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Coues assassin

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Everything posted by Coues assassin

  1. Coues assassin

    Brand new PSE Full Throttle 370fps

    Would you consider a Browning xbolt 300 medallion NIB I also won it last week
  2. Coues assassin

    Draw results

    Put In for another state.
  3. Coues assassin

    WTB Cabelas XL cot

    Costco has one right now by timber ridge it's padded and camo. Haven't tried it out but it's $60
  4. Coues assassin

    Is this how you feel?

    I don't agree with any of the lyrics
  5. Saw this recently and I think a few of you may have helped write this https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=cwQAyskqG0g
  6. Coues assassin

    Venison Sausage stuffed zucchini

    Great recipe I am gonna try my hand at it some time this week, we have zucchini growing like crazy in the garden! I will post pictures (won't look as good)
  7. Coues assassin

    Here's a couple of scouting pics / enjoy

  8. Coues assassin

    Setting Up the Camera

    Glad you found a solution if you wanted to though I was gonna suggest putting tape over the sensor then after all the fiddling peel it off and your good to go
  9. Unless it is a new law your brother in law could have surrendered his tag and gotten the bonus point back! "The Department shall reinstate any bonus points for- feited for a successful hunt permit-tag application for military personnel, military reserve personnel, national guard personnel, or public agency employees who are unable to use the hunt permit-tag due to mobili- zation, activation, or required duty in response to a declared national or state emergency, or required duty in response to an action by the President, Congress, or a governor of the United States or its territories. Under A.R.S. § 17-332(E), no refunds for a license or hunt per- mit-tag will be issued to an applicant who applies for reinstatement of bonus points under this subsection. To request reinstatement of forfeited bonus points under these circumstances, an applicant shall submit all of the following information to the Arizona Game and Fish Department, Draw Section, 5000 W. Carefree Highway, Phoenix, AZ 85086"
  10. Coues assassin

    water sources in 24b

    +1 google earth it's a great source to find new area and water then you can put the coordinates in your gps
  11. Coues assassin

    What shotgun to buy?

    So your saying a 12ga that holds up to 3 1/2 shells that can shoot every load on the market is not an all around gun? And your suggesting if you don't have the money to buy more than one shotgun you can't obtain a gun to do it all? Seems fishy
  12. Coues assassin

    Fish Finder

  13. Coues assassin

    Fish Finder

    I have a Lowrance Mark-4 hybrid dual imaging fish finder + charter plot! It has never been used just sat in the box for the last 3 months safely in the closet. $150 OBO all trades considered
  14. Coues assassin

    What shotgun to buy?

    I wanted it to be my all around hunting shotgun. Mostly dove, quail, and duck. And I just recently got Into geese and turkey hence the want for 3 1/2. I know it's not needed but it doesn't hurt to have it as an option! I thought about just 3 but I can only afford one shotgun so I figured I would try and get the "Swiss army knife"!
  15. Coues assassin

    Fish Finder

    Ttt $100 last drop Trades interested in Binos Ammo Hunting clothes Anything hunting/fishing related
  16. Coues assassin

    Arizona Big Game Super Raffle

    Who bought tickets and what did you buy them for? I don't do it to win, I'm a college student so I buy as much as I can just to support and hope for the best good luck to those who did buy I bought 1 javelina 1 Turkey 1 swarovski package Not much
  17. Coues assassin

    New Dove Limits!!

    Unlimited limit, all year-round
  18. Coues assassin

    Arizona Big Game Super Raffle

    That would be amazing!
  19. Coues assassin

    Arizona Big Game Super Raffle

    Maybe not to many people bought tickets and I stand a chance at hunting pigs and turkey all year-round
  20. Coues assassin

    Garmin Rino 110's - SOLD!

    Pm sent
  21. Coues assassin

    Fish Finder

    Price drop $120 Offer some trades worst I can do is say no
  22. Well I will be trying my hand at trapping this season and after reading through many old posts and finding lots of great information the one thing I can't wrap my head around is how to dispatch a bobcat in the trap without ruining the fur. The only videos I saw online were people using catch poles to strangle the cats and there is no way in heck I would do that! So what do you guys do? Thanks
  23. Well I posted a topic with some tracks of how big is this bear. I set up the camera and 2 weeks later I got some pictures soooo how big? This is in 35B by the way. Ignore the time and dates these pictures are 1 week old Also what critter is this sticking his nose in my camera?
  24. Coues assassin

    Fish Finder

  25. Coues assassin

    How big is this bear? (PICTURES)

    No I just discovered the tracks about 3 weeks ago then set up a camera!