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Everything posted by azryan

  1. azryan


    haha way to be...awesome shooting
  2. azryan

    Matt's first Javelina

    so many kids getting their first big game animal...awesome to see...congrats
  3. azryan

    Brock & Wyatt score

  4. azryan

    Lessons Learned

    i had a couple opportunities to harvest some decent bucks and a whopper bull...all with my bow...the biggest thing that I regret is not being patient....on the bull If I had waited it out a little longer...i could have of had a 15 yard shot..but I was not alert enough and was too impatient...so I blew it......same thing on some bucks...I put good stalks on them but never could close the deal.....so i will make sure I stay patient be alert, and practice more
  5. azryan

    Success in Unit 21

    i have the same exact gun but a .270...its an awesome gun
  6. azryan

    Success in Unit 21

    i should be the one to tell.....that sure as heck looks like my gun...maybe just a little newer
  7. azryan

    Success in Unit 21

    congrats...good looking pig...nice gun by the way...is that a bronwing BAR....very nice gun...almost looks like my remignton pump .270
  8. azryan

    Back From Dad's Pig Hunt

    that is awesome...sorry to hear about your dad
  9. azryan

    Leveling Kit vs. Lift Kit

    i took mine out in the snow and mud yesterday...did not get a spec of dirt on it....my guess it depends on the layout under the hood....mine is protected from anything coming up underneath....i love the whistle i find myself using more gas cuz of it.....i always gas it...bring it up to 5k rpm....its addicting...
  10. azryan

    Leveling Kit vs. Lift Kit

    i put the same cold air intake in my truck and added a gibson exhaust.....heck of a difference...more power and a noticeable difference in gas mileage
  11. now that is something you dont see everyday....thats really cool
  12. azryan

    Whitetails moving downhill

    in my area they def have moved to lower elevations....
  13. azryan

    Leveling Kit vs. Lift Kit

    def get a leveling kit if you are going to do something.....like jim and younghunter said.......I was thinking about doing either one but decided not too...just because I did not want extra strain on my truck....I do want bigger tires...but in order to do that...i need to get a body lift or leveling kit.....but really what I have is fine...i have 31" tires and my truck already sits pretty high.. I would recommend that if you do not have to do anything then dont...but if your truck really needs or you just want it to look cool then thats your money to spend....just remember all that will throw your truck off.....but i know you can get it recalibrated..what truck you planning on modifying
  14. azryan

    Last Day Peccary

    sweet.....that is a big pig
  15. azryan

    Two Lil' Bulls...

    sweet looking elk...gotta love em'
  16. azryan

    Found this today

    thats sad...i hate to see it
  17. azryan

    AZ Hunters Who Care Spring Cleanup

    I will plan on making it out there
  18. azryan

    Here she is...

    congrats on the baby...must be exciting
  19. azryan

    What an awesome year!

    its great to see that success...congrats on a huge year...I love those desert mulies.... Ryan
  20. azryan

    Quail Question

    I have hunted 23 alot too...I spend a lot of time in and around young....I have also seen some small coveys of mearns...If you think about it...it makes sense that there are some there....they generally inhabit elevations between 4000 and 6000 ft and they love the oaks and tall grasses....I have jumped them a couple of times down in some canyon bottoms and on steep hillsides....It makes sense to me that they have moved there recently....its where the food is...and it is perfect habitat for them. Ryan
  21. gotta love them desert mulies...one of my favorites to hunt
  22. azryan

    153" and change!!!!!!!

    that does not even look like a coues deer...looks like an eastern it's so big...sweet