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Coues assassin

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Everything posted by Coues assassin

  1. Coues assassin

    Triclawps/ Claw questions

    Never used the triclawps although I almost purchased one then was convinced to go the rifle railz/loc jaw route by other members. Now I have never used the triclawps but LOVE the rifle railz/loc jaw! Sorry if this isn't what you wanted to hear just thought I would throw out my .02
  2. Coues assassin

    Fish Finder

    Tucson but frequent the valley
  3. Coues assassin

    How big is this bear? (PICTURES)

    Is it a male or female? And how can you tell? Thank you
  4. Coues assassin

    Few bears from June

    Might be me but I see nothing :/
  5. Coues assassin

    Fish Finder

    It is not that one it is this one http://www.cabelas.com/product/LOWRANCE-MARK-HDI-COMBO/1732610.uts?productVariantId=3739139&WT.tsrc=CSE&WT.mc_id=GoogleProductAds&WT.z_mc_id1=1732610&rid=40&channel=GoogleBaseUSA&mr:trackingCode=E7F4F5D8-55D5-E311-BF26-001B21631C34&mr:referralID=NA&mr:device=t&mr:adType=pla_with_promotion&mr:ad=49364643311&mr:keyword&mr:match&mr:filter=78889889111&gclid=CjgKEAjwz7mdBRDS46_ipNqqsEQSJAC4rrGk5USUc-cm70Eg_DVboa_jWU5W3f7iIJXsJiq_MRnwefD_BwE&gclsrc=aw.ds
  6. Coues assassin

    How to dispatch trapped animal?

    I agree thank you very much Hyperwrx for taking the time to provide all of this information. It really really helps a lot for getting started! And yes I plan on doing foxes and coyotes that I call I figure the practice skinning and fleshing is good plus I love anything that gets me outdoors. I'm going to print this list you gave and have it all by the time trapping comes around!
  7. Coues assassin

    How to dispatch trapped animal?

    Awesome really appreciate the info. One more question (for now at least ) how many cages do you have out at a time and how many do you think would be enough. I am a college student so $500 for 4 cages is a lot I could get one cluster and all the skinning items I need but that's about all my budget will allow. What I do have is the time to trap because I live so close to 37A it's my backyard
  8. Coues assassin

    How to dispatch trapped animal?

    Hyperwrx that is some great info I appreciate it! I was looking at the G&F website and can't seem to find anything about the class to get my trapping license do you happen to know anything about it? Also if you have any cages you would like to sell send me a pm
  9. Coues assassin

    How to dispatch trapped animal?

    Do you have a link?
  10. Coues assassin

    How to dispatch trapped animal?

    Well I appreciate all the info I have another question. Is the only legal take of bobcats (trapping wise) cage trapes (on public land)? Also curious anyone tried that .22 birdshot? Little holes not one big one just a thought
  11. Coues assassin

    How big is this bear??

    Yup now I will be going back down next week and check my camera and measure the size The only other water source I know of based on my scouting is 6-7miles away. Not sure how big there home range is but I sure hope he does stay on this water!!
  12. Went out today to set up some cameras and came across some very fresh bear track! So of course i put the camera on it and will hopefully catch him on my camera! Is this a big bear? Also will a bear still be in the same area come august? Or will he have moved on by then?? This is in 35B
  13. Coues assassin

    How big is this bear??

    I regret not doing so :/
  14. Coues assassin

    rifles for sale or trade

    Will you sell the mag for the 742 by itself?
  15. Coues assassin

    Eberlestock JP9 Blue Widow Pack:

    Il take the 20 ga if it falls through
  16. Coues assassin

    HSS Tree Stand Harness

    Pm sent on rain gear
  17. Coues assassin

    Want to buy trail camera lock box!

    Looking for a lock box to be made or if you already have one for my stealthcam unit ops.
  18. Coues assassin

    Want to buy trail camera lock box!

    Anyone? Ttt
  19. Coues assassin

    Price drop!!! Cuddyback trail cams for sale

    Will you sell separately?
  20. Coues assassin


    Sweet rig. Just curious though why 21? You only have to be 18. Is it different buying from private party? I know 21 for handguns and handgun ammunition but it's 18 for rifles and shotguns. I have always wondered this
  21. Coues assassin

    1990 Coleman tent trailer

    Any pictures?
  22. Went out Sunday to do some scouting and check cameras. My computer is acting up I will post trail camera pictures later, but here are some pictures I got through my 15s. Saw about 20 Goulds Got this guy just starting to grow some antlers. Also saw one more I couldn't get a picture of My boots couldn't hang with all the walking. Time for new ones
  23. Coues assassin

    Oct. whitetail

    Wow awesome buck one I can only dream of. Not gonna ask what unit but is it a southern or northern?
  24. Coues assassin

    Vortex 1000 rangefinder PRICE DROP!

    Interested in partial trades and cash?
  25. Coues assassin

    Remington 11-87 Upland Premier, 257 Ammo, Hat & Duster

    I love that shotgun. Wish I had the cash