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My Rights As An American

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Everything posted by My Rights As An American

  1. My Rights As An American

    Calling out the poacher in unit 33

    Maybe send the coordinates to game and fish?
  2. My Rights As An American

    5 riding helmets

    The goggles are mostly in poor condition so they will not come with.
  3. My Rights As An American

    5 riding helmets

  4. My Rights As An American

    Well... bye...

    We just need to start fracking on Yuma. Soon we would have some ocean front property after the big one and the problem of California is solved!
  5. My Rights As An American

    Chainsaw repair in Mesa?

    I have a Stihl chainsaw that has not run in a few years. Need to get it up and running. Anyone know any reliable chainsaw repair shops in west Mesa or in Queen Creek? Thanks!
  6. My Rights As An American

    Early ballot

    Easily solved you follow the Democrat mantra: vote early and vote often. And do it for others also!
  7. My Rights As An American

    My First Buck...

    Great looking buck! But don't you think that round is a little small for coues?
  8. My Rights As An American

    FS A couple old Winchester lever actions

    Drool....bump for someone who can afford more toys than me!
  9. My Rights As An American

    22lr in stock and on sale

    Just left Dick's Sporting Goods at Scottdale Fashion Center and they had plenty of 22lr in stock and on sale. Just a heads up if you need any! 325 round boxes for $18.99 or so. Plus other options.
  10. My Rights As An American

    Employment Opportunity

    So I got the job? Good luck with the search. Great benefits! I miss mine.
  11. My Rights As An American

    Bunch of FREE Stuff in North Phoenix

    Holy cow, be right there!
  12. My Rights As An American

    Bunch of FREE Stuff in North Phoenix

    Any guns, ammo, gold, beer?
  13. My Rights As An American


    Seconds! Always projects with old arrows and great for the recurve for the kiddos!
  14. My Rights As An American

    Gear Sale

    Second in line for swivel bipod.
  15. My Rights As An American

    Roughest Road Ever?

    The road to work everyday. Somehow the ride back home is the best one!
  16. My Rights As An American

    I'm getting excited for Dove season!!!!

    Better than where I went! Took my five year old son to our normal spot on his first ever hunting trip. Shot a bird over the river that ended up in the river and some a-hole comes screaming out from 100 yards upriver claiming I was trying to kill him and his family, using terrible language and physically assaulting me! He actually shoved me in front of my kid! Had he been alone they would still be looking for him. But he had another buck toothed red neck piece of trash with him. Claimed I was illegally hunting. Huh, sheriff told me I was perfectly legal. For some reason he was not convinced. Funny how this drunk red neck thought he knew the law so well but could not form a coherent word through his missing teeth. A-hole made my kid cry and ruined his first ever hunting experience through foul language, assault and fear. He backed off when I threatened to call the sheriff. What a great f'ing first experience for my son.
  17. My Rights As An American

    FS Vortex Kaibabs 20x56

    How are these still available for this price? Have you tried backpage or craigslist to spread the word?
  18. My Rights As An American

    Need a shotgun broken down and cleaned

    Pull on the front end and make a wish?
  19. My Rights As An American

    Best price on Ruger ar556 in Arizona?

    Ok finally looking to get an AR and settled on the Ruger. Have some gift cards at BassPro and trying to price match to the lowest price in Arizona. Lowest I can find is $649.99 in stock. Anyone know of a cheaper listed price in Arizona new? Thanks for helping me save money!
  20. My Rights As An American

    Best price on Ruger ar556 in Arizona?

    Wow that is a great price! Anyone want to scan that ad and send it to me? Would save me some money!
  21. My Rights As An American

    Harris bipod SOLD

    Does the bipod swivel? If so I will take it.
  22. My Rights As An American

    remington 22 long rifle ammo

    Third in line for three or all. Have not seen any on shelves in a few months.
  23. My Rights As An American

    .308 ammo

    Great price. Should not last. Free bump.
  24. My Rights As An American

    More Stuff--camera, hiking boots,Leep pack, trail cam, stabilizer, etc.

    Dang. Would like the trail cam but not in Peoria anytime soon.
  25. My Rights As An American

    Best price on Ruger ar556 in Arizona?

    All sold out at basspro for at least the next week for the ruger. Argh.