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Everything posted by crazy4COUES

  1. crazy4COUES

    Coues Buck Contest WINNERS

    CONGRATULATIONS TO ALL! Hey Andy, nice picture! I am glad to see the admiration photo placed.
  2. crazy4COUES

    zeiss conquest 15x45

    Thanks to all! Bobbyo I appreciate the info, just what I was looking for. Some real world feedback. As for the minox, I really don't care too much for them. Big and bulky, also I noticed a dark haze in the center. Like in the movies when they are simulating what a pair of bino's is like. I had some time behind some swaro 15x56 this year. Man those things rock! I just cannot stomach the price tag So I have began some comparison shopping and it seems the conquest 15x45 is the next looky-loo on my list. I am also concerned about the low light performance. The twilight rating is a 26 as opposed to the swaro's having a 29, whatever that means??????????? Anyway...........any other info good or bad is much appreciated! THANKS
  3. crazy4COUES


    I see we both truely stand behind the products we enjoy and appreciate.
  4. crazy4COUES


    I enjoy not having to pull as much weight (bad shoulders) and I like a pretty heavy arrow (ACC 349)..... and yes, it truly is the feel..... I have never shot a smoother, more solid walled, or forgiving bow than the Mathews line (not all of them.... that new "Drenalin" bow SUCKS). I am very picky....now.... I just can NOT shoot a bow that has ANY hand shock..... it drives me nuts!! A lot of the guys I know don't care or notice,hand shock.... guess I am just sensitive... ....HaHa! I don't shoot a Mathews because I can't go buy something else or because of any money deals or savings...... only because I have shot a lot of bows and have never shot anything better. When I do.... I will change..... promise. I personally thought mathews had a soft back wall as well I was always having my bow set at max lbs. 70. As far as hand shock goes I personally don't notice it unless it is extreme. I too hate it when the bow buzz's the palm of your hand. Today I choose to shoot BOWTECH, they have a TRUE level knock travel, solid wall (cannot pull past the stops), smooth cams and the TRUE speed they advertise. As well as no hand shock. They don't even have any dampeners I shoot it at about 64 lbs. and get 307 fps. with easton acc 3-39. There are alot of GOOD bows out today, there is no longer just one good bow.
  5. crazy4COUES


    Guys don't forget about Pretty Sh*tty Equipment...I see alot of you are hanging on to the Mathews bandwagon. I used to be, until I took the time to explore my options. I learned alot about different equipment, found what feels good for me. I think next year mathews is going to put a dampener inside another dampener and charge a 150 more dollars for it. HEHEHE.
  6. crazy4COUES


    Would yesterday be believable? A co-worker found a set in unit 27 on 2-12-07. It measured out at 383 when given a 40" spread. As far as when is it time to shed, I understand it has to do with testosterone and nutritional content in available food sources due to short daylight hours of late winter. When they both continue fall off and hit a low point the antlers are shed.
  7. crazy4COUES

    Favorite Photo of 2006

    Here are a couple,
  8. crazy4COUES

    Howa rifles

    I have had some experience with a HOWA LIGHTNING in the .223 caliber and it is SWEET! I would recommend it anytime!
  9. crazy4COUES

    Any bowhunter success?

    Just checking in to see if any fellow CWT bowhunting members have stories to share. If so lets hear about them, good bad and ugly. Any story is a good story as long as it has some truth to it.
  10. crazy4COUES

    Looking for a new site

    The spot-hogg sight is a very good choice. I currently have the hogg-it 5 pin. These things are bullet proof, I highly recommend them if you can afford it. Also I am looking to upgrade to the seven pin cause I would like to practice at the longer yardage. So this is what I came up with, I can have the seven pin housing and IF it appears to be too much pin in the field of view. I can always remove the top and bottom pins and be back to a five pin. My advice is: If you can afford to get the spot hogg seven pin hogg-it, I would give you two thumbs up!
  11. crazy4COUES

    Trout fishing the Black River?

