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About andrewmilich

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  1. andrewmilich

    And the Card hits will begin

    archery pronghorn archery elk its a good year
  2. andrewmilich

    Prime RVX #80 limbs. SOLD

  3. andrewmilich

    Prime RVX #80 limbs. SOLD

    Prime RVX #80 limbs perfect condition. $100.00.
  4. andrewmilich

    PRICE LOWERED 2006 Chevy Silverado 2500 HD Duramax

    great truck I have seen it first hand. even better guy selling it. trust worthy.
  5. andrewmilich

    Archery OTC Future?

    if there was a check in system, we would know for sure.
  6. andrewmilich

    Archery OTC Future?

    Here's a question or a thought I guess. I wonder on the mandatory reporting numbers how many are fake. I mean what prevents PETA type of people from buying OTC tags and then just reporting they harvested. I think the numbers are not true because I saw units close in days. There is no way in some of the units thats possible. I think game and fish should do what other states do for otc to get true numbers. Have check in stations. Like I had to with bears. The harvest reporting numbers can easily be fake. The process needs help for sure. Thoughts?
  7. andrewmilich

    Prime Inline 5 $550

  8. andrewmilich

    Prime Inline 5 $550

    price drop 500
  9. andrewmilich

    Prime Inline 5 $550

    still available bump
  10. andrewmilich

    Prime Inline 5 $550

    I have a prime inline 5 light gray. Has new strings. Comes with a tight spot five arrow quiver, whisker biscuit, and AAE mountain 10inch stabilizer. 70pd limbs The only thing that it needs is a site and a peep site. Bow is in great shape couple of minor scratches on limbs very minor. Comes with certified kills:) bow is registered. I’m selling because I bought a RVX $550 firm. Great deal for all that’s included.
  11. Thanks everyone Dog has been rehomed. God is good.
  12. sorry messages is clean so I dont understand why you couldnt please try again
  13. weird messages is clean
  14. would be a great dog for that still young