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Everything posted by khmer6

  1. khmer6

    When will results be posted ?

    They are yanking us. Quick turnaround in cc hits and making us wait :-D. Sometimes I think they watch these sites and like to laugh at our patheticness lol. Its all good though, I'm glad they hit cc very quickly. Rules out the "my c.c was replaced or had fraud in between the update deadline and when they actual draw" problem. Hopefully the portal will bring instant results one day!!
  2. khmer6

    Just how tough are Elk?

    Good advice. Keep shooting or flinging arrows so long as it's safe and clean. Plenty of stories of recovered elk with seasons of injuries, bullets and arrows.
  3. khmer6

    When will results be posted ?

    anyone have their bonus points change?
  4. khmer6

    Credit hit

    August 3rd
  5. khmer6

    Mushrooming and Elk Scouting

    Just pick them all, shake them up in a bag and call it Good ;-)
  6. I've tried making a rabbit poop it's guts a few times. Still can't get it done right lol. Birds snip their crop it's a bit foul in their necks and alcoholish?
  7. khmer6

    Question for you Computer Guys??? Routers

    Heck yeah. Love having gigabit wired to every room of the house. Can't wait for consumer 10Gbe to get cheap
  8. khmer6

    Credit hit

    I don't think that rule applies anymore. So many new hunters and so few leftovers these days. And what's left over gets snatched so quickly. But I sure hope it was just a goof up and he gets his call from azgfd
  9. khmer6

    Retumbo at Sportsmans Mesa

    That's just wrong lol
  10. khmer6


    congrats jim clark! funny cuz i was thinking of the name "jim" was going to win when i was talking about not having a simple name lol
  11. khmer6

    Question for you Computer Guys??? Routers

    oh also sprint is giving away free 802.11ac routers too. not sure who your mobile cell provider is, but its an option :-)
  12. khmer6

    Question for you Computer Guys??? Routers

    On another note, not sure what you are doing that you need a HOST to hit 100mbps. That's an awful lot of constant bandwidth for a single residental computer. As long as you can sustain 100mbps across all links, you should be good
  13. khmer6

    Question for you Computer Guys??? Routers

    802.11AC can push way beyond that. AC is currently the fastest with AD releasing soon. AC is up to 1200 non aggregated, but most devices, cell phones tablets only use one single channel single antenna so they are limited to about 433mbps, laptops and other devices can take advantage of even higher speeds. I use to run a draft N device from a long time ago, never noticed any issues with streaming and lots of comptuers, but I don't think I was stressing my WiFi really since everything that was cabled to gigabit ethernet to the jacks. Wireless 802.11ac brings lots of improvements including beam forming technology and other speed and range enhancements. Check out target, they were clearning out a lot of the really nice Nighthawks and high end routers for a good price! Also, if you are in a VERY large house you may think about putting a couple of $10 wireless N 150mbps access points around your house. Name them the same and use the same PW, turn off DHCP and plug into the LAN jack.
  14. khmer6

    Designated Dispersed Camping

    I think this is the area we were talking about? Agreed if they are only enforcing it during hunting season not cool. Really need a check and balance with the feds. Some forest have different rules from what I remember. Coconino is usually pretty good with publishing and getting the info out, The Kaibab as well. The other's are kind of spotty.
  15. khmer6

    Question for you Computer Guys??? Routers

    if you have tmobile they give away a 200$ router for free. It's an ASUS dual band AC1900 .Its the RT-68U. Signal is great in my house on 2.4 and 5ghz bands. Goes backyard, upstairs with very strong signal using a signal meter. Performance and additional applications and USB drives is great.
  16. khmer6

