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My Rights As An American

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Everything posted by My Rights As An American

  1. My Rights As An American

    ADOT lazy

    Don’t know but I can tell you this math formula: 4x4 does not equal smart driver
  2. My Rights As An American

    Big Browns

    Happy birthday!
  3. My Rights As An American

    CC Hit

    Yes. So one day this guy's credit card got hit for an elk tag in Arizona. It wasn't me. Ok maybe not so much a joke. More sad than funny. True. Sad. But Not funny.
  4. My Rights As An American

    Weatherby Vanguard 300 win mag (needs work)

    Would have jumped all over this if I did not already have the exact same rifle. Great deal for someone.
  5. My Rights As An American

    ESPN fantasy Baseball

    No, I have too many hobbies which is why I have no time for fantasy baseball!
  6. My Rights As An American

    ESPN fantasy Baseball

    As much as I love baseball how do you people find time in your lives to do this? 😀 I am very jealous of how much time you have!
  7. My Rights As An American

    FS Two Tickets to the Eagles

    Uh bummer, sorry. Good luck.
  8. My Rights As An American

    FS Two Tickets to the Eagles

    Is this a kid friendly show?
  9. My Rights As An American

    Wtb stihl chain saw

    Man, somebody tell my wife that. I keep telling her I am worth fixing!
  10. My Rights As An American


    I am good enough to shoot deer consistently and sight in a rifle. Not good enough to measure groups. Sorry. If it hits the bull consistently, I am happy!
  11. My Rights As An American


    Have not shot it enough. My weatherby 7mm mag though is death from a mile away. That rifle taught me to love shooting bigger rounds again after having a 3006 as a kid that was way too much rifle for me at that age. Weatherby 7mm mag is a beautiful combo for me.
  12. My Rights As An American


    Wow cannot believe this had not sold. Excellent platform for larger caliber rifles. While a bit heavy I love them! Have the exact same rifle in a trade from another member and love it!
  13. My Rights As An American

    14 foot aluminum boat with trailer

    Steal for that price.
  14. My Rights As An American

    Live Trap- trying to remove a coyote in town.

    Or a bow!
  15. My Rights As An American

    Backpack stolen from truck

    On our way to youth javelina hunt and got up to 6a. Went to grab my backpack to find it was stolen from the truck while eating dinner at Carl's Jr at I17 and Pinnacle Peak or Happy Valley. Was only place we stopped so it had to happen there. Was a Horn Hunter pack with Vortex Kaibabs, GPS, tags, license, slik tripod that I can pick out of a lineup due to an accident. Really pissed right now. Sitting in Cottonwood and more cannot take my daughter tomorrow. Please keep an eye out. Really pissed. Have my daughter, her friend and my son with me and hunt is now ruined due to some a-hole thief.
  16. My Rights As An American

    Backpack stolen from truck

    Scanned a bunch of hills this evening but did not see anything at all. Pretty bummed but kids had a tremendously good time. Thanks again!
  17. My Rights As An American

    Backpack stolen from truck

    I tried to look for him and waited outside for a while after I retrieved my stuff. I drove around looking for him. Had a pretty poor description but I am sure he was watching to clear his conscience. Could not find anyone that late at night hanging around. Was not looking for confrontation. You have to understand, my brother was murdered years ago by two homeless men who beat him to death. It can be rough out there. Having this happen brought back a lot of interesting emotions.
  18. My Rights As An American

    Backpack stolen from truck

    Thanks everyone! We found 2 different herds this morning. We let our friend go after the first herd and she got one, her first ever! We stayed behind to spot for them. Walked them right in! Our shots were 300 yards or more. Second herd snuck out while putting on a stalk. Just grabbed late lunch. Going back out to find more getting up for the evening. So dang tired after last night!
  19. My Rights As An American

    Backpack stolen from truck

    This site is awesome. Thank you all for the incredible offers to help!!! SHOCKING TWIST UPDATE: Called the store to see if they had cameras rolling, and manager said there was a homeless guy with my pack in the store! He came back in to the same store. He left it and walked away. Returned 45 minutes later and left a full page handwritten apology along with a few items he had stolen from the bag. Said he felt bad and was not a thief. Other than a few things out of place, all was still there! Just rushed down to there from Cottonwood and back. Stunned. Just. Stunned. All still there, even unopened food and snacks. This NEVER happens. Nobody ever gets their stolen items back. Maybe a little positive karma after all I have been through these last few years? Maybe I need to see it as a sign or something. Thank you all for the amazing offers of help. The hunt is back on and the kids are so excited again!
  20. My Rights As An American

    Backpack stolen from truck

    No not unlocked. Left it in the bed with other stuff. Never lost anything that way. Thing is I never leave it in my bed I just forgot with the kids.
  21. My Rights As An American

    Super Raffle tag buck...

    You are missing a few extra parts that I will not mention. Same with his “brother”.
  22. My Rights As An American

    Hunting Report ?

    Uh, any actual hunting reports? Sounds like you all need a separate private chat room to swap pics.
  23. My Rights As An American

    Hunting Report ?

    Saw a muley pushing does this morning but the whitetails were without bucks. Got pretty windy. I think the whitetail rut is over where I was hunting.
  24. My Rights As An American

    free fridge in Gilbert

    Wish I had the space. Would be great for hanging quarters during hunting season!
  25. My Rights As An American

    water levels

    Me like pics of full water holes!