Card Hit!!!

    Going to be a busy fall for.you
  13. khmer6

    What shotgun to buy?

    Remington 870 wingmaster had a 3.5 but tough to find and usually go for a premium. If you really want the 3.5 my vote goes hands down to the stoeger m3500. It's a Beretta / Benelli legal clone even comes with a full set of chokes. Can be had for new under 500? I was on the fence for one till I found a new copy of the old Beretta auto for 300
  14. khmer6

    Card Hit!!!

    for those with the BofA app on their phones. Do you still get a notification when AZGFD hits your card or no because its under the $100 threshold for notification? Trying to remember past years
  15. khmer6

    Come on draw

    sounds like azgfd is getting back on track! way to go and now charge my cc please
  16. khmer6

    Card Hit!!!

    sounds like a freezer full of meat
  17. khmer6

    Credit card hit! Picture proof

    azgfd please take my monies
  18. khmer6

    What shotgun to buy?

    For the budget I'd look into the Stoeger M3500. Auto shotgun with 3.5. Lots of pump 3.5" for over 300$ as well. If your heart isn't truly set on 3.5" then 3" autos can be found for fairly cheap too. 3.5" is pretty pricey compared to 3". Technology today has gotten a lot better too. So another factor to look into. But yes, it's always nice to know that you can load 3.5" :-) I keep a pump 3.5 and an auto 3" with me
  19. khmer6

    School me on White Wing Dove Patterns

    Good. Maybe I can bust some up come September. Very few last year opening morning.just a bunch or mourning doves and jacks
  20. khmer6

    Credit Card Hits?

    bwhahahah that would be awesome. kind of... like those dang sites that take over the whole page with a single pop up and you gotta wait 15 seconds
  21. http://www.azgfd.gov/h_f/hunt-info/dove/dove.shtml
  22. khmer6

    Come on draw

    Historically been a few days after cc deadline. But with the elk draw fiasco this year who knows? Next week? The following week? I'm itching
  23. khmer6

    School me on White Wing Dove Patterns

    Probably making their way back down south again early. This year they came back pretty early. Crazy lack of winter messing up their pattern perhaps
  24. khmer6


    spam filters. i have found a mail from legitimate partners in there. also mail that are from mailing lists like azgfd one week will go there and other times will end up in my inbox.
  25. khmer6

    Remington recall

    Link for status update http://www.remington.com/forms/repair-information.aspx