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Everything posted by longbowpilot

  1. http://www.compactforamerica.org/join-cfa-in-tucson-az-for-a-liberty-amendment-dinner/ If you live in the Tucson area, take the time to go to this dinner Oct. 25 and support a balanced budget amendment. Liberty starts locally. James T. Harris from 104.1 the Truth with be MC'ing the event.
  2. longbowpilot

    Chris Christie

    That's the truth. I think the Federal gov't borg is beyond control or repair. Most people never pay attention to local elections like state senator/town council/sheriff. Pima County is in desperate need of a new Sheriff, sadly I don't think we will get one anytime soon. Changing local government has to be the first step though.
  3. longbowpilot

    Chris Christie

    Exactly. We can't keep doing the lesser of two evils, its destroying the country. If people would stop thinking like that and vote 3rd party things could change. Voting in a RINO is just as bad as voting in a democrat.
  4. longbowpilot

    AZ Senators=RINOs

    It is really sad that they all have sold their soul and honor to special interests, NWO, elites, or whatever other control freaks that are out there. I don't get why Gary Johnson didn't receive more press in the last election. He was two-term gov of NM, left it with the biggest budget surplus ever, built his own construction company from the ground up, and climbed Mt. Everest! That's the kind of person you'd think would get attention but no, we get Mitt Romney forced on us.
  5. longbowpilot

    Chris Christie

    Voting 3rd party is the only way forward. Rand Paul/Mike Lee/Ted Cruz could start it. The left/right paradigm has to stop. Chris Christie is the establishments pick to run for president, just watch how the media will start to force him down our throat.
  6. longbowpilot


    I can't wait anymore, going on a quail/rabbit hunting trip Saturday to try to tide myself over till deer season
  7. That's awesome how your wife and 14 month old went out there with you! I have a 14 month old daughter as well and my wife would be freaking out trying to do all that with a baby. Congrats man.
  8. longbowpilot

    Nice looking deer to try and find

    With those split G2's, do you think it could possibly be a muley/coues hybrid?