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My Rights As An American

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Everything posted by My Rights As An American

  1. My Rights As An American

    Remington Model 522 Viper

    Great deal!
  2. My Rights As An American

    IFly Indoor Skydiving

    My 12 year old daughter recently had her birthday party there. Was a good time for her and her friends.
  3. My Rights As An American

    Hunting Report ?

    Rut was on hard core yesterday.
  4. My Rights As An American

    Units 36a, b, c hunt #5097

    Start up high and look against opposing hills south facing and use a tripod with good bingos. Look for movement. If you can se rabbits and birds moving you will see deer and javelina eventually.
  5. My Rights As An American

    Units 36a, b, c hunt #5097

    Saw them each day for 3 days in those units. Wind kept messing me up though. Plenty out there. Lots of great advice already given here that I follow religiously.
  6. My Rights As An American

    First Time Javelina Hunting Question

    My observations from the past three days and 30 years of hunting them is that they do not like hanging around the cattle. They may still cross the areas with cattle but they do not bed as much where the cattle are staying. I could be wrong but that is my experience. Javelina will be high and low.
  7. My Rights As An American

    Weather report

    Took the kids up there during the heavy snow and there were accidents all over the 87 on the road from well before Sunflower all the way to the Mt. Ord turnoff. Came home with a truck bed full of snow for kids to play with. Very busy tow trucks yesterday. Plows were really busy too. Lots of terrible drivers who have no idea about driving in snow.
  8. My Rights As An American

    97 4x4 3rd gen 4 runner looking to trade

  9. My Rights As An American

    Help posting deer mule mount for sale

    Welcome to the site. Pics would help, especially at that price.
  10. My Rights As An American

    20B help? AND 20A?

    Up to two annually. Not an expert but they cannot be from the exact same hunt number but can be the same unit. For example, one archery in unit X and then a HAM or rifle in same unit. Or can be different units.
  11. My Rights As An American

    Texas whitetail meat hunts

    Curious on cost...
  12. My Rights As An American

    2000 Honda TRX 250 Recon

  13. My Rights As An American

    Free Camper Shell

    Excellent tastes and smart girl!
  14. My Rights As An American

    Know someone who needs a bike?

    Pm sent.
  15. My Rights As An American

    Looking for damaged bowling balls

    Lots on this site have helped me and my kids and I try to do the same back always. Not a problem if our schedules match up!
  16. My Rights As An American

    Looking for damaged bowling balls

    I may be heading up to Camp Verde in the next week or two. Could have locals in the valley bring them to me and I could meet you there if that helps.
  17. My Rights As An American

    Different trail cams free

    If you are in the process of making a kid, why are you stopping to post here? 😀
  18. My Rights As An American


    Great deal, wish I had a place for it! Someone jump on it.
  19. My Rights As An American


    Will really need 2-3 consecutive years of excellent and timely rainfalls to bring numbers back up. That and killing lots of predators in the same time. I decided to give the birds a break this year.
  20. My Rights As An American

    Dove help needed

    Anyone getting any dove on this last hunt? I am going Saturday morning but have not been in years outside of a place that is no longer good to hunt. I used to hunt south of Florence and throughout southern Arizona but that is too far. South of Florence might work but the areas I used to go to seem fenced off now. Want to take my 7 year old son and brand new to Arizona hunter friend to get out. I am in need of help finding a spot within about one hour from basspro area to hunt dove for a morning hunt that is not a war zone and offers some opportunities. Need to be home by noon for daughter’s games. Yes, I am asking for a spot or area to go once. I have no intention at all of asking for a spot then overrunning it! I have helped others with all sorts of game numerous times in the past, so I am here begging, PLEASE help me find a dove spot for this weekend! Would like to get out and shoot some. Please PM me directly so it does not get publicized. I will not be sharing ANY spots told to me. In advance, THANK YOU!
  21. My Rights As An American

    FS Savage 110 7 rem mag $350

    Great price on a great rifle. Wish I needed one! Especially with adding in ammo! Someone is getting a great deal. Any trade interests or needs?
  22. My Rights As An American

    Am selling my Used OPPO UDP-205 4k Blu-Ray player

    No way this could be a scam!
  23. My Rights As An American

    12A West

    Going Saturday for the youth hunt for my 11 year old daughter. Hoping to find some does for her. Thinking of checking out the hills as you drop off the plateau towards kanab to the south. Any ideas if that is worth it or stay high? Thanks!