    Designated Dispersed Camping

    That's what I don't agree with. If there's a gate and you don't want me on the road then lock the gate that's already their. With that said- I try to obey the road closures except the ones I just don't agree with. I believe the road closure excuse was to prevent further destruction of the habitat and yet they just graded a closed road. On the camping side of it I would probably follow the rules just because I don't want to spend all the time it takes to set up the wall tent to be told to take it down and move. Last archery season, we had just finished setting the tent up when forest service pulled in and pulled out her map and said good news, you're in a designated camping spot so I don't have to make you move. When did they start with designated camping spots? I thought that camping was allowed throughout the forest. It was motorized travel or parking within 30 feet of the road that was the issue. I know that there is an area on the 300 road just past the turn off for Woods Canyon Lake that has signs saying no camping and all along the 300 road I see that large boulders have been placed to block a vehicle from pulling the road into spots that were always accessible for a vehicle to pull into. Not necessarily to camp but to park so you could get out and hike/hunt. I was up there camping a couple of months ago and after the pavement ends a few miles in there is a road to the right I took that went back in about a mile. It had designated campsites all along it that were about 50 yards apart. At the end of the road was a locked gate but the road went for quite a ways in. The sign on it said it was close to all but snow mobiles. Yes, up 300 past woods a bit on the right there is a designated dispersed camp ground thats numbered! crazy hahah! I believe that one s the FR195 camp ground. That one has a small road that goes directly to the west lake fork Theres another campgroun onto the left right on the rim FR9350. These two spots get hammered pretty hard, woodscanyon is always packed
  17. khmer6

    Ticks down south!

    Just some info on RMSF.... was first identified in Arizona in 2003 and continues to be public health threat. Since 2003, there have been over 330 human RMSF cases identified in Arizona with 20 fatalities. Some helpful links http://azdhs.gov/phs/oids/vector/rocky-mountain-spotted-fever/prevention.php http://azdhs.gov/phs/oids/vector/rocky-mountain-spotted-fever/documents/rmsf-handbook.pdf http://azdhs.gov/phs/oids/vector/rocky-mountain-spotted-fever/ Stay safe out there!!!
  18. khmer6


    Crossinga my fingers
  19. khmer6

    Designated Dispersed Camping

    From Coconino..... The MVUM does not restrict where visitors may camp on National Forest System lands. However, it does restrict where motor vehicles may be used for the purpose of camping. Use of motor vehicles away from designated roads for the sole purpose of camping is permitted on National Forest System lands up to 300 feet from the edge of a designated road where indicated by the MVUM's "dispersed camping" symbol . Also, visitors may park alongside any designated road's edge and walk to their campsite anywhere on National Forest System lands, except where specifically prohibited as indicated in closure orders. When parking along a designated road, drivers must pull off the travelled portion of the roadway to permit the safe passage of traffi
  20. That's a great idea if the second card doesn't go through to bad so sad boom! primary funding and back up source. draw, charge, instant results on the portal. can't wait for the day! oh the mail in apps will still get their tags too :-D
  21. khmer6


    I never get drawn cuz I don't have a simple name :-p
  22. khmer6

    Designated Dispersed Camping

    Wow! Well that's even worse! Sounds like she was trying to bust you for anything and everything.
  23. khmer6

    Designated Dispersed Camping

    That's what I don't agree with. If there's a gate and you don't want me on the road then lock the gate that's already their. With that said- I try to obey the road closures except the ones I just don't agree with. I believe the road closure excuse was to prevent further destruction of the habitat and yet they just graded a closed road. On the camping side of it I would probably follow the rules just because I don't want to spend all the time it takes to set up the wall tent to be told to take it down and move. Last archery season, we had just finished setting the tent up when forest service pulled in and pulled out her map and said good news, you're in a designated camping spot so I don't have to make you move. When did they start with designated camping spots? I thought that camping was allowed throughout the forest. It was motorized travel or parking within 30 feet of the road that was the issue. that was my understanding too. i know there are some areas and forests where they HAVE designated dispersed camping but I thought prescott and coconino was open to pretty much anywhere so long as motorized travel was allowed. and the comment about the ranger saying they dont have to make you move cuz they pulled out a map and you were in a designated area. im sure it was just a joke and giggles, but at the same time that mentality is what's dangerous. are they OUT to get you, instead of just trying to make sure everyone is being safe and following the rules set up in everyones best interest
  24. khmer6

    Designated Dispersed Camping

    Took a moment but it clicked for me. http://www.fs.fed.us/recreation/programs/ohv/ohv_maps.shtml
  25. khmer6


    All tickets sold!!!