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Everything posted by macknnc

  1. macknnc

    This is another game animal that interests me...

    Okay you draw, but is it a 'high risk' draw? Like, for an example, a desert sheep tag? (and yes I know I am probably going to win the Powerball before I would draw a sheep tag...)
  2. macknnc

    my about me stuff...

    Hello folks...my first post here...(and if I am in the wrong spot for it, please tell me..I went through that on another board once and it was god-awful.) I'm 63 and do not hunt any where nearly as often I used too...(back issues) but did made one hunt for Coues over 30 years ago, prowling around the Chiracahua (sp?) Mountains in Az 6-7 days...never even saw one..just some tracks... But one of my boyhood mentors/heros was Jack O'Connor and he loved the Coues and his fasniacation rubbed off on me, though as I said, to this day I have never laid eyes on a living Coues, and actually seen very few mounts...so... Of course, here in my home state of North Carolina, we are a long way from Coues Country, but despite this, despite a somewhat limited (shall we say) income, despite my age, another hunt of the Coues is on my 'bucket list'... So I am trying to locate as much info on the Coues as possible. I've found several books, (thank you Amazon. What did we ever do before computers?) But my reading is still not giving me a good grasp on their diet and how their habits differ from my local whitetails... any info will be gratefully appreciate
  3. macknnc

    my about me stuff...

    Even though I didn't get a deer I don't regret a second of that hunt. Among others, I ran into a very old prospector who was looking for some old long lost mine (you know how those stories run, I'm sure), and we shared a cup of coffee and talked and he swore sixty ways to Sunday that about 10 years previous to this...(so about 64 or 65) he had still seen an occasional wild camel...interesting guy, really!
  4. Just discovered this site, though I have been interested in the Coues for quite some time.I was abig Jack O'Connor fan in the 1960s into the seventies and he wrote quite a bit about the Coues. But I live in North Carolina, a long way from Coues country, and I am real curious about some stuff...for an example...the Whitetail deer is a 'browser'...so what does a Coues browse on? I did one hunt for them in AZ back in the mid '70s and really did not see much of what my NC whitetail hunting would lead me to call 'browse'...so what do they nibble on?
  5. macknnc

    Who taught you to hunt?

    In my case, it was my grandfather...(my mother's dad) My father was an alcolholic and my parents spilt up when I was young and I wound up living with my grandparents for a few years. Grandpa was big hunter, though mostly with shotgun, uplands (quail) and rabbits...some squirrel with .22 and deer with a NRA Springfield...but he tapered it off as I got a bit older, though he bought me my first 'high powered' rifle, a Lee-Enfield which I eventually sporterized and kept until some a**hole got into my house during my marriage and decided he deserved it more than I did, (also Grandpa's L.C. Smith 16 ga, his Browning Auto-5 12 and the Springfield I mentioned earlier) Since then, I have hunted with Savage Steven 311 12ga double, my Ruger M-77 .270 with Leupold 1.5-5x scope and a bow I got from Herter's decades ago...
  6. macknnc

    my about me stuff...

    Prdatr: it was actually closer to 35 years...1974 or 75 as I remember it...Me, "Old Faithful" (a sporterized Lee-Enfield with a 2 3/4 power scope) 150 gr handloads, a small pack...wandering all about that range...