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Everything posted by crazy4COUES

  1. crazy4COUES

    7.3L Powerstroke Superchip

    PM SENT>>> Is it the 1705 model?
  2. crazy4COUES

    salt and feed no more in 2009

    No we couldn't hunt 27 in dec. but we could hunt it in aug. and jan. But we did loose OTC archery in unit 1 to the best of my knowledge it will be a draw. I hope we don't loose 27 that would really SUCK!
  3. crazy4COUES

    salt and feed no more in 2009

    So a little "mock scrape" dripper would then be "illegal"?? What about those water projects that are always going on to help wildlife have readily available water? They are intentionally built and or maintained to atract wildlife......Also in what way is or was 27 closed?
  4. crazy4COUES

    Burrowing owl

    The Az game and fish transplanted a bunch of those into an area we like to prarie dog hunt awhile back. They are cool little guys. Nice pictures.
  5. crazy4COUES

    salt and feed no more in 2009

    Well said TONY!
  6. crazy4COUES

    What did you apply for?

    1st unit 1 ARCHERY 2nd unit 1 MUZZ 3rd unit 1 Nov. ARCHERY
  7. crazy4COUES


    It is VERY hard to compare ANYTHING to the swaro's......Brunton makes a good set of glass for the price. IMO they are far better than some of the others in the same price range. The EPOCH line is a GOOD glass however for some reason they do not offer it in a 15X, only a variable???????????Go figure. I tried for years to justify NOT spending the cash on SWAROVSKI thinking there is something out there comparable for less........WRONG! Get the best glass you can afford and enjoy them! GOOD LUCK
  8. crazy4COUES

    Ruger .357

    OOOHH YES... just what I want/need. Hope my wife feels the same, wish me luck!
  9. crazy4COUES

    Archery Shoots

    Here are a few for ya.... 02-Feb APACHE BOWHUNTERS STUMP SHOOT GLOBE 928-425-5053 03-Feb 4x4 3-D BEN AVERY 602-943-6506 10 Feb ASAA INDOOR CHAMPIONSHIP 10-Feb FULL DRAW 3-D BEN AVERY 602-525-0699 10-FebUSERY MT ARCHERS 3-D USERY 480-983-8683 10-Feb H.M.A.B 3-D FT HUACHUCA 16-17 FEB USERY MT ARCHERS 1ST LEG CROWN USERY480-983-8683 17-Feb4x4 3-D BEN AVERY 602-943-650622- 24 Feb TARGET VEGAS 24-Feb DESERT 3-D BEN AVERY 623-934-5435 02-Mar 4x4 3-D BEN AVERY 602-943-6506 09-Mar FULL DRAW 3-D BEN AVERY 602-525-0699 09-Mar H.M.A.B 3-D FT HUACHUCA 15-16 Mar APACHE BOWHUNTERS 3-D GLOBE 928-425-5053 15-16 Mar H.M.A.B 3-D SONOITA 29-30 Mar OUTDOOR CHAMPIONSHIP TARGET PHONEIX 30-Mar HASSAYAMPA 3-D WICKENBURG 520-417-1755 06-Apr4x4 3-D BEN AVERY 602-943-6506 06-Apr APACHE BOWHUNTERS 3-D GLOBE 928-425-5053 09-Apr USERY MT ARCHERS 3-D USERY480-983-8683 19-Apr JOAD OUTDOOR TARGET 9-13 Apr ARIZONA CUP TARGET 13-Apr H.M.A.B 3-D FT HUACHUCA 19-20 Apr APACHE BOWHUNTERS 2ND LEG CROWN GLOBE 928-425-5053 20-Apr FULL DRAW 3-D BEN AVERY 602-525-0699 27-Apr DESERT 3-D BEN AVERY 623-934-5435 03-May APACHE BOWHUNTERS 3-D TRAD GLOBE 928-425-5053 11-May H.M.A.B 3-D FT HUACHUCA 18-May 4x4 3-D BEN AVERY 602-943-6506 24-26 May ABA 3-D SUNRISE www.arizonabowhunters.org 01-Jun FULL DRAW 3-D BEN AVERY 602-525-0699 08-Jun H.M.A.B 3-D FT HUACHUCA 6-8 Jun 3-D MORMAN LAKE 13-Jul H.M.A.B 3-D FT HUACHUCA 10-Aug DESERT 3-D BEN AVERY 623-934-5435 10-Aug USERY MT ARCHERS 3-D USERY480-983-8683 10-Aug H.M.A.B 3-D FT HUACHUCA 17-Aug 4x4 3-D BEN AVERY 602-943-6506 14-Sep H.M.A.B 3-D FT HUACHUCA 05-Oct FULL DRAW 3-D BEN AVERY 602-525-0699 11-12 Oct APACHE BOWHUNTERS 3-D GLOBE 928-425-5053 11-12 Oct H.M.A.B 3-D SONOITA 18-Nov APACHE BOWHUNTERS 3-D GLOBE 928-425-5053 16-Nov USERY MT ARCHERS 3-D USERY 480-983-8683 23-Nov DESERT 3-D BEN AVERY 623-934-5435 Desert Archers 2008 yearly schedule [/size] January No Shoot February 2nd & 3rd March 1st & 2nd April (Triangle T) 5th & 6th IBO Qualification 20th May 3rd & 4th June No Shoot July No Shoot August 2nd & 3rd September No Shoot October 4th & 5th Nov (Triangle T) 1st & 2nd December 6th & 7th Contact Rick Holder @ 520-289-0638 or Harry Stadie @ 520-591-3494
  10. crazy4COUES

