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My Rights As An American

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Everything posted by My Rights As An American

  1. My Rights As An American

    spring turkey calls.

    Please sign me up! I am very interested in coming!!! Thanks, happy to pay $2!
  2. My Rights As An American

    Savage 110 7mm Remington Magnum

    SPF, thanks!
  3. My Rights As An American

    Savage 110 7mm Remington Magnum

    I have a Savage 110 in 7mm Remington Magnum, with trigger job and professionally installed scope mount. Gun has some scratches on the wood stock but is an excellent shooter. Blued barrel. The Savage 110 can be modified to fire other calibers. I am not an expert on this, but that is what I have been told. As I understand, it can easily be converted to .338 wsm, but again, not an expert on this!!! Looking for $325.
  4. My Rights As An American

    will the pigs be out tomorrow?

    Tucked up means they are still outside. Although I firmly believe that they go underground and play cards by the fire when I am out hunting them, they are still somewhere outside and the thicker and nastier the terrain, the more likely you will find them. Find less windy areas and work around them, trying to cut fresh sign. Also, they will most likely still feed in the sunny slopes. You aren't going to shoot one from home most likely, so give it a shot!
  5. My Rights As An American

    My first archery Javelina

    Oh, I thought that was the case. Seemed funny to me for some reason! Nice javelina and hope it eats well!!!
  6. My Rights As An American

    2013 Javelina--Bratwurst!

    Cooked up the extra little patty of meat in the grinder that was not stuffed. HOLY COW!!! If the brats taste this good, I will never be turning my nose to javelina meat again!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  7. My Rights As An American

    2013 Javelina--Bratwurst!

    Could not hunt until January 5 this year, but that does not seem to have been a problem! Well, after hiking up a mountain, I took a short break to catch my breath. Looking down at the bottom right where I came from was a herd of 6 javelina. JERKS! On my way to my next hunting spot, two javelina jumped across the dirt road and took off. I followed with bow and binos, no backpack. Fifteen minutes later I was into them again but they busted me moving in. After about 5 minutes of "I see you", "Uh, no you don't" , "Uh, yes I do", "No you don't" this javelina stepped out and I let a 125 grain thunderhead fly. The damage was crazy but I lost no meat! This javelina weighed about 40-45 pounds and was pretty heavy to carry back to the truck where all of my gutting stuff was. From live to wrapped in a game bag was less than one hour, nice and easy! Anyway, butchered it last night and made 20 pounds of bratwurst. First time ever making brats, so I will have to see how it goes.
  8. My Rights As An American

    My first archery Javelina

    Ok, have to ask the stupid question, but are you arrows backwards in your quiver? Are the fletchings and nocks in the foam and the broadheads out in the open? Pics seem to show that is the case. Nice job on the pig!!!
  9. My Rights As An American

    2013 Javelina--Bratwurst!

    Ah, the "hot date" involves three princesses and my boy and I going to see the Disney Princesses on Ice, eighth row middle of the building! That will require something more like take-out burgers at In-and-Out on the way to the show!
  10. My Rights As An American

    2013 Javelina--Bratwurst!

    No problem, will see what I can do!
  11. My Rights As An American

    2013 Javelina--Bratwurst!

    Thanks Amanda, GREAT meeting you a few weeks back. Hope all is well, my best to both you and your husband!
  12. My Rights As An American

    2013 Javelina--Bratwurst!

    TJ, just texted you. Will send some brats your way next time we see each other. Give me a call later. thanks bonecollector, had to wait overnight to let them sit before trying them. Have a hot date tonight but will try them this weekend. Smelled OUTSTANDING!!!! NO gamey smell at all!!!! Did a 60/40 javelina/pork mix so they should be pretty tasty!
  13. My Rights As An American

    New Member Map - try it out!

    Yeah, I used a generic address in my neighborhood, but not the exact address. Very good point, also leads to criminals having a map of the exact houses where guns or bows are! Just use generic addresses in or near your neighborhood and that should not be a problem.
  14. My Rights As An American

    2013 Javelina--Bratwurst!

    And the final!
  15. My Rights As An American

    2013 Javelina--Bratwurst!

    And the final result from one javelina: 20 pounds 68 bratwurst Not too bad! All it cost was about $15 in pork (and Fry's had buy one pork item, get one free so I have another pork butt for slow roasting for free!) and about $18 in a sausage kit with seasoning and casings. Not too shabby!!!
  16. My Rights As An American

    2013 Javelina--Bratwurst!

    Here are the two "in process" pics.
  17. My Rights As An American

    New Member Map - try it out!

    Interesting and fun addition! I added my location.
  18. My Rights As An American

    2013 Javelina--Bratwurst!

    Sorry, pic included. Will post pics of raw bratwurst later.
  19. My Rights As An American

    Crooked Horned Coues!

    Is this the same buck as this one? http://www.coueswhitetail.com/forums/topic/35927-check-out-this-jacked-up-buck-ive-never-seen-one-like-it/
  20. My Rights As An American

    Free stuff

    What a great deal! If it does not work out, let me know. My daughters are getting to the age of wanting to come with daddy hunting, but not equipped for three, just one! Very kind offer! Hope it gets taken.
  21. My Rights As An American

    Last Day Bull

    Well, it is a trophy to me as it represents filling a tough tag and putting meat in the freezer for the family! I hope I do not get chasitsed for shooting a spike! Especially one still in velvet!!! Anyway, shot on the last day in 22N at about 7:30 AM, heart shot at 30 yards, dropped dead in its tracks 50 yards later. Sun at the back, wind at the face. Came in with about 15 cows and I had them all wondering what just happened! Quartered by myself and back to Mesa by 12:30. Not too shabby! Thunderhead 125 grain out of a Hoyt Katera XL did the job! TOUGH hunt after the first 11 days of not getting anything but within 800 yards of any bulls. VERY thick stuff in this unit!!!! Wife gave me a hall pass for one last shot at it, so I went up early morning and did the job! Thought I missed the shot until I found what amounted to a crime scene where he bled out!
  22. My Rights As An American

    Last Day Bull

    Thanks everyone. Just finished the first quarter, backstraps and loins. Have the hind quarters and one front quarter remaining. Will be a long weekend!!!
  23. My Rights As An American

    Last Day Bull

    JUST TO CLARIFY, THIS DID NOT HAPPEN TODAY! Wanted to make sure that this was not misinterpreted and sent to GandF. Got this monster during the archery hunt!!!
  24. My Rights As An American

    Draw results?

    Unit 1 second hunt! Have not had that hunt in 15+ years!!!