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My Rights As An American

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Everything posted by My Rights As An American

  1. My Rights As An American

    Concrete mixer and two inexpensive tvs

    Ttt. I am sure someone needs an inexpensive mixer or two very inexpensive tvs for their garage or playroom.
  2. My Rights As An American


    Thanks. This is a great deer with tremendous character and lots of scorable points.
  3. My Rights As An American

    Pay it forward - I will start

    Still have the telescope, painting and ammo. Adding 50 more rounds so there is 150 for some happy kid/kids.
  4. My Rights As An American

    Ruger Gunsite Scout Rifle

    Always wanted to shoot one of these! Should go quickly.
  5. My Rights As An American

    Pay it forward - I will start

    I will toss up 100 rounds of 22lr ammo for anyone who has a kid and wants to go shooting. Please keep this for kids only and if no takers then I will offer it to adults. Going to be a beautiful weekend to take a kid shooting!
  6. My Rights As An American


    A lot of very tough games ahead and there will be stumbling, but have to enjoy it in the moment. I was at the Cal game and that was all Cal for three quarters. Listened to the Oregon game and thoroughly enjoyed it at one of the toughest venues in all of college football. USC will be a very fired up and angry team to play and they are very talented. UCLA could be coming off two straight losses when Cats play them in UCLA.
  7. My Rights As An American


    You must have not watched the UA/Oregon game then... or the UA/CAL game... I rather poke sharp sticks in my eyes than watch any of the UofA games Happy to provide sticks to any ASU fans who feel the same!
  8. My Rights As An American


    Cats debut at #10 in the AP poll for the new week. HUGE leap from unranked! Five or six PAC-12 teams in most major polls again. Deeeeeeeeep conference.
  9. My Rights As An American

    Jalapenos! !!!!

    Someday you will have to show me how to can things! Really want to learn how to take better advantage of fresh veggies. Your jalapeños look fantastic! Great job!
  10. My Rights As An American

    Jalapenos! !!!!

    Standman, any interest in trading a couple of jars for some homemade smoked elk bratwurst smoked with plum wood and apple juice?
  11. My Rights As An American

    wtb a bow for girlfriend

    Good thing you put wtb and not wtt!!!
  12. My Rights As An American

    Arctic Cat 400 FIS 4X4 ATV

    Nice rides! Good luck with the sale, fairly priced. Surprised it had not been snatched up already.
  13. My Rights As An American


    Excellent guns. Free bump.
  14. My Rights As An American

    Vortex Kaibab 15x56 HD For Sale / $850

    Is that one of those parachutes that was used only once, never deployed? Picked up for a steal?!
  15. My Rights As An American

    Hunting with friends

    No better friends than that! Food looks great, too!
  16. My Rights As An American

    Pay it forward - I will start

    I will pay it forward tonight when I get home and go through the safe. Thanks again.
  17. My Rights As An American


    What a cutey! my 5 year old just said WOW DID SHE SHOOT ALL THOSE DOVES? Nice! It took her a bit to pick one up but it was no problem after that. She is my girly girl princess too! Browned up the meat in flour and spices, made a bit of gravy then served over rice. Not bad at all actually!
  18. My Rights As An American


    Addy. She was a great bird retriever and even better snack eater! The other two kiddos were already planning which days they got to go next while we were out hunting!
  19. My Rights As An American


    Went out this evening with my 6 year old daughter. HOT! Did not shoot well. Took an hour to limit out on mourning dove. Birds were crazy again! Hundreds all over the skies where I was at again. Good luck to all this weekend.
  20. My Rights As An American

    Pay it forward - I will start

    Thanks again! Kids loved it and will be trying it tonight on our dove hunt for practice. Great meeting you.
  21. My Rights As An American

    WTB 7mmRemMag or 270 lr gun

    Beautiful ruger! Excellent choice. I have a weatherby in 7mm mag and love it!
  22. My Rights As An American

    Pay it forward - I will start

    Brett, I would like the back pad. I live in Mesa also. Thanks. Still have the painting, tripod without head and tasco telescope. Thanks.
  23. My Rights As An American


    Limited this evening in about 90 minutes. Saw a few thousand birds during the evening hunt. Even had a sheriff stop us concerned we were not hunting in a legal area. Very nice about it though. Called it in and realized we were good to go. One white wing the rest were mourning dove. Lots of birds everywhere.
  24. My Rights As An American

    Pay it forward - I will start

    Anyone need a smaller tripod without a head or an older tasco telescope for a kid?
  25. My Rights As An American

    Found ANOTHER gun! And a gold ring!

    Ok. While I seem to be lucky at finding everyone else's lost items I am hoping the luck finally stays coming my way a bit. In July while in Tucson for work I found an almost brand new Glock in a restaurant bathroom. As I was turning it in to the Manger and showing him how to unload and handle it (it was loaded of course) the owner came goofily walking around the corner laughing about leaving his gun. Guy looked like he came straight from the Harley Davidson store with his clothes. Never even said thank you. This was in a posted no firearms restaurant. Sort of disappointed in how unappreciative he was. This was the second gun I have found in less than nine months or so. The first person was extremely grateful! Then on Wednesday while being deposed for a lawsuit I found some lawyer's gold ring in the bathroom of the law offices on a bathroom break. Apparently he was quite frantic when he realize he lost it. Again no thank you. At least I know I did the right thing even if neither person showed any appreciation with even the slightest thank you. My conscious is clear knowing someone got their stuff back!