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My Rights As An American

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Everything posted by My Rights As An American

  1. My Rights As An American

    Nice beaver!

    This brings up another intersting topic. Anyone seen the effects of that water release below Morelos Dam last year? The cottonwood saplings exploded when surface water was reintroduced for a brief period. There are supposed to be huge numbers of new cottonwoods growing. Wonder if this could possibly be the effect with the beaver? Retaining much more water at the surface and leading to better wildlife opportunity all around.
  2. My Rights As An American

    Eye Guards!!!

    My guess was about 51" or 4'3" but the shadows throw me off. Oh, you meant the deer?
  3. My Rights As An American

    Coues or muley II

  4. My Rights As An American

    I'll play! Coues or Muley?

  5. My Rights As An American

    Be careful how you launch your boat

    Fish, no. Crabs, yes.
  6. My Rights As An American

    Problem with neighbor's dog

    And people wonder why I am laughing my butt off in the restaurant.
  7. My Rights As An American

    Nice beaver!

    I believe there had been an attempt to reintroduce them over the years in the San Pedro for this very reason.
  8. My Rights As An American

    Nice beaver!

    This is the part that is most intriguing to me. They have the ability to drastically change an entire ecosystem. In the desert that could be a very good thing as it could keep more surface water, create pools/ponds and the domino effect of that. However I am not a biologist just an intrigued citizen.
  9. My Rights As An American

    Nice beaver!

    I am always encapsulated by a good beaver flick!
  10. My Rights As An American

    Nice beaver!

    I guess that I have no experience with them so I definitely do not have any preconceived notion about them. Just always thought beavers in the desert were pretty interesting. In the desert they keep the water on the surface instead of letting it go underground, thus making the water accessible to the entire animal ecosystem. But what the heck do I know!
  11. My Rights As An American

    cats and cages

    What a very cool topic! Love it! Thanks for everyone's input it is a fun read and intriguing to me.
  12. My Rights As An American

    Ruger mini 14 stainless steel nikon scope

  13. My Rights As An American

    Ruger mini 14 stainless steel nikon scope

    Selling this for a friend in Tucson. This is a stainless steel mini 14 with a nikon buckmasters 4.5-14x40 BDC. Comes with the following mags: three 20 round, one 5 round and two 30 round. Comes with sling. He is asking $950 for the package or partial trade for a decent 1911 and cash. Gun is with me in Mesa. Thanks for looking.
  14. My Rights As An American


    Love the last pic. Took me a minute. Still need to catch up with you. Sorry about that. Bump up for a great seller.
  15. My Rights As An American

    Ruger mini 14 stainless steel nikon scope

  16. My Rights As An American

    Javelina: Field Care

    Basser, hunt them and give me the meat! Happy to turn them into brats! They are amazing!!!
  17. My Rights As An American

    Stolen archery equipment found

    I agree on both counts! Right on, story?
  18. My Rights As An American

    javelina meat

    I have come to love javelina meat. I make smoked bratwurst with it. Could not be any better! Willing to take some off anyone's hands if properly handled and cleaned. Will send smoked brats back your way in exchange!
  19. My Rights As An American


    Could not agree more. Excellent design that will hold up well over time I believe. free bump for a great bow.
  20. My Rights As An American

    Storage, Parts,Tools,Reloading Utility Bins

    Can you post dimensions? May work for kids toys. Thanks.
  21. My Rights As An American


    Free bump for excellent bows! That xl is a shooter!
  22. My Rights As An American

    Woods Canyon or Willow Springs lakes

    Are either of these open right now to launch a boat? Need to get some fishing in after a tough hunting season. Also are either worth fishing for trout right now? Thanks!
  23. I know you are not looking for it, but thanks! Thanks for being a good person for Jared and his family. Thanks for bringing me Jared's story.
  24. Great cause. I can think of many worse ways to spend a little cash.
  25. My Rights As An American

    Garden tiller to borrow?

    Anyone have a garden tiller to borrow for a few hours sometime in the next month or two? Renting one is expensive and then I feel really pressured to hurry up and get the thing back before paying an extra arm with my leg. I just want to break up my old garden and loosen out all up again for spring planting. Doing it by hand is brutal. I live near BassPro. Happy to try to repay for letting me borrow for a day at most. Thanks!