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Everything posted by G-LAS11

  1. G-LAS11

    anyone know the storyon this brute?

    Thats one heck of a buck........but it didnt look that big on the hoof........
  2. G-LAS11


    Are AED's approved under pope and young fair chase guidelines? I heard Becker is really a ninja and he sneaks up on deer and ties them to a tree so his wife can shoot them....
  3. G-LAS11

    Garmin 24K map software

    you can actually put topo maps in your GPS for anywhere in north america with the garmin mapsource topo program. it runs about $100 and its maps are 1:100000 which is close to what the usgs maps are. with this prorgam you can have your topo map of your chosen area in your gps. the only limit is the amount of memory your gps has in it for storing maps. it takes 32 megabytes to store all of arizona in the gps to give you a sense of scale. hope that helps.
  4. G-LAS11

    Swaro 10x42 slc or el

    I work over at the Sportsmans Warehouse in the optics dept. and have played with both the EL's and the SLC's quite a bit. I get asked this question quite a bit as far as wich one to go with. I look at it this way, you already have the 15's and weight is a factor, and you have the money, go with the EL's. If you dont mind the weight then there really isnt a huge optical difference between the two however the EL is far more erognomical than the slc, yet the tripod adapter is a joke for the EL's. If you dont have the 15's or something comporable you can get the 10x42 slc's and the doubler for less then the price of the EL's. So it really all depends on what you want to spend and what you already have. And there is a lot to be said about the 10x32 EL's as well as the 8x30 SLC's. But again, it all depends and what you want to spend and what is most practical.