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Everything posted by azryan

  1. those are cool pics...the wildlife here can be funny..they do some wierd things...thnx for the pics....those deer looked hard horned to me
  2. azryan

    Archery hunt in 6b or 22

    dude dont give up on these areas...it seems like because you havent seen a couple of bucks or even one...then you think it is a bad area...u might be wrong...you just gotta be patient...question?...are you new to hunting?...if you are just remember to practice practice practice with whatever weapon you are using, and your most important tool is your bino...find a place scout it hard...you will be bound to find something...then the rest is up to you...
  3. azryan

    Bowhunting Near Payson

    there ya go eyeguards...thats what we all should of been saying....it doesnt matter about the kill, its the experience that really matters...ive had plenty of unsuccessful hunts but they were some of the best times of my life, and the memories will always be there. Just get out into the woods and hunt...if you dont see a buck then life goes on...u still had the chance to pursue gods beautiful creatures...isnt that enough?...the kill is the ultimate reward, but it doesnt define a successful hunt
  4. azryan

    Maybe I'll give it a try

    josh give it a try it adds a little bit of challenge....hey bill ii want to buy the Smith n Wesson .460....its a big revolver with a lot of range...my uncle just bought one its a nice gun
  5. azryan

    Maybe I'll give it a try

    ive always wanted to do that...even maybe put a stalk on one then using the handgun...fun stuff...what kinda .357 u have?
  6. azryan

    Pics from up coming video

    nice work on getting those shots...man im still amazed at how green some of the areas are getting...nice bucks by the way
  7. what is the 2nd and 4th photo of?...
  8. azryan

    Decoy or no

    well...i dont use decoys at all...i really dont know much about that here in az....but my guess is that it wouldnt make that big of a difference. during the rut it might be useful, but during the early and mid hunts i dont think it will be a difference maker. it might spark a little curiosity from a deer, but they aint gonna be all over it...i like to find a good vantage point and glass and it prolly goes the same with plenty of other people...jus glass and locate the deer...i usually wait till they bed down before i will make a stalk...unless you can cut them off while they are on the move. if u wanna still hunt...walk slowly, and try not too make any noise...jus move slowly and stop every 100 yards and wait a few minutes before moving again...it can be effective...but be ready...always use your binos..they are your most important tool...to answer the advantages part i think decoys would be a waist of money especially during the early hunt...i cant see any advantages to that...but the other methods of spot and stalk and still hunting...are good to use, but can be diificult...if u can i would invest in a good treestand and find "your" own honey hole...the key to that is getting out in the woods and putting miles on your boots...jus maybe you will find your own spot...it is always possible...you just got to work for it....good luck on your scouting and hunting trips
  9. im going to the gym everyday...for the next few months...at least i will try to go everyday, Jus curious to what you all do to get in shape...i ride my bike everyday...and lift weights to get ready...i should be getting out hiking with my pack on, but im so busy...i cant get out. plus i dont have a vehicle(im working on it), but im gonna get into the best shape of my life and be the strongest i have been...after the next few months of training. I got to lifetime fitness in gilbert anyone else go there?...
  10. azryan


    awesome pics...thank god for the rain... awesome to see how green it is....nice buck for sure
  11. great story...i would be a little worried if i had a little girl riding a bike in that area...thats some very easy pray...hope the father was with her...
  12. azryan

    Bowhunting Near Payson

    def follow the advice of coosefan or mike3p5 n hunterdude...just get out and around you will eventually stumble along a buck...good luck to you
  13. azryan

    What Units???

    yeah there a alot of places to go...just go out and try some of these units....scouting is the most important thing...remenber get out there and walk for best hunting...
  14. azryan

    Camo COlors???

    i like the advantage max 1 i think is what its called good for hunting in the junipers
  15. azryan

    Bowhunting Near Payson

    pay me and i will give you a location of a buck
  16. azryan


    thats a nice gun you just got yourself...im looking to buy the BAR .270 or .300wsm
  17. azryan

    Dang Varmits

    cool pics and some good stories to go along with them
  18. azryan


    which browning rifle is it? is it a BAR...or one of the A bolt's
  19. good work...what beautiful country we live in
  20. azryan

    more pine coues

    sweet pics...that larger buck is gonna be a dandy...that terrain almost looked like oregon...it is so thick
  21. thanks BASS this is really helpful...good job
  22. azryan

    Couple more pics...

    nice finds...that deer one is amazing
  23. azryan

    unit 10 muleys

    i thought coosefan was being vague...if thats a honey hole then its a pretty vague one at that...we dont need tempers flaring ...like on azod awhile back there was the azlawyer guy and i forget the other people but they were going at it hardcore like those pics in the the for adults only brokeback thread...pics of the elk, dogs and deer ...it was humorous to read these guys going at it on something about bringing complaints of the azgfd to the governor, they really got into it...anyways ... we are all part of a big family...from coosefans apology i think it sounds very sincere to me...now we all know to send p.m's lessons learned