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My Rights As An American

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Everything posted by My Rights As An American

  1. My Rights As An American

    2 external frame packs to DONATE

    Steve, they are yours. That is exactly the kind of camp I was hoping could use them. Let me know how to meet up with you, and maybe they can be put to good use by the kids!!!! I work in downtown Phoenix and live near BassPro.
  2. My Rights As An American

    Topo Maps--laminated--Unit 5B and other surrounding areas

    Any offers? Come on guys, I know someone out there has this tag and has not scouted well yet!!! Help yourself out big time with excellent laminated maps.
  3. My Rights As An American

    2 external frame packs to DONATE

    Thanks, I will check with him later today. " Meet the Teacher" this morning for my 5 and 6 year olds going to school full day for the first time ever. Mommy and daddy struggling to watch the kids grow up so fast!!!
  4. My Rights As An American

    Topo Maps--laminated--Unit 5B and other surrounding areas

    Let me know what interests you and make an offer through pm. Thanks!
  5. My Rights As An American

    Covert MP6 video quality test

    Let me guess, their names are Thanksgiving, Christmas and Easter? Very cool birds!
  6. Sounds like a GREAT deal on a model 70! Wish I had the cash sitting around for that one! Someone should snatch that up quickly.
  7. My Rights As An American

    WTB Left Hand 7mm Rem mag. bolt action

    I have bought and sold a few things on there and it becomes pretty easy to weed out the garbage after you have dealt a few times. Email back and forth at least twice before sharing a phone number and definitely talk in person about final details before meeting. And you can always haggle any listed price down on backpage, or just walk away! Not every gun on there truly is RARE of NEW IN BOX (or worse, LIKE NEW). Inspect well before finalizing and you should be fine, but ALWAYS make sure you have a bill of sale from anyone on there. Good luck!
  8. My Rights As An American

    WTB Left Hand 7mm Rem mag. bolt action

    Just saw this, not sure if this is the kind of gun you are looking for. Personally, I like the 700 models. I had a bolt break in shipping one time and Remington fixed it free and shipped it back on their dime. VERY satisfied!!!! http://arizona.backpage.com/SportsEquipForSale/550-remington-7mm-mag-bdl-left-hand/20579836
  9. My Rights As An American

    Spearfishing Video

    Ok, having a panic attack just watching the bass video. Found myself gasping for air!!! Knowing my luck, the first time I would get into the water to do that, I would just happen to get into the one lake in Arizona where someone dumped their pet pirahnas and they attack me. But luckily, that attack would quickly end when the Sharknado dropped a great white into the same lake and that would be my final demise!
  10. My Rights As An American

    Spearfishing Video

    Cool video. Ain't gonna lie, though. Totally freaked out by water I cannot see through! Watched too many JAWS movies as a kid growing up within an hour or two of Cape Cod. Water freaks me out, more power to you!!!!!
  11. My Rights As An American

    Spearfishing Video

    Sorry, not there. Tried to watch it but the link says the video was not validated or something like that. I remember in college we used to go "carp hunting" also. Uh wait, wrong kind of "carp". Move on, nothing to see and no stories that I will avail myself of!
  12. My Rights As An American

    Topo Maps--laminated--Unit 5B and other surrounding areas

    ttt for all of you getting ready to head out to 5B this weekend to scout! Be prepared, have some maps!!!!
  13. My Rights As An American

    Hunting & Nonhunting Items/Price Change & Updated

    If TJ is home tonight, I will stop by and get it from him and you and I can meet up tomorrow sometime. My schedule tomorrow is fairly flexible. I will pay TJ and just meet up with you and you can get me back. Not a problem to help out!
  14. My Rights As An American

    Anybody start their hunting beard?

    Bowhuntaz1, I like the "walking stick" for Little Bo Peep. A shooting stick!!! At least her walking stick is adjustable!!!!!!! I just shaved my beard a few days ago. The heat was driving me a little crazy and I did not like how it was growing.
  15. My Rights As An American

    Nice bull and Bears on cam

    That bull looks REALLY healthy and strong!!! I like the thickness of this antlers, but I am no expert as I meat hunt!
  16. My Rights As An American

    Hunting & Nonhunting Items/Price Change & Updated

    TJ, I work in downtown Phoenix and would be happy to pick it up and deliver to downtown Phoenix area or close by if 8owhunt247 wants to meet me around these parts. I might be able to go out a little further than downtown on a lunch break or shortly after work. I need to come by and pick up the floor jack anyway, and it would be no problem to help out a friend!
  17. My Rights As An American

    Topo Maps--laminated--Unit 5B and other surrounding areas

  18. My Rights As An American

    Wood Heated Tents

    I once had a wood fire on my boat. Sank mysteriously one day. Sorry, I really had nothing constructive to add here.
  19. My Rights As An American

    Just joined this site. 4B early rifle bull & 4A rifle cow. woohoo.....

    Welcome to the site. Wish I had some sage advice for you on 4b but I have not hunted that unit. There are others with better info, but you should always start with the Game and Fish website for that hunt unit. They have more than enough information to really get going into good areas in every unit. After that, keep up the scouting and you will find the area you want to focus on soon enough.
  20. My Rights As An American

    Tribute to Missy

    TJ, only a month away from some daily visits to her final resting spot! Going to be some great times out there this year!!! Will bring the kids and a special treat for Missy.
  21. My Rights As An American

    Good Looking Bucks

    WOWSA WOWSA WOWSA! Excellent bucks, love the trash!!!!!
  22. Bummer, I just picked up helmets for the whole family, never even saw this. Sorry. Free bump anyway.
  23. My Rights As An American

    Monsoon Strippers on Powell!

    Well now I am extra disappointed!
  24. My Rights As An American

    Monsoon Strippers on Powell!

    Wow, sounds like a great trip. You might want to clarify that you went for stripers, not strippers. Was somewhat afraid of clicking on this post for a minute!!!
  25. My Rights As An American

    Prickly Pear Chicken

    Need to make a trip down south for the prickly pear. I plan on making a ton of prickly pear jam and juice this year!!!