    Archery Shoots

    What area of the state are you looking for?...northern, southern, central Az.....
  11. crazy4COUES

    Ethics of Finding a Trail Camera

    I'm curious, why is a treestand left after season fair game and the trail camera not? What if you weren't able to make it back up to your stand site for a couple weeks after whatever season you're hunting and some dip-shiznit came and took it with that kind of mentality. It'd torque you pretty hard wouldn't it? I mean, it's your hard earned dollars and sweat equity to find a decent spot for your stand and maybe you just didn't have a wknd where you could get away due to work or babysitting or whatever. Regardless of what the excuse of not being able to get out it's STILL SOMEBODY ELSE'S PROPERTY AND NOT YOURS!!!! Don't get me wrong, I have never stolen any stand. I understand the property may not be mine upon finding it. What if I want to use that area/tree for my stand? Some guy has his stand up ALL year? It is public land they have shown no ineterest in removing it...it would appear ABANDONED! I should be able to remove it and utilize the tree for my usage. I have a problem with folks thinking that because they have a stand hanging ALL the time that they have rights to that area. BULLSHIT! It is public land and FIRST COME FIRST SERVED! When you head out and are done hunting...pack your stuff out with you.
  12. crazy4COUES

    Ethics of Finding a Trail Camera

    If I find a camera I don't mess with them. Treestands...left up out of season....on public land, I don't agree with. If they are going to leave them up ALL year then it is considered fair game, ABANDONDED property!
  13. crazy4COUES

    2008 Mexico Coues Hunt

  14. crazy4COUES

    About time

    CONGRATS! I dream about bucks like that all the time, SWEET buck.
  15. crazy4COUES


    It is used and in excellent condition, includes case $200.
  16. crazy4COUES


  17. crazy4COUES

    pse x force

    Ya I know...they obviously never tried BOWTECH. Once you do, you will pledge ALLEGIANCE to never SWITCHBACK!!! Bwah-ha-ha, don't knock em till you try em.....
  18. crazy4COUES

    Draw Bow Tags?

    They are jabbing the archers, right in the eye. It really sucks...it also creates tension between hunters...that also sucks. AGAIN does anyone know the hunt dates for the unit 1 DRAW archery seasons?
  19. crazy4COUES


    SWEET! Great job, way to stick with it. Congrats and thanks for sharing.
  20. crazy4COUES

    Draw Bow Tags?

    What about unit 1??? Does anyone know the season dates?
  21. crazy4COUES

    New to Forum

    Man I have seen some killer deer come out of 23. Don't underestimate that unit. I think of the wise ol coues bucks as well seasoned gamblers. If you are willing to put in enough time they will make a mistake and you can take em for all they got. If you just try on occasion they will take you for all YOU got.
  22. crazy4COUES

    My 2008 Coues Deer Just a Pic

    CONGRATS, thanks for sharing
  23. crazy4COUES

    Whats In A Name

    My wife helped me get my name...she always tells me "it is crazy the amount of money you spend hunting coues" so I came up with crazy$COUES
  24. crazy4COUES


    STILL 4 SALE....
  25. crazy4COUES


    You still there?