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My Rights As An American

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Everything posted by My Rights As An American

  1. My Rights As An American

    AZ Meteorite

    Oh, that was Michael Bloomberg's last remaining hopes after the debate last night that exploded and fell to earth. Nothing to see there.
  2. My Rights As An American

    Where am I?

    Six feet under?
  3. My Rights As An American

    Bunch o’ stuff

    Morning bump
  4. My Rights As An American


    You are referencing federal, not state. It is one senator per state legislative district, 30 districts total.
  5. My Rights As An American

    Bunch o’ stuff

    Ttt. Added brand new pair of Vortex Diamondbacks 10x42. $150.
  6. My Rights As An American

    *SOLD* Whites Gold Master w/VSAT *Reduced*

    Let's get this sold before I decide to get back into it!
  7. My Rights As An American

    *SOLD* Whites Gold Master w/VSAT *Reduced*

    Used to have two of these. My brother and I found nuggets in Alaska using this detector. Great memories. Good luck. Wish I still had the time to detect and find the yellow stuff.
  8. My Rights As An American

    When I see javelina.....

    ... all I see is homemade bratwurst!!!!!! 10.2 pounds of javelina, mixed with an equal amount of pork. 64 total bratwurst. And yes, they are incredible! Oh and 6 pounds of bacon from pork belly. Not pictured. Trying it for the first time.
  9. My Rights As An American

    When I see javelina.....

    Master built electric. There is a pan for liquids to keep meats moist or flavored. Just put apple juice in there!
  10. My Rights As An American

    When I see javelina.....

  11. My Rights As An American

    When I see javelina.....

    Really simple. Made two 3 pound cuts from the whole belly. Used one of the online recipe cures that looked good and made it myself. Rubbed it on and vacuum sealed it with a bit of air still inside to move juices around. Placed them in the fridge and flipped everyday. Day 7 rinsed them off completely and patted them dry. Smoked them at 200 for just over two hours with cherry wood and apple juice. Next time I will reduce the heat and increase the time a bit I think. Slow down the amount of smoke I use. But no complaints on how it turned out!
  12. My Rights As An American

    When I see javelina.....

    Costco. $2.99/pound. Surprised the family this morning with homemade bacon and eggs and they LOVED it! Flavor from the cherry wood was amazing. Next up is the peppered.
  13. My Rights As An American

    When I see javelina.....

    And the bacon. Just came out. One is peppered and the other is not. Cherry smoked both. Cannot wait to try tomorrow!
  14. My Rights As An American

    Blatant invasion of privacy

    Uh, was SHE the dinner?
  15. My Rights As An American

    WTS Vortex UHD 18x56 (New)

    Welcome to the site.
  16. My Rights As An American

    When I see javelina.....

    Bacon still has four more days of curing then a few hours of smoking.
  17. My Rights As An American

    When I see javelina.....

    Thanks! Made a pack for dinner and the kids LOVED them! Very excited about how the recipe has worked!
  18. My Rights As An American

    When I see javelina.....

    When you take care of the meat it is excellent! And I am super picky!!!
  19. My Rights As An American

    Montana or Wyoming Whitetail hunt

    Dude, you have NO idea how badly I want to do this hunt! My dream hunt is pheasants and other birds, plus whitetail, pronghorn or mulie in the Midwest. It is probably #1 bucket list next to hogs (not the ones in Scottsdale) or moose.
  20. My Rights As An American

    Montana or Wyoming Whitetail hunt

    I can drive, and pay my own way. Can I come?
  21. My Rights As An American

    Montana or Wyoming Whitetail hunt

    Ok, sure, I will go with. Thanks for asking!
  22. My Rights As An American

    Bunch o’ stuff

    Really liked it in the days before using a tripod and carrying far too much dang stuff than I need. Very easy and light pack, I just seemed to always carry more than I should have so I upsized. My back regrets it every day! 😀
  23. My Rights As An American

    Bunch o’ stuff

    No problem, thanks for looking! I have a badlands 2200 with all working zippers and buckles, no issues. $100. If it does not sell I will keep that for the kids. Thanks.
  24. My Rights As An American

    Bunch o’ stuff

    No, sorry.
  25. My Rights As An American

    Kodiak Canvas 12x9 with awning + awning enclosure and ground tarp

    Welcome to the site. Lots of educated people here.