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About bobdds

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  1. bobdds

    223 ammo 1300rnds SOLD

    yes 55 g full metal jackets. Steel cases on the Wolf.. have not opened the battle pack to see its cases.
  2. bobdds

    223 ammo 1300rnds SOLD

    Selling as a lot of 1500 rnds at 600$. This can be shipped and that expense added to price or picked up for no other fees. Located in Queen Creek Az Pleae send PM to purchase AEC7B887-A0F1-4506-826C-16DE6708C6E0.heic514B0BC0-01D7-4DDB-A846-DDAB11F614E5.heicAEC7B887-A0F1-4506-826C-16DE6708C6E0.heic514B0BC0-01D7-4DDB-A846-DDAB11F614E5.heic
  3. Sold Sold. thank you for interest. refresh


  4. bobdds

    WTS Glock 43X 9mmSOLD SOLD.

    Queen Creek.
  5. It is as the title said asking 425.00 , and of course can not be shipped to anywhere. Has to be a pick up in AZ Please send PM with questions or to buy
  6. bobdds

    12LBs H4831SC. SOLD

    Refresh Listing. the 8lb and 3 of the 1lb are still sealed, one 1Lb has been opened and an oz or so used.
  7. bobdds

    12LBs H4831SC. SOLD

    one 8 lb jug and 4 1 lb bottles. sells for 400$ well below current prices. located in Queen Creek send PM to purchase
  8. bobdds


    Its in Queen Creek Have you sent PM?
  9. Any or all for 15$/Lb contact via PM and say what you want to purchase. The individual powders are sold as a lot, will not split lots. I will not sell other than all of one powder. These are available for pickup in Queen Creek RL 19- 8 lbs x 15 = 120$ MIxed Lot. Sold RL 22-5lbs x 15 = 75$ mixed lot Sold Precision Rifle 4lbs x 15 = 60$unopened Sold N 560- 3lbs x 15 =45 $Unopened Sold Hunter 2lbs x 15 =30$ one sealed one opened one oz used Available
  10. bobdds

    Varget 8lb 300$

    Varget is sold.
  11. bobdds

    RL 17 1LB x 4 sell for 25$ per pound

    I have three lbs in a partial jug if that would be of any use to you? thats 3 lbs, a little more as partial to a jug
  12. bobdds

    RL 17 1LB x 4 sell for 25$ per pound

    I do have a partial 8 lb jug that still has 3 lbs, if that would help? Bob. 602 228 6120
  13. bobdds

    RL 17 1LB x 4 sell for 25$ per pound

    sorry its marked sold.. thanks for looking