    I agree 100% the above mentioned is how I do it, use a light line and rod make it as natural presentation as possible.
  12. crazy4COUES

    Any bowhunter success?

    PS:::::: This is buck #6 from the "Honey Hole"! Ya I would say it is a Honey Hole alright! Congrats!
  13. crazy4COUES

    Any bowhunter success?

    Here he is! Spot and stalk, shot him at 18 yds. Man it was fun! Some seriouse ruttin action that morning. It turned out to be a great couple days of hunting.
  14. crazy4COUES

    Any bowhunter success?

    MAN!! That is a beautiful buck...........my jaw just hit the floor! CONGRATS that is what I dream of everyday! Job well done Jason.
  15. crazy4COUES

    100"........The hard way.

    CONGRATS on your 100" the hard way, it was a job well done.
  16. crazy4COUES

    Any bowhunter success?

    Ihunt2live that is freakin' sweet! Congrats on your CAT. I have missed many opportunity and/or shots. This year I harvested my first big game animal in Jan. It was a Javelina. Shot him through both lungs @ 22 yds. he went about 10 feet and it was over. Now this Dec. I was fortunate to tag my first deer ever, a coues whitetail! I was able to get 52 yds from him. He was a spike positioned a little uphill from my location. I knelt down under the limbs of a juniper tree. Drew back my bowtech, settled my 50 yd pin in the upper half of his chest and let it fly. The arrow smacked him threw the front shoulders as he tried to jump the string. He never took another step. Man does he taste good! In Jan. I am going for the big one, hopefully my luck hasn't run out. So as this year comes to an end, I am happy to share my first time kills of 2006 with you all. As well I would like to say thanks to my friends and family whom have helped support me with all their time and effort, THANK YOU! HAPPY NEW YEAR bring on 2007.
  17. crazy4COUES

    High Fence Coues???

    That is sad to see.
  18. crazy4COUES

    New Bowtech

  19. crazy4COUES

    Tagged out and tag soup

  20. crazy4COUES


    DAVID Yes I have GOOD news about CABELAS brand boots. I have bought several different styles. They were all built with quality, double, triple sewn. Lightweight and usually break in in about 2-3 days. I am currently using the CABELAS TROPHY SERIES lace to toe uninsulated (LG-81-1470). They are AWESOME and I highly recomend them. I liked them so much I went and bought a similar boot for work. The CABELAS GORE TEX steel Toe work boot lace to toe (LG-81-1925) and they are just as light even with the steel toe. I had to put a gel insole in to help the footbed. If you have a CABELAS store near you I would recommend stopping by and trying on a pair. Hope this helps.
  21. crazy4COUES

    Women Clean House!!!!

    WOW! I can't believe it! You women ROCK congratulations! Good Job Sis, now can you GALS show me your secret?
  22. crazy4COUES

    drop away rests

    RIPCORD will keep you happy!
  23. crazy4COUES


    Just wanted to know if anyone is using VORTEX bino's? If so how do you like them? I just ordered a peir of 12x50 vultures, any feedback on these? THANKS
  24. crazy4COUES

    HUGE Elk

    The Selway-Bitterroot wilderness is Idaho, Montana border area. Some people enjoy "fake", it is sad that it has become acceptable to be "fake" as far as farmed game or implanted hooters. Bring on the real ones big or small I will take em' all. Really, how do you appreciate something that is manufactured to percieve what you want it to be?
  25. crazy4COUES

    Backpack hunting.

    I must agree, OATMEAL for sure nothing better, just don't forget the TP cause nature will come a callin'. Also I cannot agree more on the "Tuna/Chicken packs for lunches w/stolen Circle K mayo on a hamburger bun or a smashed loaf of bread", or the," Oh and most important a flask of Brandy or Cognac for a few shots before bed". You and I think alike, gotta love it! I cannot wait...GOOD LUCK to all!