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Everything posted by crazy4COUES

  1. crazy4COUES

    Treestand Help

    The one stand I have my EYE on is the TREEWALKER brand. It fits tree's from 6"-26" and can support 300+ lbs. They run $290-330 price range, and are really light...16-18 lbs. depending on accessories.
  2. crazy4COUES

    fact or fiction?

    Is there any truth to the statement, "If a deer doesn't grow as a forkie his first year he will not get big." Don't all bucks start as spikes? Thanks
  3. crazy4COUES

    Arrow fletcher

  4. crazy4COUES


    ......... ....
  5. crazy4COUES


    Here is the ones I was talking about. I like them alot, you can add weight to customize the feel. http://www.extremearchery.com/store/index....et6uo74v443m2m2
  6. crazy4COUES


    WHATEVER!? Some "stabilizers" help with counter weight for balance. Others reduce bow shock, noise. Some will do both. Doinkers do both jobs well. The sims s coil just reduces noise. I currently use the "wild thing" from bowtech, man does it work good. For 3-d shoots I use a 24" extreme archery carbon stabilizer, it works good as well (mostly for a kick stand). LATER
  7. This was the first time out for the moultrie I40. I left it out just short of 1 month. 352 pics, 93% battery life. Trigger speed is good, caught this coyote passing by. So far I am pleased with it, enjoy.
  8. crazy4COUES

    trail cam pics

    No white out problems yet. I had it facing almost due north to avoid any direct sunlight.
  9. crazy4COUES

    Rage Broadheads

    I am thinking about trying them out as well. My opinion is SHOT PLACEMENT is key to ANY sucess with ALL broadheads. As long as the broadhead hits the vitals, just my .02
  10. crazy4COUES

    Trail Cam Help

    Another vote for MOULTRIE, I just bought the I40. Tested it out at the house, trigger speed is good, about 1.5 seconds. They sell @ cabelas for 199.99 + tax. Have it hanging as we speak. I found this website to be very helpful www.chasinggame.com GOOD LUCK, it can be very addicting
  11. crazy4COUES

    Sunrise 3-D shoot

    Man I just found out there is NO FIREWORKS at Sunrise this year!
  12. crazy4COUES

    Sunrise 3-D shoot

    I'll be there, shooting competetive.
  13. crazy4COUES

    contest idea.....

    I say go on the honor system and as long as it is a trail cam pic, from your cam, it will work. Somehow we could have the "top photos" placed on a poll post. Then have the peers vote in the winner. Other than that I just thought it could be fun.
  14. crazy4COUES

    Left over deer tags?

    You think unit 1 archery deer will have left overs now that they are draw?
  15. crazy4COUES

    howa rifle ?

    SECOND THAT, my bro has the same gun and it can flat shoot. No issues with the cases sticking on his though.
  16. crazy4COUES

    Bow or Rifle

    BOW ANYTIME ANY SPECIES! There is just something about seeing that arrow drop into your prey.....Don't get me wrong both rifle and bow take skills to get the job done.
  17. crazy4COUES

    Trail Cams

    I have been researching cams myself lately. I found this website helpful, chasinggame.com it has several good reviews and tests. It appears that the moultrie I40 is a good all around cam for the price. As for homebrew cams, I have had bad experiences with them. By the time I bought all the parts, I was 160 dollars into it. Then I have no warranty on it. (me and delicate electronic boards, cams don't get along)Some of the different combo's between boards and cams can be very good, others can be slower and less reliable than manufactured cams. Here is another website I found useful, whitetailsupply.com, do your homework and good luck!
  18. crazy4COUES

    Good Storm Coming

    Woke up to a good 4" in Round Valley this morning. Some guys from the SL area said they had 6". It is HEAVY wet snow. It is going to be a fun weekend up at THE HAPPENING. I feel for the guys setting the courses, it has to be miserable.
  19. crazy4COUES

    elect. calls for bear?

    Are electronic calls legal for big game, such as ELK, TURKEY, BEAR?
  20. crazy4COUES


    How bout cat's and smally fishing on the VERDE, any input?
  21. crazy4COUES

    draw only deer hunts

    Myself first of all being a bowhunter and second of all being a unit 1 native don't have a problem with the draw. I have a problem with the season dates and the effect it will have on future of bowhunting. Personally I prefer to hunt deer hard horned. So with that said, I feel the G&F should have made draw seasons that are later in the year so you could have an opportunity to hunt them hard horned. However, this is going to allow more rifle permits to be issued until the >20% limit harvest rate is met. Because bowhunter sucess is going to drop drastically as compared to the past. So I believe the herd will maintain the same quality and or quantities for awhile. Only time will tell if things are really going to turn around for the deer herd and or the bowhunting sportsmen.
  22. crazy4COUES

    easy to see bow sight for old eyes?

    Schmitty-Have you tried a clarifier? Also SPOT-HOGG has always been first class to deal with, I would send the wrap to them and have it "customized" to your needs as far as color. It can be a pain in the ars to do yourself. Jake
  23. crazy4COUES

    For the Whisker Biscuit Nay Sayers

    The bisquit has done me good, have no negative experiences with em here . I really appreciate it when on stand/blind. Don't have to think twice about it, just draw the bow and pick a spot.
  24. crazy4COUES

    What release?

    Another vote for the scott mongoose!
  25. crazy4COUES

    A big elk shed...

    What is the going price for a big set of elk sheds, say 370-380 class?