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Everything posted by azryan

  1. azryan

    Bad Sport

    see thats wat is fun about hunting when there is other people around...you gotta make a game plan to where you think those other hunters are gonna go then make a plan to where those elk or whatever you are hunting...i think that can be a fun way of hunting...use your smarts and try to out think the opponent...i like that
  2. azryan

    Bad Sport

    thats really sad and dissapointing to hear...that someone would even think about doing that. Some people just have a real pride issue and think they own everything and everything is theirs, lookingfor110 im sorry you had to run into that...i honestly dont know how i would react to that, but i know for sure that it probably wouldn't end up good...wat an a$$hole...my temper flared up reading this...but violence is def not he answer...i want to know how things turned out...thats public land hunting for ya...you obviously had the right of way to that bull...you were there first..what a prideful b@$t@rd to even thiink about coming up to you and tell you its his bull, and then tell you "how" to hunt...he obviously has his facts wrong...then to top it off he goes ahead and goes after it....i hope you handled it well cuz that would be the right thing to do...
  3. azryan

    First Archery Elk

    awesome job....thats great 1st archery elk...this year I know a lot of people who got there 1st archery elk...my chance comes in november....congrats on a fine looking elk
  4. azryan

    Lark's antelope

    thats a nice looking lope....congrats to him
  5. haha...it looks like im going hunting for at least four days....im super excited...thanks to my brother...i just have a tight budget the next month or so....but its well worth it... ....im going to work my a$$ off for this one...i want it bad!....plus if i arrow one...that means it will save me money in the long run...i wont have to buy meat for awhile....i can only thank jesus for giving me the opportunity
  6. well i just moved out for the second time out of my parents house...and for the last time. Depending if i can get a 2nd job i might not be able to go on my hunt...i have an archery bull elk tag in 23...in november...i might have to cross this one out now...im left with no vehicle, no license, and and an ill heart. i was thinking about donating the tag somewhere..if i can...but then maybe i will just hold on to it... i already have two weeks scheduled off for the hunt...but i dont think i can afford going two weeks without pay...so i am in a tough situation...i might just not be able to go hunting....but sometimes you just have to make sacrifices...im learning that the hard way....i guess its a good thing ...i always have hope....maybe just maybe things will turn out for the good
  7. thats a an awesome video man.... ...post some more....
  8. i dont mind then closing some roads either....more work...but then it will bring in the factor of one more law being broken...you know people are still gonna drive those roads no matter if they are closed or not....there is always the unethical yahoos that hunt with us....thats the only issue i see with it...
  9. thnx all....just to let u know...im still in school i just do it online...so no biggy with the education...its working out fine...i have a big plan for college and becoming a game warden...i will graduate with a high school degree...actually earlier then all my friends...everything is workin out perfect....so dont think im not going to schooll i am....sooner then later i will have a really good paying job....i might be able to go for a day or to...my brother is gonna try to take me up...and my uncle said he might...so i dunno...i will see how it all turns out...im just saying that not going on this hunt would be a big blow to me...but sometimes you gotta do what u gotta do.... ...and i have accpeted that even though it is really hard to do I think u guys are getting a little confused....yeah i have some big decisions to make...but i got it all taken care of...options is a very important word to me...i always have backup...but im motivated by dreams and goals...i know exactly where im headed in life i already explained it i think...but i totally agree with u...i cant change anything really...i made the choice and got to live with it...im not saying it is a bad thing...but alls i can do is move forward
  10. azryan

    My archery bull

    thats a realy nice elk man...great job
  11. coues7, no i did not lose my license, i actually never had my license....i moved back in with my parents so i could save money for a truck, but it backfired, me n my parents had to much conflict...they felt i was disrespecting them, and i felt they were disrespecting me.... ...go figure. Im 17 and so close to 18, i turn 18 in january....and believe it or not my parents let me move out...i was looking to get emancipated but im just so close to 18....its a good thing i moved out cuz, my parents and I have a better relationship, when we are not neck to neck each day...its for the best. im just gonna hope and pray things will work out....this would be my 2nd elk hunt that i would miss....im not asking for any sympathy at all!...i just want it to be a lesson, that sometimes you gotta make sacrifices...for me this would be a big sacrifice ...ya my cousin died 3 years ago...in an accident, but it was only a one car accident...thank god...him and his friend were driving home from a bar...the driver was speeding lost control, and they hit a berm, and ramped up in the air...and were found the next day...they said they did not die instantly, and that they were probably conscious, but it was too late when someone found them...i just hope my cousin is in the high place...i hope he had time time make things right with god
  12. azryan


    i have rockys and am kinda dissapointed with them. because they are all torn up on the bottom and near the ankle on one of the boots the stitching came apart and now have a hole...and i have only had them for a year...and not a big amount of hunting done in them....but i guess this az terrain really wears these boots down....but overall they are the best boot i have had by the way of comfortness. i was thinking about getting a cabelas brand...
  13. those must be some proud and accomplished hunters who took that...losers...if they are real... ...
  14. heck its coming up quick man...u gonna be able to handle the pressure ...we expect u to tag out...id say lets start a pool on how big a deer BASS is gonna get....i did meet bowhunter12(the one i guess u had an accident with)...wat ever happened with all that Oh geez, did I say that I had a tag? If you want to start up a pool on how big my deer is going to be, you may want to start looking at the "worlds smallest shed" thread that should give you an idea. I sure hope I can tag out. We're going to try and get a little farther out from the masses this year and try something different, only time will tell. As for our accident, my insurance company is dragging their feet like they always do. dang insurance companies ....good luck though on your hunt ....its gonna be awesome
  15. heck its coming up quick man...u gonna be able to handle the pressure ...we expect u to tag out...id say lets start a pool on how big a deer BASS is gonna get....i did meet bowhunter12(the one i guess u had an accident with)...wat ever happened with all that
  16. azryan

    Found a new toy

    i have no problem doin it Sundevil....nice looking buck
  17. sweet pics...man that mulie is awesome....
  18. azryan

    My first archery anything....

    awesome to see the outcome man! nice archery kill...heck thats something to be really proud of
  19. u did your homework...now go and get em'! good luck
  20. azryan

    Some Bow Kills

    way to go man...your a step ahead of me i still havent killed anything with a bow...awesome job
  21. Sundevil sent this to me to post i think he wanted me to...here it is....nice buck for sure..thnx for sharing sundevil
  22. cool we all love pics....is that the moon in the 1st pic..if so thats awesome...thnx for sharing
  23. azryan

    Pic's of Moose Hunt

    thats awesome...nice job
  24. for some reason when i click on the video...it will take u to my account but then it needs my password....is there any way i can fix this?