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About Azooutdoors

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  1. If azhuntnut doesn't need it and changes his mind, I'll take it.
  2. Azooutdoors

    Misc Outdoorsman’s stuff -SOLD

    Me too. I just PMd you
  3. If azhuntnut doesn't need it and changes his mind, I'll take it.
  4. Azooutdoors

    Swaro NL Pures?

    Thanks everyone for the information and insight into the ever changing "Mortgage your House" optic's market. Sounds like it's nothing unusual. I was a bit concerned with the NL's due to the recent uptick in pre owned sales. For now I'm going to stick with my 12EL's at least until I can pull a tag that warrants not only new glass but a new truck and a faster horse.
  5. Azooutdoors

    Swaro NL Pures?

    Just to be clear I have a pair of EL's I love so I would only see selling them if the Pure's were better.
  6. Azooutdoors

    Swaro NL Pures?

    Why is everyone selling their brand new Pure's? I can understand selling a pair of EL's but what's going on with all the Pure's being sold that are almost brand new? I was thinking about buying a pair, but I'm getting worried. If you respond to this, please try to make it informative and positive.
  7. Azooutdoors

    Misc Outdoorsman’s stuff -SOLD

    Location? I'm interested in the V
  8. Azooutdoors

    Horse Carriage Harness

    Thanks. They're quality and I wouldn't use anything but top equipment when you depend on it for you and your horses well being.
  9. Azooutdoors

    GMC Topkick 4500 Flatbed SOLD

    If this is still available I'm interested.
  10. Azooutdoors

    Left Hand Browning X-Bolt 7MM Mag

    Nice rifle, wood stock minor handling marks. Rail is included. $900 This is LEFT HANDED.
  11. Azooutdoors

    S&W M&P Sporter II ------SOLD

    Message sent
  12. Azooutdoors

    ISO 28ga O/U

    I've got a Rizzini I might let go of. I prefer my 28 Parker SXS so I never use it.
  13. Azooutdoors

    For sale Winchester model 23 12 gauge

    12,20 or 28 gauge? If this had an English stock instead of a pistol grip I'd be all over it. If it's a 20 I might still be interested. Thanks
  14. Azooutdoors

    Colt delta elite 10mm

    I'll take it if everyone else falls through.