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My Rights As An American

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Everything posted by My Rights As An American

  1. My Rights As An American

    Lake Pleasant Stripers are back on the bite!

    How do you guys cook these up? I tried the usual fish recipe--butter and seasoning into the chest and wrapped in foil, tossed on grill. Meat came out really mushy and far too soft, almost like soup. Never had that happen with other fish before. Am I doing something wrong? I have one full fish about 5 pounds from Powell still frozen whole vacuum-sealed and not sure if I want to try it again after the results from the first one. Great pics, by the way!!! Nice to share the tips with others.
  2. My Rights As An American

    This sounds familiar

    No Pine Donkey, you just never listen! All you do is point out things like the nail but that is not the problem! You need to just listen!!!
  3. My Rights As An American

    Got an extra $20,000.00 to Burn???

    I do not understand what the problem is. A PERFECT axe head used by Indians? Wow. I can put it right next to that hen's molar that I also bought from him! I hope nobody is really dumb enough to fall for this.
  4. My Rights As An American

    What do Coues deer taste like?

    Gotta go with a nice dark red wine when enjoying whitetail backstrap! The flavors really complement each other well!!!!
  5. My Rights As An American

    A few pics from the cams

    I have seen one or two bears like that, and thought that exact same thing you did about that picture. There is one particular bear in 5B that I have seen a few times that has that gray/silver/white patch right on the chest. Pretty cool to see!
  6. My Rights As An American

    This sounds familiar

    As a married man, I would suggest for your own self-preservation that you rethink your strategy.
  7. My Rights As An American

    This sounds familiar

    Think I just spit on my computer! Good one!
  8. My Rights As An American

    What do Coues deer taste like?

    Usually, the only taste I get is humble pie. Just kidding, I have been lucky to harvest quite a few now and they are outstanding, if you take care of the meat properly like any other thing. Proper care in the field will help dictate how awesome the meat ends up. I think it is one of the absolute best meats out there. Very nice and tender when properly prepared, lighter than beef, MUCH leaner than turkey and easy to cook. I have not had antelope but have been told they can be quite gamey. Whitetail are more tender than mule deer, in my book.
  9. My Rights As An American

    Who is getting ready for August???

    I have not gotten into the camera thing. Just bought my first used quad ever. But I like to live vicariously through everyone's pictures throughout the non-hunting season!!! Thanks for sharing!!! Lots of really nice deer in this thread.
  10. My Rights As An American

    Mixed bag of skulls

    Great looking work. The last deer skull, is that intentional darkening, unintentional or is my computer screen messing with my eyes?
  11. My Rights As An American

    Tiger Trout , Boulders , UT

    WOWSER!!!! What a cool looking fish!!!!
  12. My Rights As An American

    Arizona Black Panther attacking a Doe

    savagman, I think you misunderstood me. I am saying that we SHOULD treat the Black Panthers like we treat Al-queda!
  13. My Rights As An American

    Arizona Black Panther attacking a Doe

    One of the most radical, violent hate groups of the late 1960s and 1970s that perpetuated race wars and fear. Personally, I thought the joke was funny! I had a ton of one-liners to add but I did not want to offend too many people!
  14. My Rights As An American

    Arizona Black Panther attacking a Doe

    Sorry, but how is it that a violent and historically criminally terrorist organization that is based on racial and prejudicial hate gets the benefit of the doubt with this crowd? This organization should be treated like any other violent terrorist organization, and not be given any leeway with its history. Poking fun at them is like poking fun at Al-queda in my mind, another historically criminally violent terrorist organization heck-bent on hate and violence of non-muslims. Make fun as much as you like! There are no PC issues in my mind to make fun of this terrorist group.
  15. My Rights As An American

    Obama phone??

    That video is just the tip of the iceberg about the social economics of this country, especially those policies being perpetuated and propagated by this administration.
  16. My Rights As An American

    Forked Again

    Cool pics! Thanks for sharing.
  17. My Rights As An American

    Mule deer playing in the sprinklers

    Very cool pics, thanks for sharing! Sometimes I wish I could do the same, just play in the sprinklers during the middle of the day!
  18. My Rights As An American

    Decent bull and Monster bear

    Nice bear, crazy it is out at that time and heat as stated previously. The bull is dark-looking, even in the shade/shadows.
  19. My Rights As An American

    WTB Gun Cabinet or Gun Safe

    Because they are not a "common" item they don't order them on a regular basis. You can call your local store and ask them to look at other stores. They can look who has them or who has placed an order and how many. I did the same thing! Saw one and said, I'll buy it next time. It was gone next time! This was the Costco in Gilbert. I spent a few hrs on the phone tracking one down. Turns out they had 6 coming in the next week. I was out of town. My wife went and bought it. All 6 sold in 1 day. If I see one I'll PM ya. That would be outstanding! Not that I have 51 guns, but I like to keep things that are really important to me in my safe, including ammo. If I ever have a fire in my house, I want the firefighters to know it is all locked away in a fire safe and they can fight the fire instead of be in fear of exploding ammo! I understand that they will not fight a fire if they know that ammo is not stored in a fire safe area. I could be wrong, though.
  20. My Rights As An American

    WTB Gun Cabinet or Gun Safe

    A few years ago Costco had a 51-gun safe with good fire ratings on sale for less than $800. I think it was labeled a Winchester made by some other company. REALLY mad at myself for not buying it!!!!!! Would jump on that in a heartbeat if they brought it back!!!!
  21. My Rights As An American

    Shoe Tree

    Point that out to my kids everytime we go by it and explain to them that it is likely that the actions of the people putting the shoes on the tree ended up killing the tree. My kids would ask why people would put shoes on the tree and I tell them I do not know why, but that it is not right. Bad decisions by people killed that tree. I have seen many people up there taking pictures, putting shoes on the tree, looking at it, stopping right on the highway to do so. VERY dangerous on that curve at those speeds. Very sad to see the amount of extra trash right around there.
  22. My Rights As An American

    Big 5B Bull Down!!!

    Outstanding job, outstanding story, outstanding hunt! What a memory!!!! Congrats to all involved!!!
  23. My Rights As An American


    Not gonna lie, got a nice cool down effect just seeing this! Thanks for sharing!
  24. My Rights As An American

    Anyone like lizards?

    Great pics! Thanks for sharing. Amazing how colorful and vibrant these little things are when you stop to take a closer look!
  25. My Rights As An American

    Your tax dollars at work

    Pine Donkey, I have heard many similar stories. A few were told to me by the Speaker of the House of Representatives during many late night discussions on budgets. Up north, as also stated by Non-typical solutions, the government checks come in weekly, I believe. There was a short-lived show early last year about police on the Navajo Reservation that showed how bad it got during certain parts of the week and month. Some regulars that showed up when money was available, but disappeared when not. Really quite disturbing. Friends in Flagstaff who work EMT/firefighters have regular days when they know lots more people/trouble will be in town and when the night shift is going to get rough based on government check days. Have found lots of potential fraudulent activity by alleged non-residents in border towns in my line of work. Sad, very sad and upsetting as a taxpayer in this country!