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Everything posted by crazy4COUES

  1. crazy4COUES

    My first deer

    Thats a good karp! CONGRATS
  2. crazy4COUES

    My 2008 new year's day buck!

    CONGRATS, nice job
  3. crazy4COUES

    The really big one got away!

    Nice job, CONGRATS!
  4. crazy4COUES


    GILAMAN, PM sent.
  5. crazy4COUES

    Hunting Partner

    Sounds like fun. I am planning the same in different unit. It is hard to find a "reliable" partner, I am still looking. GOOD LUCK!
  6. crazy4COUES

    sticky situation

    NOT SURE I UNDERSTAND...what good is it to report? If you are hunting pigs, shoot em'! Unless it is an ethical thing with yourself, if so you are the only one who can answer that question. Personally I wouldn't report anything that is not illegal. As mentioned before we don't need any more rules. Water tanks are bait, calling is a form of bait, using sex to lure is bait. It is all a part of hunting. If you prefer not to hunt in these fashions, GREAT! Hunt the way you prefer and allow others to do the same.
  7. crazy4COUES

    How to keep eyepiece covers on Swarv 15x56s?

    I tried this approach and it does work good! Thanks kast1.
  8. crazy4COUES

    2007 December Coues

    CONGRATS! It is difficult to fit in a hunt around the holidays, work and other obligations.
  9. crazy4COUES

    The Bionic Buck......'07 Late Hunt

    Thanks for sharing, the video, photos really adds to the story. I felt as if I was there. Excellent photos.
  10. crazy4COUES


    If it is brand new out of the box, I would recommend you set it up in the yard and "air it out". Maybe give it a liberal spraying. Then some of the "new" smell will be taken care of. When you brush it in use foliage that has some aromatic value, juniper and/or sage seems to aromitize well. Once I used cow pies to aid in scent masking. They were all around the water tank and I just busted them up and tossed some in around the blind. My biggest concern about setting them up in advance is no way to secure them from being taken or moved. I only leave them up while I am utilizing the area to avoid theft. GOOD LUCK and Merry Christmas to you as well.
  11. crazy4COUES

    rumor has it

    NICE very NICE! Congrats
  12. Good point...man that really SUCKS! If they do a crummy job like that the shop should be charged for waste of game.
  13. I am sorry to hear about your experience. However, I agree with the above post, how did hair get on your meat if you completely skinned and prepped your deer? Secondly what makes you deer meat so ruined? Can you not still cut it off and wash it? Next time do it yourself. Then you know what has been done to the meat.
  14. crazy4COUES

    December tag gripe

    Glad you are "over it" now. I feel exactly the same way about "rifle hunters" on any opening weekend. Drive around glass from the truck, sip some coffee, drive around, turn on the heater.....those turds..hehe!
  15. crazy4COUES

    December tag gripe

    MAN! Why does it always have to a a rifle vs. bowhunter thing? What if it was some knuckle head rifle hunters doing a push had ruined your stalk? Would you be more receptive? I can understand some frustration....but you managed to tag out so let it go. HAPPY HUNTING with a rifle or a BOW.
  16. crazy4COUES

    shooting uphill/downhill

    According to Archers Advantage software, @ 40 yards of earth to your target, 30 deg. uphill slope, you will actually only have a linear distance of 35.2 yards. @ 40 yards of earth to your target, 30 deg. downhill slope, you actually have a linear distance of 34.1 yds. Uphill vs. downhill does have a role in the point of impact however it is VERY little. So knowing this I would shoot both uphill and downhill with the same respect. One time our local 3-D club set a bighorn sheep down off a steep bank. It was 46 yards distance from me to the target. Because of the steep angle (about 45 deg.) we could shoot it for 25 yards and be on target every time. It was strange cause the arrow was in the air longer than expected, especially for a 25 yard shot.
  17. crazy4COUES

    Alpine Snow Report

    http://www.wrh.noaa.gov/mesowest/mwmap.php...fgz&map=fgz click on the # 29-x and it will give you the updates from the weather station.
  18. crazy4COUES

    Alpine Snow Report

    @ 10:00 am today 26.10" @ Hannagan Meadows
  19. crazy4COUES

    Alpine Snow Report

    @ 10:00 am 23.60" of snow @ Hannagan Meadows.
  20. crazy4COUES

    Mock Scrapes

    Ya, that is SWEET! Post them pics when you get em'.
  21. crazy4COUES

    Unit 1 & 27 Dec deer hunt

    Unit 1 is not open in dec. or jan. In fact in 2008 it will be a draw as far as I know.
  22. crazy4COUES

    BRD BIG Ram Down!!

    CONGRATS! I admire your fathers efforts.
  23. crazy4COUES

    36A Jr Buck

    CONGRATS young man! That was a mature decision you made, I respect that.
  24. crazy4COUES

    Best Choice for Varmint rifle

    It was a toss up between the 22-250 and the .243 when i was making the same choice. I went with the .243. There is more variety in reloading it. They can be loaded with 55 grain bullets and shoot just as fast as the 22-250. Whatever you choose get the heavy barrel and a good scope. ENJOY
  25. crazy4COUES


    Here is another favorie, take a trimmed backstrap slice in 1/2" slices season with season salt on one side fold in half wrap with bacon strip stick with toothpick put on the grill rotate every 4 minutes until done. I like to serve it up with some of these, take some fresh jalapenos cut down one side remove stem and gut it stuff with cream cheese wrap with bacon stick with toothpick put on grill rotate every 4 minutes untill done