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Everything posted by crazy4COUES

  1. crazy4COUES


    LMAO, when i saw grated cheese inside the chest cavity.....
  2. crazy4COUES

    12v trail cam betteries

    Your talking abou SLA's, sealed lead acid. Similar to quad, motorcycle type 12v except smaller. They work very well, I have used them on my 12v stealthcam. Cold temps have affected the performance at times. Do a search fro 12v SLA and you should find plenty of resources. Here is a good trail cam webpage that has solar panels, batteries, and chargers for a good price http://www.whitetailsupply.com/Batteries-Chargers.html GOOD LUCK!
  3. crazy4COUES


    Here is a good easy one: 3 pound or so roast rub roast with some olive oil season the roast with your favotite seasoning salt etc. Get a hot skillet sear and brown the exterior of the roast place 2-3 chopped carrots, 2-3 medium potatoes, 4-5 celery stalks, 1 onion into bottom of crockpot place seared roast on top of the veggies get one can of hunts traditional spaghetti sauce and pour over the top of all (make sure the roast is submerged at all times) add water or more sauce if needed cook on low for about 8-10 hours, high 4-6 hours every two hours stir things up a little I like to serve it up with some toasted bread, french roll, home made if possible.
  4. crazy4COUES

    Unit 23 monster?

    What the.......still NO PICS!? ="!@#$%"]!@#$%^&*!
  5. crazy4COUES

    Two First Time Deer Hunters....

  6. crazy4COUES

    want to buy,,traditional archery equipment

    You looking for prospective sales from individuals, or a good supplier, shop?
  7. crazy4COUES

    Big bull down

    WOW! Talk about throwin' the smackdown! That is a GREAT bull to go along with that 100+ coues from earlier this year. CONGRATS!
  8. crazy4COUES

    Straight or Angled?

    Angled scopes are preffered when glassing uphill alot. It is easier to look at an upward angle through an angled scope. It enables you to have a good position over the eyepiece while the objective is higher than your eyepiece. Otherwise the straight would be more usefull, downhill, or level IMO.
  9. crazy4COUES

    A set we found while hunting

    Yeah, Way to go! Future coues master in training.
  10. crazy4COUES

    Bow recomendations

    DOH! How could I forget AR??? Yes very good bow, excellent option for consideration.
  11. crazy4COUES

    Bow recomendations

    First of all what do you like in a bow? grip style, draw cycle, ATA length, dual cam, solo cam, solid back wall, etc. Many of the the above response state to get the one that "fits" you. And I could not agree more. Not only does it need to fit you it needs to feel comfortable for you to draw, hold and shoot. Some bows have a soft, squishy backwall, large blocky grips, cams that eat servings, slower than advertised speeds, have to buy a new cam to change draw lengths, etc. (CATCH US IF YOU CAN")! I used to shoot hoyt for years. Then got on the mathews band wagon, until I found BOWTECH, "REFUSE TO FOLLOW". I fell in love with the ALLEGIANCE. It has easy adjustability in draw cycles, draw lengths, back wall positions, doesn't tear up your serving. It also has speed! These are all things that helped make the bow comfortable to ME. GOOD LUCK I would recommend you go to a shop that has several different styles and shoot them with your eyes closed from about 10 feet. Then use your favorite one to compare the others to.
  12. crazy4COUES

    Thanks for Unit 24A Help

    CONGRATS! Glad to hear things worked out for you and your son.
  13. crazy4COUES


    Nice job SIS! Another 100+" buck for the wall. WOOOOHOOOO!
  14. crazy4COUES

    My 2007 AZ Coues Hunt

    GREAT JOB! I love seeing those 27 bucks. Thanks for sharing.
  15. crazy4COUES

    My first Deer ever.

    CONGRATS! I admire your determination to stick it out. That is a nice buck.
  16. Just wanted to take a minute to inform you folks of what is going on. The Apache-Sitgreaves National Forest is in the process closing over 50% of the roads we are currently using the Springerville ranger district. It will have a dramatice effect on the way we all hunt, camp and recreate in the Springerville district ( UNIT 1 ). Please all that can speak out and let them know the impact it will have on all of us whom appreciate and utilize the forest as is. I went to the meeting the other night and it is not looking good so please speak up! All comments need to be recieved by January 11, 2008. Here is a link for more info http://www.fs.fed.us/r3/asnf/news/2007/200...te-system.shtml SEND written comments to: TRAVEL MANAGEMENT/APACHE SITGREAVES NATIONAL FOREST PO BOX 640 SPRINGERVILLE, AZ. 85938 SEND electronic mail to: asnf_travel_management@fs.fed.us note "travel management" in the subject line. OR CALL the "MAN" in charge himself!!!!!! James Copeland at 928-333-4301 or 928-339-4384 Your help is greatly appreciated! THANKS
  17. crazy4COUES

    Monster MOMS!!!!

  18. XXX WRONG! You are singling out quad riders....you need to realise it is the "OUTLAWS" that are causing problems drive pickups too. As mentioned in my post above. MANY, MANY trucks also are being driven around, over through road blocks. The problem is lack of enforcement on current laws. Closing more is not going to help without anymore enforcement. It is just as easy for you to blame the quad riders as it is the next guy to blame the environMENTALists. Look for the problem not the symptoms. The symptoms will lead you to the root problem. Once the problem is diagnosed, you need to do something to fix it. If they continue to "SHOTGUN" the symptoms the problem will never go away. That is how I see it.
  19. Yes it will continue all the way to the Big Lake junction at Crescent Lake. If you get a chance look at were the temporary road closure gates are across the highway. You will notice there are two tracker roads going around them. That pisses me off! It will happen everywhere as soon as the USFS tries to close the roads. "OUTLAWS" will just make more two trackers getting back to the area they wanted anyhow. This will make more of a mess than already exists. UGH it will be a can-o-worms!
  20. Lets face it "SHOT GUNNING" the crowd has never gotten any of us anywhere. They obviously couldn't enforce the current minimal closures, so why hope they can handle more? If they hired more people to enforce things, those jacka$$in dill-holes that we all do not appreciate would stay at the home and leave our mountains alone. Simple because there would be consiquences for thier actions. Just a side note: THOSE ROADS WILL NOT BE MADE UN-PASSIBLE! The USFS will utilize them to do routine activities, fight fires etc. So they will have maintenance done on them and will be driven on. It just wont be me or you driving on them! THAT IS B.S.
  21. "SOME" roads I agree should be closed. If you look at the maps you will see what they want to do, it is overkill. They want to shut down over 50%!!!! That is insane, and why the Springerville district has so much more closure than others? When this goes into effect we are going to see people on 24" centers. Not only that but the USFS should allow atv riding on alot of the old loggin roads. They don't have to be maintained for ATV use! heck they don't even maintain the friggin trail the USFS built across virgin ground! It parralells and crosses the road many times!
  22. crazy4COUES

    my best buck to date

    Congrats, nice pics, thanks for sharing. It looks like some nice country you were in.
  23. Here is a map showing what we currently have. http://www.fs.fed.us/r3/asnf/projects/docs...fd126k17x21.pdf Here is what is proposed. http://www.fs.fed.us/r3/asnf/projects/docs...fd126k17x21.pdf It seems the springerville district has been more affected in comparison to others.
  24. When is the contest? Anyone have a link to more info???