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Everything posted by azryan

  1. congrats to your brother....thats awesome to hear.
  2. sorry to hear about that...glad to hear your wife is ok... my brother works at a truck stop ill give him a holler and see if it rings a bell
  3. azryan

    My 2007 Archery Elk Hunt

    christian is a stud...
  4. was not my area I have never hunted it before....and we did walk quite a bit actually....we never stepped foot in a vehicle the whole time we were up there...we hunted straight out of camp...sadly most of the elk were near the roads...in the morning and evening and plus quads did not spoil the hunt...we had lots of opportunities...we had tons of chances to harvest a bull...more then people driving their quads all day ha! losers...pm me if you want... another thing most places up north around flag have tons of roads you can not escape them as much as you would like...there are not alot of wilderness places...roads are everywhere.....quads did not spoil the hunt at all It was one of the best elk hunts I have ever been on.....and dont give me crap for being pissed when people ruin a few chances...im sure it has happened to you...it sucks and is a little frustrating....but it does not even come close to ruining a hunt...I just thought it was funny...everytime you heard a bugle..all of a sudden you hear the quads turn on....and after that not a peep...the elk were gone...but we were always right there to intercept the spooked elk...it was a blast...
  5. thanks for the update...way to keep with it....lack of effort is def not an issue....good luck the remaining of the hunt
  6. azryan

    My 2007 Archery Elk Hunt

    thats what Im talking about...awesome bull!!...congrats again my friend.
  7. azryan

    Grong's Bull

    thats one sexy bull!
  8. sunday and monday the rain kicked in...had lots of hail as well....sunday evening walking back to camp we saw a couple funnel clouds it was pretty cool. after everything cleared out monday night it got really cold. Tuesday morning had to been close to freezing...burrr!...We thought the elk were going to crazy that morning but not a peep... snow?...now that would be amazing
  9. was in 5bs.....same there tough hunting conditions...almost seemed like a late archery bull hunt...not one elk was making a sound in our area....just had to guess on where they were going to be .too many people people hunting with quads...everyday you hear a quad..then it would turn off...next you hear some very weird sounding bugles....no response they hop on their quad and try a new area.....the elk in the area we were very very call shy....calling was useless....thanks to road hunters who were over calling....not a peep the last two days...way too many yahoos out there...Today was fricken cold and clear thought it would have kicked up some bugling...but nothing. we were having plenty of luck getting on bulls besides all this....good luck p.s use quads for getting to a hunting area and dont use them to hunt with....except for the people who are somewhat disabled and need to use them. get off your buttts and hike....it was a frustrating and poor display of lazy hunters this weekend....shameful if you ask me....another thing we had fun playing with a couple dumb hunters who were not even twenty yards from their truck trying to call "nothing"....i had a good laugh we bugled a couple times close to them and they kept responding with a humorous amount of bugling and cow calls....then we started breaking branches.....it was hilarious..they thought we were a big ol' bull. i hate road hunting blake, just keep working at it...it will pay off....im sure you know that...good luck
  10. azryan

    Lets talk about knives

    knives of alaska
  11. azryan

    Archery Elk

    your right about that second bull.....
  12. azryan


    very nice! I hate turkeys ...great job droppping one!...your right about being out in God's country...its awesome. I always think how can somebody not believe in a creator ....look at the land he created....its awesome!
  13. thats the craziest thing I have ever heard... somebody had to say it. I agree mostly with what you said. Especially on the part about these yahoo's who are demeaning our sport. I hate driving down the road and see a bunch of people loaded up like illegals with bows in their hands driving roads. That has got to urk anyone on here. My uncle a couple years back was driving down spring valley road when a quad drives by with his arrow nocked...thats ridicolous...everyone see's this....the locals hate it and so do I...people like that create such a bad name for us. Last weekend was a joke too....I saw a family all dressed in camo...wife, boy, and little girl sitting in the back of a truck with the tailgate down...the boy had his bow ready to go if an oppurtunity presented itself....the dad should be ashamed of himself for teaching his son that.....Lark I agree with you for the most part...we need to start filtering out these yahoos...they are a joke to the hunting community
  14. if they did it this way it would ease my mind about the subject
  15. they should do the archery draw by REGIONS and not units...
  16. azryan

    Unit 24A

    Crazy$couse, does it really suck? If so what makes you say that? It does suck if you dont scout...scouting will make you succsessful...the game and fish provides good info....try those areas out and narrow it down...I suggest a good pair of optics
  17. azryan

    Unit 24A

    J butte...could have shot a spike at the base...hunt off the highway also...most underrated places
  18. azryan

    Lance is comin' home!!!

    awesome job!!!...i bet the pics are gonna be sweet
  19. azryan

    This weekends Scount trip

    those are some dandy looking bucks...good luck
  20. way to go Tj!...that is great....its an inspiration for sure....that shoulder surgery did not stop ya....awesome job!
  21. azryan


    Hunting in a unit where I haven't gone before is a good question. Main answer is location. I was living down south and hunted down in 36 areas before because they were close where I lived and now I live in Mesa and I wanted to try and get somewhere closer so that I could get out and have more scouting opportunities and 24B is close to Mesa where I live. I totally understand...thats why I like it it is close to home...I have the same hunt...preseason scouting is a must to be succsessful...try and make a trip in their a couple times a month.....pm if you want some more specifics
  22. azryan

    Killer deal on a GPS

    its a sign that they are coming out with something better....that unit is awesome too...dont know how they can make it much better
  23. azryan


    there are plenty of deer in there....look on the game and fish website...gives you some good starting points.....I just have to ask..... I can understand it a little bit but....why do people put in for units they have never stepped foot in or have some idea of where they might start...? I just talk to too many people who do not even know what unit they are hunting in...they are like....I think its unit 14b???... nohoch...I am not hounding you in any way ... i do understand you are new and everything and have never hunted them before...just get out and do some hiking..you will learn the most watching these deer and getting first hand experiences with them...plus there is lots of great info on these deer on this here website
  24. azryan

    Found The Big One

    very nice!....sounds like a productive weekend
  25. great write up...sounds like a great time. I work with Ben's brother...I think they are a class act family