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My Rights As An American

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Everything posted by My Rights As An American

  1. My Rights As An American

    wtb used canyon cooler or yeti

    This! ☝️ I have tried craigslist & eBay also without much luck this year. I am the same way. I have an enormous need to fell like I saved something. We need a group buy on canyon coolers... 20% off and I am in! 75% OFF AND I AM IN!!!!!
  2. My Rights As An American

    Ammo and Shooting Accessories at Sports authority

    Prdatr, any 308???
  3. My Rights As An American

    Ammo and Shooting Accessories at Sports authority

    The one near basspro was cleaned out of lots of ammo one hour before I arrived. Still had 300 and 338 ammo and steel and buck shot in 12 and 20. Anyone have a lead on 308???
  4. My Rights As An American

    Weatherby 257 Wby Mag

    Yeah, that!
  5. My Rights As An American

    Happy Birthday Amanda!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Happy birthday!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! We are all very proud to know you!!!!!!!!!
  6. My Rights As An American

    Found gun and saddle bags

    Was camping in Unit 22 this past weekend when I went for a quick quad ride on a nasty trail that I had never been on before. About 500 yards in up a steep hill I see something in the road so I go to the side to avoid it. As I pass the object I see it is a rifle in a scabbard and pair of saddle bags about 10 yards farther up the hill. Retrieved both items to find a very nice leather saddle bag and leather scabbard holding a Pre-64 30-30!!! Checked everything for identification, nothing attached. Unloaded rifle, nothing was in the chamber. Rode the rest of the trail to the end to find nothing. About three hours later, as we were sitting at camp thinking of the most appropriate way to get these items back to whoever their owner was, a couple rides by on a quad and asks if I had seen a horse. Turns out the rider (a law enforcement officer from the area) was thrown from his horse, knocked unconcious briefly and lost his horse, saddle, gun and saddle bags. Horse ran away and everyone started looking in the wrong direction. After I told them where I found the items, they realized that they were at least 1.5 miles in the wrong direction searching for the horse. About one hour later, the law enforcement officer's son, who is also law enforcement from the area, shows up and asks if I was the one who found the items. He was extremely courteous and friendly, a very positive interaction. Kids got to see their daddy give back the gun and saddle bags and saw how friendly the officer was to me. Rider who was thrown called me the next day to exuberant thanks and appreciation, nothing but absolute highest class shown. I was really impressed with both the father and the son and how they treated me and showed their appreciation. Turns out the father took a pretty good fall but got on another horse and immediately started searching for the first horse. With the information that I had provided, they found the horse above the area I found the items. In less than 12 hours, the rider got everything back that he had lost: horse, stirrup, saddle, saddle bags and family heirloom gun and scabbard. A tremendously positive story and experience for me and my family, but a tremendously positive outcome for all involved! Hard to find really positive stories for all, but even more proud to part of one! Stay safe out there!
  7. My Rights As An American

    Just a few pics from elk scouting

    Just. laughed. WAY. too. out. loud. at. work!
  8. My Rights As An American

    Elk down low

    Have seen elk and bear sign down lower in the mesquite for quite a few years now about 5 miles south of 188/87 junction. Seemed very odd a first but not after hearing all of the talk about them around that area. I would have to believe that they are on Mt. Ord and Four Peaks based on where I have been seeing sign.
  9. My Rights As An American

    Hit list bull made it though early season

    Excellent pics, thanks for sharing!!!
  10. My Rights As An American

    Found gun and saddle bags

    Thanks everyone. I was very honored to be part of something so positive and have the kids be around to see things happen. The best part of the story is that everyone was fine, rider and horse. The second best part is that the rider was reunited with all of his belongings in less than a few hours. Nothing was lost in that very rough terrain. How often is it that I can tell a story about finding a gun? That is one that will stick with me for a while.
  11. My Rights As An American


    Been to Oahu a few times, and Kuaui once for our honeymoon. Kuaui was absolutely beautiful!!!!! Would definitely go back. Oahu is very touristy, but still a ton to do there. Was there around Christmas and it did not feel right. Seeing Santas in short sleeve shirts or without a shirt and a hula skirt sort of killed the mood while White Christmas was playing in the background. Weird, just weird!
  12. My Rights As An American

    Found Achery Kill 23N (UPDATED)

