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Everything posted by khmer6

  1. khmer6

    Pigs that are dumb

    Congrats too. I was half expecting to read about how you stabbed a pig that walked up to your rifle lol
  2. khmer6

    quarry's point of view

    Oh. those are some great mounts
  3. khmer6

    When do we find out?

    Update CC by tonight! Cmon next week! Lets see that rutty rifle bull!
  4. khmer6

    "Beefalo" hunting in grand canyon

    There also has been a lot of talk about PAYING for someone to terminate all these animals! Not cool! Federal tax dollars taking away our STATE resources
  5. khmer6

    "Beefalo" hunting in grand canyon

    From all the stories, articles etc they are pretty dang close to true buffalo. I agree with EBB, we should refuse the terminology. $hit if wolves can be in the park.....then our game can too
  6. There have been a few people on the forums that contracted Trich from uncooked bear, usually from doing a ham and not cooking it cuz it was so thick. Steve had a recent episode when he was cooking and briefly talked about how he got trich and had the meat tested. He was temping his meat at home. Surprising you can "undercook" pork now because the chances of getting worms has been lower the past few years because of better habitat. Wouldn't try it on a wild hog but a store pig sure!
  7. khmer6

    new bugle cover

    i thought it was one crazy monster at first then saw the extra ears :-D
  8. khmer6

    7mm 180gr Hybrids

    will never shop there anymore. use to be a great price with reasonable/comparable prices even during hard times. now its just superinflated
  9. khmer6

    family day

    Whack whack bad piggy she says
  10. khmer6

    Unit 22 success

    Nice piggy
  11. khmer6

    Deadline EXTENDED

    And notice it's not hosted on the azgfd domain it's on az.Gov which is the dept of administration I believe?
  12. khmer6

    Deadline EXTENDED

    Not entirely sure how the application part works but would be smart to use elastic computing since like you said. It's pretty much idle most of the year and takes a huge hit during the draw and results. If they aren't using an elastic cloud now maybe now would be a good time
  13. khmer6

    2015 HAM hunt success :)

    Dear g0d. Is that the exit or entrance wound
  14. khmer6

    The streak continues . . .

    Feeling bummed in 20b here
  15. khmer6

    MY THEORY! O_o

    the skunk creek pig!!!
  16. khmer6

    MY THEORY! O_o

    definitely seeing way more donkeys than normal. last year we were surrounded by them. came out of the brush and they split up into two groups. was actually kind of worried since both groups would close in as i tried to walk away. I glassed into a canyon/drainage one time and my god, there were hundreds of them eating the fresh greens. along with cattle and lots of babies everywhere too. it was like watching all the elk in mormon lake except they were lame donkeys
  17. khmer6

    How to get season dates changes.

    It would be great to have a February season! Especially since its usually colder than January lol. Migratory birds are heavily influenced by the feds. Arizona is very liberal on the seasons. One of the longest
  18. khmer6

    Draw conspiracy theories

    It's not truely random. Depending on the algorithm used and the numbers generated. Also wonder if they use the pseudo random function to generate the seed number and if so how many times. If they only strip your application number (say based in numeric value incremental as they get them in) and no personal indetifiable number then it's pretty random to me
  19. seen lots of illegal activity in lake pleasant area before. i remember a few years back a coyote dropped off a bunch of illegals in the middle of the summer. there was a huge scramble to pick them all up before they expired
  20. khmer6

    New Years Day Buck

    Awesome buck man. Love the patches of snow too!
  21. khmer6

    Elk units for 2015

    2015 you can get from Azgfd site. Here's a copy of 2014 elk 2014elkregs-2.pdf
  22. khmer6

    Elk units for 2015

    You can try to run your numbers with these reports from azgfd. http://www.azgfd.gov/eservices/documents/bonus/5-2014/2014%20Pronghorn%20and%20Elk%20-%20Bonus%20Point%20Report%20-%20Bonus%20Pass%20by%20Hunt%20Number.pdf
  23. khmer6

    Border Patrol Aid

    That's almost cheating lol. I always wondered when flir and other technologies would start going mainstream hunting. It will be interesting with the influx of drones and the sorts
  24. khmer6

    State trust land

    5guys. These areas are annexed and are in city limits. So hunting only discharge of firearms laws would still apply. But seems like no one follows. My daughter and I picked up a bag of trash. There was plenty more. But we weren't there to clean up people's messes l. Showing her the ropes to respecting what we are given.
  25. khmer6

    37B Stinker..... Updated Mule Deer Down

    Nice!!! How far apart were these herds?? Seems like population is recovering from that parvo kill off a few years ago