    That is because you practice a ton. Archery shooting is both cerebral but becomes quite instinctive over time and consistency. Archers must always remember the cerebral aspects, however, because the variables exacerbate over distance. Practice helps a ton, but I also believe that certain distances exceed an archers capabilities for lots of reasons. My personal limit is 50. It is our obligation to ensure humane harvests of our game. Anything less is unacceptable as true hunters. I think our conversation, although a wonderful insight into distance shooting and personal limits, is an unfortunate off-spin of assumptions made into the original intent of this thread, which was to try to reunite a hunter with a harvested bull. The original intent was quite noble and ended up in the successful reunion which should be commended, but some assumptions were made during this journey that divested from the purpose. I think many people intentionally or not assumed that this bull was lost due to a poorly placed arrow due to long distance shooting or the likes. Sadly, losing an animal, even a well-placed kill shot, comes with hunting. I think the assumptions quickly blew up, unfortunately and led to an off-shoot discussion of the limits of archery shooting.
  13. My Rights As An American

    Found Achery Kill 23N (UPDATED)

    9. Animal movement is exxagerated MUCH more at longer distances. Sure, animals can jump the string at any range, but the time it takes an arrow to get 90 yards versus 10 yards is so significant that it cannot be overlooked or poopooed away as not a major variable. Animals cannot "jump the string" at 10 yards to the point that you hit them in the hind quarters or generally gut shoot them. That becomes a significant concern at 90 yards.
  14. My Rights As An American

    Found Achery Kill 23N (UPDATED)

    trphyhntr, Please do not take my comments as negative towards you. They are not. What I am saying is that MY confidence level is maxed out at 50 yards, and I would not take further shots. I am just as confident at 60 as I am at 90, of not being 100% confident in the most humane shot possible due to the variables such as: 1. Wind-just like a bullet, will exponentially change the impact point over longer ranges than shorter ranges. Everyone knows this with bullets and can compensate, but how many archers know how to compensate for wind at longer ranges? 2. Buck fever-cannot be measured. 3. Elevation--Sure, everyone shoots their bow a lot at their house or their range, but how many have shot at the elevation they will be actually hunting in? For elk, that can easily range from 4,000 feet to 10,000 in this state. Arrows WILL fly differently at 4,000 than they will at 10,000. 4. Arrow weight and broadhead weight can weigh heavily at longer distances making the drop much more pronounced. 5. Broadhead type--expandable vs. fixed. How does it fly at 20 yards versus 90? How does it penetrate thicker hides? Will it blast through small bones at 20 yards but stop dead at 90 yards due to less energy? 6. Weather--is it sunny and hot? Is it raining? Is it cloudy? They can wreak much more havoc at longer distances. 7. Vision--Can you see that twig at 20 yards? How about that one at 89 yards? 8. Energy--Significant drop in energy remaining in the arrow from 10 yards to 90 yards. Really not trying to do anything other than answer your question. I am comfortable out to 50 yards, not 60 not 90. Too many variables make those longer shots much more difficult to be a humane shot, IMHO. You asked for variables, I provided some very reasonable variables that I believe limit MY comfort level.
  15. My Rights As An American

    Found Achery Kill 23N (UPDATED)

    Me too, that is why my personal limit is 50 yards. Far too many variables past that for all archers on a live target, IMHO.
  16. My Rights As An American

    Kids Diamond Ice Bow

    Man, I was just kidding about knocking people off to move up the list, but hey, if it works it works!
  17. My Rights As An American

    Kids Diamond Ice Bow

    Definitely want in line for this one. Sounds like I am fourth? Who do I have to knock off to move up the list?
  18. My Rights As An American

    Weatherby 257 Wby Mag

    Ttt one last time.
  19. My Rights As An American

    Weatherby 257 Wby Mag

  20. My Rights As An American

    Weatherby 257 Wby Mag

    All PMs returned. Please do not make me put this thing up on another website! Keep 'er here, keep 'er happy!!!!
  21. My Rights As An American

    Cabelas Big Horn II Tent **PRICE DROP**

    Yes, but have you broken them in yet with cool people, drinks and cards?
  22. My Rights As An American

    Weatherby 257 Wby Mag

    Definitely willing to entertain reasonable offers. May entertain some trades with cash included. Cash is definitely king, and it goes straight to the Queen of the house!
  23. My Rights As An American

    WTS Badlands 4500, WTT

    I have bought something from Vince in the past and he was wonderful to deal with. We both kept open, honest communication and the deal went exceptionally smoothly, even with mailing the item. If all of his transactions were the same way, I would do business with him again if that helps anybody. Free bump for someone I have dealt with before.
  24. My Rights As An American

    Weatherby 257 Wby Mag

    Pic of trigger is deceiving. The big bare spots are glare and not chips. The very small spots are the two small scratches. Sorry, bad at pics.
  25. My Rights As An American

    Weatherby 257 Wby Mag

    Live near BassPro and can also meet in downtown Phoenix area if you want to see this sweet gun!